Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

HP SLATE might snatch the attention from this joint. Especially with Windows 7 touch friendly design and compatibility, desktop multitasking, native Flash and multi-platform ability. 

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't think Kindle is going to go anywhere. It may see some loss, but the ipad isn't going to take its entire share.


I think one of the true values of the Kindle/Nook is the e-ink screen.  I've owned a kindle for the last year or so and reading on it is 100% different than reading something on an lcd/backlit screen.  If consumers realize this, then I think that the Kindle will definitely keep its market share.

To some of you that may not seem like a big deal, but if you stare at an lcd screen all day at work and you're a decent/big reader when you're at home, your eyes will thank you for reading intensely on an e-ink screen.  It's a lot easier on the eyes.

If you're buying it to be your e-reader, I think it may be a bad idea.

I'll still probably buy one (
at me I like toys... pause) but I'll keep using my Kindle for books.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

i think i'll get a kindle bc of ipad........

kindle gonna be like 100$ right?

generation of spoiled children. you really complain about a camera? U wanna make the product yourself? I don't see people appreciate what Apple has to offer. You just want more more more more. Ya'll have this high expectation when in reality your opinion matters none. lol can't believe you clowns are typing paragraphs expressing your discontent w/ ipad, get back to work. lol. consumerism @ its finest.

If youd ont like the IPAD, don't buy it!!! and SHUT UP
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

i think i'll get a kindle bc of ipad........

kindle gonna be like 100$ right?

generation of spoiled children. you really complain about a camera? U wanna make the product yourself? I don't see people appreciate what Apple has to offer. You just want more more more more. Ya'll have this high expectation when in reality your opinion matters none. lol can't believe you clowns are typing paragraphs expressing your discontent w/ ipad, get back to work. lol. consumerism @ its finest.

If youd ont like the IPAD, don't buy it!!! and SHUT UP
this dude is ******ed. People don't appreciate what Apple has to offer? 

Stick to lying about your life on this message board... Your actual opinions are worthless.
I will get one, but still the HP Slate, the Courier, or an Android device will smash this if done right, with Flash. I was hoping that there would be flash and with companies like Zinio finally creating apps that we would have interactive newspapers, magaizines, and books. But it under a $1000 and me going to the states in July....I will get one
i think you people who are complaining about the no flash thing are missing something. Apple is trying to move past Flash altogether with HTML5.

As of now, no flash hurts it. But long term, no flash is where Apple wants to go.
It doesn't really matter where Apple wants to go though...the web standard is Flash at the moment and is going to be Flash for the next couple years at least.

Jobs is just playing hardball with Adobe and its only hurting Apple and the consumers.
if microsoft actually comes out with the software shown in their courier videos, it will be instacopped
well, like i said in the other thread, it most certainly is a power move. i believe they feel like they can take over the netbook/ereader market, and it's their way of trying to set the new web standard.

IF this device is successful they have a chance to off flash and silverlight altogether.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

It doesn't really matter where Apple wants to go though...the web standard is Flash at the moment and is going to be Flash for the next couple years at least.

Jobs is just playing hardball with Adobe and its only hurting Apple and the consumers.

at least? try until 2022. stupid move by apple for not allowing flash. dont sit there and claim this is going to be the best web experience when u cant even run flash videos.

now i truly cant wait for the HP Slate.
Maybe they can but for now its a pretty big gamble, especially with Android Mobile and Windows 7 devices offering full compatibility.
Anyone planning to read eBooks for large sums of time on this is out of their minds. iPads will be leaving _'s blind

Waste of research, parts, and marketing.
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Anyone planning to read eBooks for large sums of time on this is out of their minds. iPads will be leaving _'s blind

Waste of research, parts, and marketing.

I'm only 21 but this is easily the most hated Apple product I can remember...and its a pretty universal thought...
Can't forget about the hockey puck mouse.
Actually, any apple mouse ever outside of this new magic mouse

iPod hi-fi wasn't very well recieved, although I did purchase one as a gift, and that person ses it daily.
That apple digital camera
the g4 cube

apple has definitely had it's misses. This is definitely gonna be one in the future.
If this isn't proof positive that Apple has the world by the balls, I don't know what is.

Where was all this hoopla over tablets when the Kindle was one of the best selling Christmas gifts this past year?

Just goes to show you the power of Apple and "i" anything. Not that that's a bad thing, either. But yeah, this is FAIL, imo.
Lets expandable memory??? No camera, and not widescreen....

apple could have put the iron fist down if they just put all the cool extras on it....and no multitasking is a I cant listen to music and type a document....

and using micro sim cards so you cant use it on another network....well thats a kick in the junk.....

great idea on apples part, but just not the execution that was expected...
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