Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

Originally Posted by SoleSellerDotCom

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
MU Alpha is straight in my book just off that post alone 

/Thread x 2.
PM Sent...
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
MU Alpha is straight in my book just off that post alone 

/Thread x 2.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

march of 08.

Don't try me.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

True. If you think about it, almost every device is up to date. The last thing they lacked was the Mac Mouse and that came out a couple of months ago. So for the most part, Apple has all up to date products.
There were a slew of tablet devices revealed at CES that had more functionality at a lower price point. Apple definitely won't capture the tablet market with this product, like the iPod did with the mp3 market.
I'm tryna tell yall, the Joo Joo is a lot better
Only plus w/ the ipad is the larger memory and external volume buttons

Apple was bankin on ppl coppin on the name alone like ppl did w/ iphone after iphone
Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

March of 09


Don't try me.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

march of 08.

Don't try me.

And when was the actual phone released?  Yea, I thought so.  Fall back.
Originally Posted by SoleSellerDotCom

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Macbook? Great

iPhone? Great (Although I'm a hardcore blackberry user, I can appreciate the impact of the device)

iPad? What the hell?

It doesn't capitalize on ANYTHING besides possibly being available as a book reader with a fancy layout. And don't mention the lack of multitasking, UNDERPOWERED processor, lack of camera (front facing at that for communication: skype, ichat, etc), stupid form factor (at least with laptops the screen can fold to accommodate different viewing angles), OVERPRICED (you'd be lying if you said this thing was reasonably priced, and lack of flash browsing.

I know some people might appreciate this as a welcome addition to their tech family, but it serves no purpose to a lot of people (I guess thats why this will be a niche device). I can't really hate...I know some people will get a kick out of this thing...but when I think "tablet" i'm thinking something that kinda replaces something, not creates another category...Its too much of too many things and not unique enough...I guess I'm just fine with my MacBook...
MU Alpha is straight in my book just off that post alone 

/Thread x 2.
Follow up to why this fails:

Here it is folks, the Apple iPad.The screen is gorgeous, tilting is responsive, and the thing is superthin. Still, if you've used the iPhone before -- and you can see the two devices side-by-side here -- there's not a lot of surprises here so far. Here are some initial thoughts on the iPad:
  • It's not light. It feels pretty weighty in your hand.
  • The screen is stunning, and it's 1024 x 768. Feels just like a huge iPhone in your hands.
  • Thespeed of the CPU is something to be marveled at. It is blazingly fastfrom what we can tell. Webpages loaded up super fast, and scrolling waswithout a hiccup. Moving into and out of apps was a breeze. Everythingflew.
  • There's no multitasking at all. It's a realdisappointment. All this power and very little you can do with it atonce. No multitasking means no streaming Pandora when you're working inPages... you can figure it out. It's a real setback for this device.
  • Theebook implementation is about as close as you can get to readingwithout a stack of bound paper in your hand. The visual stuff reallyhelps flesh out the experience. It may be just for show, but it countshere.
  • No camera. None, nada. Zip. No video conferencing here folks. Hell, it doesn't have an SMS app!
  • It's running iPhone OS 3.2.
  • The keyboard is good, not great. Not quite as responsive as it looked in the demos.

More bad than good here folks...Apple skimped on some things and thought ya'll wouldn't notice.

Additionally, why not couple this conference with the revealing of something else...they really thought dropping this would change everything like that? Why can't they tack something else on with this conference? It wasn't ground breaking enough to really take an hour and a half like that. They're bugging if they thought this could garner the attention of an entire show...

Even industry insiders expected more:

This would be useful for airplanes and roadtrips.

I couldn't use that in class or anything.
In my dorm I use my MBP
Walking to class I have my iPod Touch that fits in my pocket.

When should I use this. I understand that it does everything my iPod does plus some.
The size of this alone doesn't allow for me to just bring it along like my iPod or phone.

Price: I think it is priced appropriately for what it does, just not priced for how it fits into my life.

How would I make this better?
If I could have boxee on it and stream movies from my server/externalDrive.
I would have liked a smaller version, E.G. 5 inch screen so I could carry it around.
13 inch touchscreen that runs full osx like my macbook or MBP I wouldn't mind paying more.

This would be nice in class if I could load up the powerpoint my professor is using, draw write on the screen and take notes. (but really I do this on my comp already)
If I could beam my docs around the room I.E. Palm (My dad's a literature teacher and all his students were issues palm pilots by the district, he never had any paper assignments, everything was beamed out to them the start of the day.)
Wireless printing (as mentioned earlier)

I can't afford any more monthly bills, nor would I be using this outside of my home or car.
If i could skype with this, maybe this is would save it.

iPad = apple tv of "notebooks" sure it's cool, but it's not really useful.

If someone was able to hack this device and make it more open... maybe then would it have a place in my life.

This would be useful for one-on-one business meetings. I've given many powerpoint presentations with only one or two people I'm presenting to. This could make the presentation pop that much more.

If is synced wirelessly I would have bought into it a little more.

Apple just made this because so many people rumored it to be created for years. The tech was available to make it, and make it function well. Unfortunately for the end user, this "functionality" has no function in the average life.

My microwave cooks things really well, it even had a popcorn button to make things easy. Just because I like my microwave, doesn't mean I need one the size of an oven... (maybe that's a bad analogy, but it gets my point across).

Apple, though you made the device work and run smoothly, you didn't convince me I needed it in my life. I want it because it's something to buy, but not because it's something I need or will make my life easier.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

Can't wait to see the newest iPhone...
I can't wait for the accessories to come out. Can you imagine a 10" Incase slider protector. Would look so funny.
i love my apple products but if microsoft drops the courier sometime this year.. undoubtly it will top the iPad
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's it, Folks. Show's over.

Apple has done it again...

"applaud 'em"
For what?
For taking two devices, tweaking them a little, and merging them.

This thing will be a hit. You or others may not think so, but just wait.

I'll wait for that refurb 3G.
like I said, Apple is cult like status

you just like to ignore the bunches of people in here who are apple users and are actually critical of this device.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Biggie62

iPhone updates and show is usually June/July. For those who thought that they would update an iPhone now have no idea how Apple's timeline works. They stick to a strict cycle with updates on their products. Such a iPods always and only update mid September. There's no reason for them changing the iPhone yet when the 3GS is less than a year old.

march of 08.

Don't try me.

And when was the actual phone released?  Yea, I thought so.  Fall back.


are you serious? son gettin up out his seat talkin about "don't try me."
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

I'm tryna tell yall, the Joo Joo is a lot better
Only plus w/ the ipad is the larger memory and external volume buttons

Apple was bankin on ppl coppin on the name alone like ppl did w/ iphone after iphone
The battery life on the iPad is better than the Joo Joo, but if it really came out for $500 with like 8GB+ it would blow the iPad out of the water. 1080p video & flash support sounds so nice
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