Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

2nd gen for me.. can't wait to see what the JB community has for this.. 
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's it, Folks. Show's over.

Apple has done it again...

"applaud 'em"
For what?
For taking two devices, tweaking them a little, and merging them.

This thing will be a hit. You or others may not think so, but just wait.

I'll wait for that refurb 3G.
like I said, Apple is cult like status
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's it, Folks. Show's over.

Apple has done it again...

"applaud 'em"
For what?
For taking two devices, tweaking them a little, and merging them.

This thing will be a hit. You or others may not think so, but just wait.

I'll wait for that refurb 3G.
Not really. MacBook Air had more hype than this when it came out, and received much better reactions, but still sort of failed. People just didn't have too much practical use for it. This thing is far more useless and "extra" than the Air. 
unless this thing can be jailbroken into something special...i am passing for know and would never cop the 3g version EVER unless it was free
This better not hold back the ipod touch as far as how they upgrade it.

i.e. no camera til the ipad gets one, etc etc
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's it, Folks. Show's over.

Apple has done it again...

"applaud 'em"
For what?
For taking two devices, tweaking them a little, and merging them.

This thing will be a hit. You or others may not think so, but just wait.

I'll wait for that refurb 3G.
I never said this thing will not be a hit, I am sure it will. But I'am sure that there are a ton of fools that will pick this up as soon as it releases. Just to throw a tantrum next year when the 2nd generation Ipad comes out and they have to drop another $500+. I will not even think about buying one of these for another 1-2 yearrs. When are capable Windows and Andriod products to compete with this thing.  

But I do give them props because ibooks will be the beginning of the end for the print industry. 
I can't wait for the first iPad vs. Netbook commercial:
"Hi, I'm a Mac"

"And I'm a PC"

"PC, what are you doing?"

That thing looks sweet. It'll probably be MUCH better in a couple generations. Don't sleep on this thing.... it's going to revolutionize the book industry.
Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

I can't wait for the first iPad vs. Netbook commercial:
"Hi, I'm a Mac"

"And I'm a PC"

"PC, what are you doing?"

Chester the Cheetah wrote:
I can't wait for the first iPad vs. Netbook commercial:
"Hi, I'm a Mac"

"And I'm a PC"

"PC, what are you doing?"


You should copywrite this idea,
It's cool and what not, but the jailbroken version will be

With that said, no flash and no camera = passs.

I refuse to buy the 1gen when the future ones will be so much better.

Man, I still need a laptop.  I guess I'll wait until the next Macworld.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's it, Folks. Show's over.

Apple has done it again...

"applaud 'em"
For what?
For taking two devices, tweaking them a little, and merging them.

This thing will be a hit. You or others may not think so, but just wait.

I'll wait for that refurb 3G.

of course it will be a hit..because everyone will get sucked into buying this thing

but why would you buy this thing if you have a MBP and iPhone?? like someone said..can it print directly over bluetooth? flash? how about a camera for marketing strategies to ichat/skype for the traveler..

this thing will sell obviously but you've got to be kidding me if your about to add this to your collection of apple products....and i love MBPs and iPhones.
This is kinda what I wanted from the beginning. An iPhone with a Data only plan. I don't know why they couldn't do this earlier. Not sure if ill buy it though at $630
how does this replace a macbook air? it doesnt multitask or have flash.
Same goes for a business user, and typing on a touch screen keyboard

now for an e-book, u realize that ebooks have a special screen that is suppose to resemble paper right? cause ppl dont like reading off something with backlight and straining their eyes
so what is this for again?
really though how do you print? do you have to sync or email or does it wirelessly print? I plan to cop one but not anytime soon unless the jailbreakers can get something really good.
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