Official Air Max 97 Thread


So... I finally got through.

ADDRESS (county municipality): YOUR CITY

I was putting my actual street address in the ADDRESS (county municipality) and my city in the ADDRESS 2 (after that). Hopefully this helps someone else.

Does Atmos ship to the US? Or did you use a proxy/Tenso?
My 97s are killing my feet. Even half size up. :smh:
How? Too narrow?

My Atlantic Blues killed my feet the first day or 2 then after that they felt fine. It was more so of the shoe rubbing up against my pinky toe.
Ah you’re doomed.

First time I called Nike store about my TTS Air Max killing my pinky toe, Nike employees said Air Max is just not for me.
Then I figured out 1/2 up Air Max solves the problem and never had problems again.

If 1/2 up and you still have problems, then you have extra wide feet.
Glad you came through and be able to wear AB97s!
You ain’t ever lied
Per your logo, I need these 2 shoes!
My ofc is the same. I basically wear Air Maxes, and Jordan 3, 4, 5, 6, 11s everyday; love it! I even wear them to customer mtgs, and these are customers who spend tens of millions of dollars with us. I've never once received any negative comments. They either don't notice b/c we're sitting at a boardroom table, or it's a positive conversation starter when they comment on how awesome the shoes are. I have no beaters; they're all pristine and add a little style to otherwise boring office attire. Love it!
nice office job you have, most office jobs wont allow you to wear AMs :smh:
and you are forced to rock some uncomfortable and ugly looking fancy pants dress shoes

Yes I am grateful. My current supervisor is 63 years old..... old liberal but strict in Engineering.

In 5 years I’ll remove most of my collection (AM, AJ, Boost) and keep only 5 pairs, because my field job might be safety boots all day.

I am sure my future supervisor (no more than 45 years old)will allow me to wear sneakers but 60% time I will be in field.

Well then rocking Timberland it is
I like Timberlands...... I’m grateful that Timberlands are removed from early 2000s gangsta-ish stereotype.

My ofc is the same. I basically wear Air Maxes, and Jordan 3, 4, 5, 6, 11s everyday; love it! I even wear them to customer mtgs, and these are customers who spend tens of millions of dollars with us. I've never once received any negative comments. They either don't notice b/c we're sitting at a boardroom table, or it's a positive conversation starter when they comment on how awesome the shoes are. I have no beaters; they're all pristine and add a little style to otherwise boring office attire. Love it!

You good. Better job.

I try to go to consultant meetings with AM1 Pinnacle/Cyber Monday AJ3 still can’t hide I’m wearing sneakers

Bigger meetings my supervisor require me to at least wear slightly formal sperry boat shoes.
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