Official Air Jordan III/XX CDP Release Post! NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

Originally Posted by Mikkol109

Norcal sold pretty good. There is still a line outside NTSF everyone who missed the pack, slept!

actually that line was for the marathon not the CDP pack..ntsf did not get thier shipment....u can basically walk in @ champs & FL downtown and they stillhave FSR
Originally Posted by karxken

Originally Posted by Mikkol109

Norcal sold pretty good. There is still a line outside NTSF everyone who missed the pack, slept!

actually that line was for the marathon not the CDP pack..ntsf did not get thier shipment....u can basically walk in @ champs & FL downtown and they still have FSR
Oh.. lol nice i was like damn this pack sold out that well!?
ordered mine last night off eastbay, still haven't received a confirmation. is this the case with anyone else?
Got mine this morning at the usual spot. Easy cop. But i had another pick up in the process i got the 1/22 pack for 166. That was a pleasant surprise
copped two packs in the morning.

III's are
Originally Posted by Tostada

ordered mine last night off eastbay, still haven't received a confirmation. is this the case with anyone else?
Usually the case since the orders are really a weekend order. You'll probably hear from them on Monday.
at my store in the middle of downtown we did not sell one package.. smh i want em so bad but im broke as a joke lol
Drove to Arden in Sac at like 6:45.

Backdoors were open, but footaction wasnt.

Drove to Mcdonalds and enjoyed my Sausage Mcmuffin w/egg and 3 hash browns.

Went back to Arden and waited outside.

Everybody walked in.


Back to the car.

The end.

Its not the same anymore. Call me crazy but I miss having to camp out for Jordans, especially for limited ones.

This is the first pack I copped and probably the last.

The 3s are

Cant say the same about the 20s. I feel like I bought some $160 dollar gym shoes.
Saw them in person @ KoP today. Quality looked awful on the 3's compared to the 2003 Cement 3's. I'll still probably pick them up down the line,but not right now.
Copped my pack at 2 in the afternoon out here in jerz and they had my size 10, the 3's are nice, quality is the same as any other jordans. The 20's area bit ashy but they look nice with jeans the way I rock them. I can't see myself selling them for $100 like every other shoe I didn't want from eachpack. Money is tight. I rather keep them. I hear some people complaining that the 3's came creased up but mines was good, I checked before I copped,checked 1 shoe from the 20's, find out that the other foot has some of the suede rubbed off a lil on the suede toe. due to the fact that the 20'sdon't really fit in their box that good, they pressed up against each other. Anyone get this with they 20's??...11/12 pack might be the last jordans Ibuy. JB luster is going down, they need to wise up and give what they loyal customers want.
Originally Posted by Kaimel Rule

Drove to Arden in Sac at like 6:45.

Backdoors were open, but footaction wasnt.

Drove to Mcdonalds and enjoyed my Sausage Mcmuffin w/egg and 3 hash browns.

Went back to Arden and waited outside.

Everybody walked in.


Back to the car.

The end.

Its not the same anymore. Call me crazy but I miss having to camp out for Jordans, especially for limited ones.

This is the first pack I copped and probably the last.

The 3s are

Cant say the same about the 20s. I feel like I bought some $160 dollar gym shoes.
About how many people were there? Haven't been there for a while now.
i dont complain much about quality but the 20's that i got was sooooo bad..i can even tell what the laser is, the suede is so messed up
Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

These sold out in most spots here in Louisville. The XX's are horrible in person. Quality on my pair of III"S is pretty nice.

yeah thats true, where did you cop from?
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