Official ALCS thread New York Yankees VS Detroit Tigers (NYY:0 DET:4) Yankees got swept :(

I don't know why Girardi is always switching pitchers
.  Should've let Robertson pitch another inning instead of bringing in Phelps.  Even if Phelps got out of the inning, he wouldn't have any other relievers to go to.

I was hoping for a Giants Vs. Yankees WS, but it won't be the same without Jeter...
After an epic 9th... We had our chances to get the win. SMH. Gonna need a bounce back win.. Batters should really feel the pressure to hit today cause I don't think Kuroda will be pitching a perfect game today.. Hopefully Jeter comes back next year and can have another great year. rest of the playoffs wont be the same without him.
Swisher better not even touch the ******g field tomorrow. I hate Gardner but he can put up the numbers Swisher is putting up so put him out there.
I wanted to bench Cano and put Nix in but I guess we can't do that. Nunez glove is weak but he's gotta good bat. Cano....2-28 in the post season :x
Girardi has embarrassed Alex, I don't think he'll be a Yankee next year. I know he's been cold but the way that Girardi has been handling him is embarrassing.
Ibanez has to stay at DH, he's a terrible outfielder but should be in the lineup every game.
Granderson can stay because we don't have anyone to replace him with

Tex, Jeter and Ichiro are the only players on our team putting up respectable numbers.
Sorry to hear that Jeter is done for the playoffs.

Looking ahead, what happens to A-Rod this offseason? I'd have to imagine that the Yanks are going to be looking to move him, right?
if i was in charge he wouldnt have even been on the roster this season. me and my dad both hated the dude since last season. He is TRASH! now people are starting to notice, i dont care how many saves he has had, he has done more bad than good.

Valverde is toast after that one. I don't see how you could think he was bad last year though. He was perfect and despite losing a couple non-save situations, was completely on top of everything. I do understand you and your pops hating him for other reasons, his celebrations are flat out ridiculous and definitely don't sit well with me either.

Thats the thing about closers, they're different than your starting rotation guys and the mistakes are greatly magnified and more likely to implode from one season to the next. If there is one role that absolutely requires mojo on the field its closer. Valverde flat doesn't have it this year and it started when he blew JV's opening day gem. :x

Sad to see Jeter go down. Always been a Jeter fan, never a Yankee's.

You would think this gives the immediate advantage to the Tigers, but baseball is a weird sport. We'll see how the teams play this afternoon and if the Yanks just look flat (thats not going to be good going against Scherzer *edit - it's Annibal Sanchez throwing today*), the series might be over. The Tigers ability to bounce back and win the game is HUGE from a mental stand point. BTW we got hit by a wicked storm front yesterday and its definitely on its way into NY, if the powers that be were smart, they would move the start time up a couple hours.
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After an epic 9th... We had our chances to get the win. SMH. Gonna need a bounce back win.. Batters should really feel the pressure to hit today cause I don't think Kuroda will be pitching a perfect game today.. Hopefully Jeter comes back next year and can have another great year. rest of the playoffs wont be the same without him.
It's only 6 more games max for you guys though so don't worry.
I swear if this team does not play with some heart and play better after the loss of their captain... :smh:
What in the hell was Delmon Young talking about during the post game conference? This ************ sounds like a complete imbecile
Doug Fister :pimp:. Won't front, Yanks can definitely touch Sanchez up, today. Hopefully he delivers, though.
:x :smh: :\ |I .

My feelings waking up this morning.

At about the the top of the 8th, I shot over to a friends house to watch the rest to start to pregame for the night. I forced him to put the game, so of course my insanity ensued in the 9th inning rally. Ibanez man, it's actually surreal at this point what he has done this past month and a half.

Those emoticons I posted ^ are more so for Jeter than the loss. We cannot catch a break (no pun intended). Jeter of all people doesn't deserve to go down like that; not after the remarkable season he had, and the fact that he is Derek ******g Jeter. I was hoping it wasn't a fracture, and he would be back for the WS, should we make it. The loss of his bat really hurts an already struggling lineup.

It's already at the point where tonight is a must win with this team. Late-inning heroics are fun to see, but we shouldn't have had to have done that in order to stay alive. Leaving the bases loaded three times (a postseason first for us as of last night), is inexcusable. Runs need to be scored early against this Tigers team, because their pen isn't all that (especially Valverde).

Sunday Funday not so much Funday so far....
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Having A-Rod, Granderson, Swisher bat back to back to back should be illegal
Craig Sager two weeks early for Halloween.

5-3 Yanks behind six strong from Kuroda.

Miggy, Dirks, Infante.

Tex, Nix, Ibanez (2), Grandy.
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