Official Air Jordan 3 "White Cement" '88 Retro - Retail $200

Here is the first video comparison/review that I have seen with the 2013 WC3's with the Nike Air Logo!
For those of you who want these, I recommend listing your DS 2011 pairs of WC3's from now! 
Sell them for next to nothing, because once these new ones drop yours will be worthless! ( obviously sarcasm ) lol 

Anyways, here you go! Enjoy!

ayo somebody need to tell homeboy its either the fruity *** music or you talk in the video.. you cant have both or atleast lower that song down. what the earth was this dude thinking???

cant even hear what the hell hes saying. he really think he on the runway or somethin
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So are these hitting retails par usual or what? Thats all I need to know. You dudes ranting about this, that, and the third are just wasting your time.
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I've been seeing all the recent relesed white cements go on sale every where, trying to get of this and make room for these Retro OG :tongue:
Yep, Nike could care less about resellers.  If they did, they would increase production numbers of every retro they released.  Why risk having shoes sit though when you don't have to?  Especially when you can use it as an opportunity to push out a different shoe and have that one sell out as well.

If anything, they probably relish the fact that people are willing to pay so much for products that cost them pennies to make.  Why else would they be pumping out 3+ retros a month?  There has never been a time where they've released this much.  The people to "blame" for the aftermarket prices are those who willingly pay those prices.  It takes two to tango.  You can't sell products at a markup to imaginary buyers.  People love to blame resellers for everything.  How about saying no and living without a shoe you miss out on?
I've been saying the same thing for the longest time. Resellers aren't effecting JB's bottom line one bit so why would they care? The real culprits are the pseudo sneakerheads themselves. They are their own worst enemy and they're to stupid to see it. The Pokemon mentality is at the root of the problem. People just have to have EVERY release. Sometimes even 2 or more pairs of the same damn shoe LOL. They're so delusional that they don't even deem said behavior as a problem. It's always easier to just point the finger at someone else though.

We have a bunch of people who think they're entitled these days.  As if reselling only occurs with footwear.

Wishing death on resellers and other ridiculous stuff just because they can't obtain material ish.  What kinda stuff is that?

Resellers exist because people are willing to pay more.  Point, blank, period.  Not going to tell the next man to do with his bread, but at the same time, people seem to have zero perspective and realization that they're the biggest part of the problem.  Either pay the bread or pass if you miss out.  Just stop *****ing about it like you're entitled to something over the next man.
Bet the peeps on here that are for the price hikes weren't one of the kids back in the day that mom and pops weren't paying $100+ on a pair of kicks...

I always got the clearance big5 kicks. First and only pair of Js my mom bought me was only because they were on clearance.
Don't you know?  NT is filled with a bunch of ballers.  JB will continue to laugh to the bank.  Who can blame them?  If I could get away with charging more for less, I'd do it too.
Bet the peeps on here that are for the price hikes weren't one of the kids back in the day that mom and pops weren't paying $100+ on a pair of kicks...

I always got the clearance big5 kicks. First and only pair of Js my mom bought me was only because they were on clearance.
I definitely get your point but I don't think there's too many pro-price hike people, it's just being realistic. I haven't considered buying 3s since the logo/quality shift back in the early 2000s (and they're in my top 3 favorite kicks). If the quality is even marginally better on this upcoming release then at least we're headed in the right direction as far as quality and design. Prices have been going up sharply for a while and they would have hit $200 sooner rather than later, even without the logo change. So yes, give me a decent product at $200 over crap at $160 any day of the week.
I definitely get your point but I don't think there's too many pro-price hike people, it's just being realistic. I haven't considered buying 3s since the logo/quality shift back in the early 2000s (and they're in my top 3 favorite kicks). If the quality is even marginally better on this upcoming release then at least we're headed in the right direction as far as quality and design. Prices have been going up sharply for a while and they would have hit $200 sooner rather than later, even without the logo change. So yes, give me a decent product at $200 over crap at $160 any day of the week.
Exactly! Hated to see the paint on my Fire Red 3s start chipping after a few wears..SMH.
This is dope. But I don't see why the has to go up. Is it going to be better quality? Probably not. But we'll see.
Sony was def one of the companies I was thinking of. The lower quality in Js has turned a lot of my friends off already. Combine higher prices lower quality and flooding the market with retros every week will not help brand in long run and market will correct itself. It's like the housing bubble that burst just with shoes as crazy as it sounds but true

This doesn't sound crazy at all. It reminds me a lot of the dotcom bubble in the late 90's also. I was disgusted by the excess of releases that JB had last year. If these abhorrent iterations continue throughout this year, I see this bubble bursting somewhere in the 2 quarter of 2014.
Wow, I caught up on the last couple days of posts and can't believe that there are so many people ignorantly (and incorrectly) arguing what amounts to simple economic theories that some stupid sneakers don't trump. People saying if retail was $300 that the demand would still be as high for this shoe? Really? Demand from resellers maybe, thinking they will eventually find someone who will pay $400 or $500. And maybe somewhere at some point in time they can. Realistically though, a higher price should slide the demand curve down, or it shows that market price is actually much higher because the supply isn't meeting demand.

The same argument can be made about ticket prices for sporting and music events. Most live music tickets cost a LOT more today than they did 5 years ago, and it has nothing to do with inflation, it has to do with rising costs to produce events, and increased demand (also due to the Internet much like Jordans). If you sell a ticket for $75 face, and then bump the price up to $125 face, you're either going to see demand go down or you're dealing with an artist whose market value is probably worth way more than the $75 they were originally charging.

There's this argument floating around that Nike can produce as many pairs of Jordans as they want, and that they should. When is enough enough though? If you're Nike, you certainly want to meet demand, but at the same time you don't want to dilute your product's brand value by making it into a commodity. $200 for this shoe may not be worth it to you individually, but ANY pair of shoes Nike makes costs only a few bucks to make. Lebron's $315 shoe might cost $10 to make. Is there a good argument for why those are acceptable to buy but these aren't? Or why Nike is worse off here than with Lebron's? Are we going to give that insane price a break because of "materials"? Give me a break.

There has never been a more popular line of sneakers ever than Jordans are right now. Demand is through the roof from kids in their early teens through grown men (I use that lightly around here) in their 30's and 40's. You don't have to like that prices have risen much faster than inflation, but you all contributed to this by buying into the hype and helping all of these past reto releases, good and bad, sell out. Nike is just acting in response to their own financial best interests and what the market has deemed acceptable to pay for their products. This isn't a "family" here, it's a shoe company interested in cashing out all of your pockets. See it for what it has been and always will be. We're all just numbers.
Again why don't you just INVEST all of your "easy pass" money in Nike instead of complaining about just giving them your money for a product that you personally don't feel is worth it, when we all know there are plenty of other people who will buy the shoes and keep Nike a profitable company which in turn will get you a return on your investment?
Why complain? Its how marketing works. The oldheads only wear it cuz jordan wore it. It's truly the same concept.
kids wear it for a different celebrity.
Yah but only for your favorite colorways. Do you really want two of every pair? Makes no sense
This ^^^^  repped
What am I talking about?! In 2001 you could find Columbias on the shelves months after they released. Some of you guys are such n00bs or have such bad memory that you have no idea what it was like a decade ago. Jordan Brand couldn't sell retros well at all a decade ago. And you know nothing about business if you think increased demand doesn't influence price. Take some basic econ classes genius. I'm so tired of explaining how a business works to a bunch of grown men who want to circle jerk over the NA logo and feel like they're part of some special club. It's a business. It's always been a business. Do you think MJ, Nike or anyone else cares about you or how much money you throw out to have a new pair of shoes every week? Get real! You're consumers and your purchases cost more money cause there's a HUGE demand for them. If no one wanted to buy the shoes, they'd stop making them or sell them for a lot less money to increase demand.
Wrong.....I highly doubt you own a pair of 01's let alone were even wearing jordan's back then. You're just repeating something you read on message board. Columbias didn't sit in 96 and they sure as heck didn't sit in 01. In the late 90's early 00's I used to purchase full size run's of all the major releases from silverstar SF and I can guarantee you every single 11 release (lows included) sold out day 1.
Now you QUESTIONED and DEBATED everyone who has said ANYTHING  opposite you in this thread but when this man speaks there is nothing but crickets!!!!! AN WE SUPPOSE TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY!!!! FSR of Colombia's......SITTING ON SHELVES.......
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