Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013

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OMG I'm on my iPhone trying to translate using the Google Translate App but after creating account I think they sold out smh :smh:
I don't, unfortunately. Since they use UPS, do a quick quote from them. I just sent them an extra 50 via ING-- they'll refund if it's not available or if it's not enough-- so i'm not worried.

Alright fam, good looks.

What payment method the rest of you guys used?
I'm not sure yet, I didn't use any of the banks they had listed so I continued on and the last page said they will contact me for payment options so I am hoping they take paypal. If not I will use whatever form of payment they want (I would send them my cc info)
man I have no idea if I got them or not, there was cash on deliver options, I received an order confirmation number but have no idea how things went through trying to contact them now.

I used a different method also but it just didn't understand it I received an email from them with a payment transfer form that I have to print and cut out.... I know I did something wrong.
I didn't even get an e-mail... don't know what the f happened.... :rofl:

At least I gave it the ol college try.... |I

Edit- Check your spam my email from them was in there....
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Guess they were sold out of my size... When I clicked the link it sent me to a page that said this after translation:

lack of orders or order previously approved

I guess the hunt continues... :smh:

I used a different method also but it just didn't understand it I received an email from them with a payment transfer form that I have to print and cut out.... I know I did something wrong.

You probably clicked wire transfer fam.

I used UPS cod for payment.

Anybody have prior experience with this site?
yo guys... my sister is going on vacation this friday and will be stopping over at dubai for 2 days...
I always hear about how shoes just sit in foreign markets... you think they will have any royals?
also, if i ask her to ship them to me, will there be a customs charge? what if i ask for 2 pairs? charge then?
idk if anyone might have any answers but i didn't know who else I would even ask this kind of question to...

She's not likely to have any luck. The only place that MIGHT get them is the Foot Locker at Dubai Mall, shoe game in Dubai is horrible. Has been a bit better since the FTL opened last fall.
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