OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

Totally sucks! Spend a good 20 minutes trying to get my account verified (couldn't get the text message sent). Finally got it, got everything filled out, and come to find out they don't take freaking PayPal!! DAMN IT!!! And I even opened another window, and went into the store, and clicked their info. They say PayPal accepted, but nowhere to click it. Only credit cards. Sucks!!!
Its not letting me pick USA as a country for the account set up

Hey buddy, try holding the phone in landscape. I had to do that to get the phone number verification window to show. But be aware, if you are using PayPal, it isn't showing up as a choice, even though their site says they accept it. This blows!!
Hey buddy, try holding the phone in landscape. I had to do that to get the phone number verification window to show. But be aware, if you are using PayPal, it isn't showing up as a choice, even though their site says they accept it. This blows!!
I got it had to choose États Unis. But then I got to the no PayPal option and said f that
Caught onto this too late and, regardless, didn’t have time to chase it, anyway. This **** is back to being enraging. On top of how hard these were to get ... how about an actual retro of them done faithfully to the OG. Not looking for different suede panels. It’s been way too long. Stupid as ****.
Strongly Suggest Being At Or Near Your Local Orange Label Shop At Open In The Morn If You’re After These.

Seems Like Stock Is Pretty Low On These :nerd:
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