Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

The iPad still has a lot of potential, but I doesn't seem worth getting unless you're a big time e-book reader or so. The potential apps that could be made for this should be pretty big time, especially that turntable image a couple pages back. My guess is that they add a camera on there on the next models, and up the processor and hard drive space. I think they should have fused a couple more OSX(SLeopard) aspects like multitasking via finder windows and flash or so, but its something that they can add. Its a good start, but I wouldnt say it'll grab a hold of the world like the iphone did. It's definitely up there though as an all-around e-book reader
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Worst Apple media even...ipad is *%#$*+#+ and If you try and convince yourself otherwise..your part of this Apple cult following that thinks Apple can do no wrong. I would honestly take a netbook> this ipad *%#$*+#+

Well, all of Apples other devices make up for this whack product. But I agree with you on the netbook thing. The most expensive Dell Netbook is $400 and it is about the same size with a keyboard, larger hardrive and so much more. You can even get Netbooks for like $300.
at me for actually thinking about buying this now
The apps coming to this damn thing are going to be even more pointless.

How do we know? Well if you have an iphone or ipod you already can attest to the "caliber" of programs that will be available.

The more I think about this, the more I really dislike this thing.
i would love this for movies on the go, gaming, and showing off pics

camera wouldve been nice touch, also usb

i just wanna play with one!!! but rather have a airbook tho
I dont get everyones reaction. For what the iPad is (a kindle competitor) I see nothing wrong with it. Other than not having flash, which is the only thing people should be upset about. This is NOT a laptop,netbook anything of that nature and it was never intended to be. This is a kindle on steroids, an ebook reader. I think everyone got caught up in rumors and forgot when dealing with Apple rumors are just that, rumors.
watched the gizmodo & engadget live blog update...when gizmodo update "no flash?".. its starts to fail from there and thats very early part of the whole apple event.

I was expecting more... but its all fun waiting for this to come out... try again apple.
i willl pass on this

just looks like a big itouch to me, unless Apple can show me something different

Im not interested
After thinking about this all day...

It has potential. Obviously the hype outweighed the delivery. I expected this to be the future, and while it's not, its at least a step in the right direction for Apple. It was VERY bad on their part to build any hype for this product at all though. Give it flash, multitasking, a front-facing camera, & more hard drive space in the second generation. If it HAS to run on the iPhone OS rather than a version of Snow Leopard, at least make it powerful enough to handle some bigger programs (ie photoshop).

Also do away with the wi-fi only version. If people don't want to pay for the service, they don't have to, right? Just seems pointless to me to have 2 different models. What if you decide a year later that not being able to use 3G is inconvenient? You can't just buy a 3G plan, you'd have to buy the 3G iPad. Just stupid imo.

I predict that I will buy one in a few years. Right now it'd be cool to have for an e-reader as well as a portable movie viewer, but thats about it. 2nd, 3rd generations will be MUCH better because this product has potential.
Originally Posted by The Dauqs

I dont get everyones reaction. For what the iPad is (a kindle competitor) I see nothing wrong with it. Other than not having flash, which is the only thing people should be upset about. This is NOT a laptop,netbook anything of that nature and it was never intended to be. This is a kindle on steroids, an ebook reader. I think everyone got caught up in rumors and forgot when dealing with Apple rumors are just that, rumors.

Well I am sure kindle will drop their prices and even if I was a hard core e-reader, am I really buying the iPad just for that? I doubt Apple solely made this thing to get Amazon's customers and e-readers a like. This thing was geared as an all in one device, trying to grab netbook people, e-reader people, and others.
i think i'll get a kindle bc of ipad........

kindle gonna be like 100$ right?

generation of spoiled children. you really complain about a camera? U wanna make the product yourself? I don't see people appreciate what Apple has to offer. You just want more more more more. Ya'll have this high expectation when in reality your opinion matters none. lol can't believe you clowns are typing paragraphs expressing your discontent w/ ipad, get back to work. lol. consumerism @ its finest.

If youd ont like the IPAD, don't buy it!!! and SHUT UP
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

I dont get everyones reaction. For what the iPad is (a kindle competitor) I see nothing wrong with it. Other than not having flash, which is the only thing people should be upset about. This is NOT a laptop,netbook anything of that nature and it was never intended to be. This is a kindle on steroids, an ebook reader. I think everyone got caught up in rumors and forgot when dealing with Apple rumors are just that, rumors.

Well I am sure kindle will drop their prices and even if I was a hard core e-reader, am I really buying the iPad just for that? I doubt Apple solely made this thing to get Amazon's customers and e-readers a like. This thing was geared as an all in one device, trying to grab netbook people, e-reader people, and others.
I follow what you're saying. Looking at the specs though, there is no denying that this is a e-reader first before anything else. From what I understand Apple is trying to get every textbook publisher, amongst others on board to provide content for their ibook app. They were supposed to focus more on ibook but I'm not sure what changed in the last two weeks from what my boy told me.
Meh... Not impressed. I dunno, maybe it's experience as an Apple employee but this product screams "me too" and I'm not buying it.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

I'm sorry but 16 Gigs for $500 + Tax on an ipod touch with only a FEW more features (you could count the differences on one hand) is bewildering. Simply.

y do people compare it to an ipod touch price when the screen is substantially bigger

you're a damn liar if you can justify that sort of expenditure for nearly $300 more with LIMITED functional gains. That my friend is a RIP OFF.

They make 16 Gig JumpDrives these days if you haven't realized.
if you dont want something that is super portable i would get this
i dont wanna read a ebook on an iphone or touch
this has alot of uses better suited for it than the iphone or touch

So if that is your stand, please tell me what the iPad can do that the iPod touch can't do? I just don't think the price is worth the benefits.
dudes r slow
more screen real estate is a major benefit
that is like askin what 42 inch tv can do that a 10 inch cant
there is a market for this device
people were just expected something groundbreaking which this isnt
Right, but there are no uses that this can do that a small laptop or a netbook can't, ESPECIALLY with the same price tag and multitasking/built in keyboard/camera and so fourth.

agreed but the form factor is superior for things like read or watchin a movie on the go
its is dumb annoying reading a ebook on a laptop
This was what Gizmodo had to say about the keyboard:

Typing in portrait is better than anticipated but still quite a stretch for our average-sized hands, which means that letters like F G and H will take a moderate conditioning for some. What about in landscape mode, sitting flat on the table? Well this is problematic too, as the iPad sort of wobbles. The back is not perfectly flat, meaning your typing surface is never perfectly flat, so the virtual keyboard becomes that much more difficult to use.

That just sounds annoying in landscape mode that the damn thing wobbles. I guess you have to put it in a case just to stop that.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^Haha! Yeah...I don't think the size of this devise serves a better purpose. Remember...this is a portable device and not something that sit in the living room. I would rather use my iPhone for the time being since I can just throw that in my pocket rather than always having to carry a bag or a case for the iPad. If I was a e-book reader, maybe this would be useful but even stuff like newspapers or news in general can all be found and viewed on a iPhone/iPod touch.

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

The Apple TV is actually a great device that no one has ever really given a chance.

Apple TV is a good devise but the PS3 is better and can do what the Apple TV can and so much more. I have my PS3 running with a 1.5TB harddrive and it plays all blueray rips and files that are not just limited to MP4s.
I'm gonna need info on that.
x2 im hopin the hack ps3 will fix the 4gb limit
So if you already have iphone/ipod touch and a laptop

why would you want this?

Oh yeah, and of course they're not gonna give you all the features at release. How else are they gonna try to sell you another one next year.
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