Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

Okay, I've sat here and digested what I know about the iPad and... you know what? It's not that bad.

Actually, it's really good.

Strip away your lofty expectations of what the iPad should have had and look at it for what it actually does have. As an e-book reader, at $499 for the introductory model, it's comparable in price to the Kindle DX. Is it a better e-reader? I don't know. What I do know is that, aesthetically, it looks better and seems to have a lot more options. The NY Times demo looked really good too. So if there are people willing to pay almost $500 for a device that basically only reads books, newspapers, and PDF's, why wouldn't they buy the iPad instead?

This is basically a giant iTouch. Some may be underwhelmed, like I was when I first saw the news rolling in about the iPad, but really, you don't fix what's not broken. This isn't a laptop replacement. It's not a smartphone either. They took the iTouch and improved almost every core aspect, such as emails, movies, itunes, iphoto, etc. It's only underwhelming because it's so familiar to us.

The iPad isn't something revolutionary like the iPhone. It is however a device that I can see dominating the e-reader market and for those that want a nice portable multimedia device but don't want a laptop. I'd take the iPad over a damn netbook
Originally Posted by eddie

how does this replace a macbook air? it doesnt multitask or have flash.
Same goes for a business user, and typing on a touch screen keyboard

now for an e-book, u realize that ebooks have a special screen that is suppose to resemble paper right? cause ppl dont like reading off something with backlight and straining their eyes
so what is this for again?
It's not suppose to replace an air. Especially since they still sell the Air at $1499 and this starts at $499.
$499? I'm sold. Totally and completely unnecessary for me. But I do love me some toys.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Okay, I've sat here and digested what I know about the iPad and... you know what? It's not that bad.

Actually, it's really good.

Strip away your lofty expectations of what the iPad should have had and look at it for what it actually does have. As an e-book reader, at $499 for the introductory model, it's comparable in price to the Kindle DX. Is it a better e-reader? I don't know. What I do know is that, aesthetically, it looks better and seems to have a lot more options. The NY Times demo looked really good too. So if there are people willing to pay almost $500 for a device that basically only reads books, newspapers, and PDF's, why wouldn't they buy the iPad instead?

This is basically a giant iTouch. Some may be underwhelmed, like I was when I first saw the news rolling in about the iPad, but really, you don't fix what's not broken. This isn't a laptop replacement. It's not a smartphone either. They took the iTouch and improved almost every core aspect, such as emails, movies, itunes, iphoto, etc. It's only underwhelming because it's so familiar to us.

The iPad isn't something revolutionary like the iPhone. It is however a device that I can see dominating the e-reader market and for those that want a nice portable multimedia device but don't want a laptop. I'd take the iPad over a damn netbook

Kind of agree but with that being said, I am sure netbooks and e-reader devices will all drop down in price. That is the only way they can compete with the iPad.
Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
i think this product is aimed for people over 35
ipods r kinda too immature for people in that age range
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Okay, I've sat here and digested what I know about the iPad and... you know what? It's not that bad.

Actually, it's really good.

Strip away your lofty expectations of what the iPad should have had and look at it for what it actually does have. As an e-book reader, at $499 for the introductory model, it's comparable in price to the Kindle DX. Is it a better e-reader? I don't know. What I do know is that, aesthetically, it looks better and seems to have a lot more options. The NY Times demo looked really good too. So if there are people willing to pay almost $500 for a device that basically only reads books, newspapers, and PDF's, why wouldn't they buy the iPad instead?

This is basically a giant iTouch. Some may be underwhelmed, like I was when I first saw the news rolling in about the iPad, but really, you don't fix what's not broken. This isn't a laptop replacement. It's not a smartphone either. They took the iTouch and improved almost every core aspect, such as emails, movies, itunes, iphoto, etc. It's only underwhelming because it's so familiar to us.

The iPad isn't something revolutionary like the iPhone. It is however a device that I can see dominating the e-reader market and for those that want a nice portable multimedia device but don't want a laptop. I'd take the iPad over a damn netbook

Kind of agree but with that being said, I am sure netbooks and e-reader devices will all drop down in price. That is the only way they can compete with the iPad.
I can't agree with this. Apple's suppose to exceed the hype, exceed my dreams. Yea I'm a mac but won't get an Ipad or Iphone till I can run pandora AND browse the web at the same time! Apple - I expect better....
on the fence with the iPad, since I was int he market for an e-reader thought i'd hold of till we saw what apple was bringing, though it seems like a superb way of reading my ebooks the computing side is something left desired.

1. the design is lacking there of, looks like giant iphone and im not feeling that 1" border all around
2. the os is just a revamped os of the iphone, i was hoping for a tablet version of os x
3. the fact that there is still no flash support (again coincides with reason 2)
4. lack of a front facing camera, but i can see this possibly being an attachment
5. no running of multiple applications, c'mon now really?

but again for the pricing point i think apple did a good job (considering how everyone was thinking much higher) but i'll wait to buy one..
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
It does replace things though. For those that read a lot, this may become a physical book replacement. This may become a portable dvd player replacement. It could definitely replace those damn netbooks (which do NOTHING well. Don't give me that bull about it being able to run whatever PC's run. These are total trash.) I hope you didn't think this would be a laptop replacement.
In 25 years I can see this product being on a list of biggest technology failures. Apple could have done better.
I don't get it. If you want an e-reader then buy it. But i am buying a net book so i can surf the web type some papers and update resumes and do some excel work for my personal budget and cash flow statements.

This thing is no where near as functional as a netbook. It is good to read books and surf the web i if you need that then get it. If you are looking for actual labtop like capabilities then get a netbook. Im sorry i need a key board to do anything efficiently. I wont be able to type anything on a touch screen as fast as i could on a real keyboard.
Originally Posted by SoleSellerDotCom

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Okay, I've sat here and digested what I know about the iPad and... you know what? It's not that bad.

Actually, it's really good.

Strip away your lofty expectations of what the iPad should have had and look at it for what it actually does have. As an e-book reader, at $499 for the introductory model, it's comparable in price to the Kindle DX. Is it a better e-reader? I don't know. What I do know is that, aesthetically, it looks better and seems to have a lot more options. The NY Times demo looked really good too. So if there are people willing to pay almost $500 for a device that basically only reads books, newspapers, and PDF's, why wouldn't they buy the iPad instead?

This is basically a giant iTouch. Some may be underwhelmed, like I was when I first saw the news rolling in about the iPad, but really, you don't fix what's not broken. This isn't a laptop replacement. It's not a smartphone either. They took the iTouch and improved almost every core aspect, such as emails, movies, itunes, iphoto, etc. It's only underwhelming because it's so familiar to us.

The iPad isn't something revolutionary like the iPhone. It is however a device that I can see dominating the e-reader market and for those that want a nice portable multimedia device but don't want a laptop. I'd take the iPad over a damn netbook

Kind of agree but with that being said, I am sure netbooks and e-reader devices will all drop down in price. That is the only way they can compete with the iPad.
I can't agree with this. Apple's suppose to exceed the hype, exceed my dreams. Yea I'm a mac but won't get an Ipad or Iphone till I can run pandora AND browse the web at the same time! Apple - I expect better....
It's cool to be optimistic but you're going to just set yourself up for disappointment if that's how you really feel.

I do think Apple needs to incorporate multitasking though. That should be a priority for their next incarnation of the iPhones, iTouches, and, now, iPads.
Also...where is the update to iPhone OS?

Additionally I was hoping for something that rivaled OS X by running applications like VLC or Firefox or even damn Photoshop (a stretch)... *shrug*

This is really for the person who has EVERYTHING.
iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.
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