Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

I'm sorry but 16 Gigs for $500 + Tax on an ipod touch with only a FEW more features (you could count the differences on one hand) is bewildering. Simply.

y do people compare it to an ipod touch price when the screen is substantially bigger

you're a damn liar if you can justify that sort of expenditure for nearly $300 more with LIMITED functional gains. That my friend is a RIP OFF.

They make 16 Gig JumpDrives these days if you haven't realized.
if you dont want something that is super portable i would get this
i dont wanna read a ebook on an iphone or touch
this has alot of uses better suited for it than the iphone or touch

So if that is your stand, please tell me what the iPad can do that the iPod touch can't do? I just don't think the price is worth the benefits.
dudes r slow
more screen real estate is a major benefit
that is like askin what 42 inch tv can do that a 10 inch cant
there is a market for this device
people were just expected something groundbreaking which this isnt
quick question..dont have time to read whole post...but did apple announce the iphone to other carriers??? (verizon...)
Originally Posted by 757shoefanatic

quick question..dont have time to read whole post...but did apple announce the iphone to other carriers??? (verizon...)
nope and honestly I think its a ridiculous rumor. I've been good with AT&T and my OG iPhone since the original launch
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

I'm sorry but 16 Gigs for $500 + Tax on an ipod touch with only a FEW more features (you could count the differences on one hand) is bewildering. Simply.

y do people compare it to an ipod touch price when the screen is substantially bigger

you're a damn liar if you can justify that sort of expenditure for nearly $300 more with LIMITED functional gains. That my friend is a RIP OFF.

They make 16 Gig JumpDrives these days if you haven't realized.
if you dont want something that is super portable i would get this
i dont wanna read a ebook on an iphone or touch
this has alot of uses better suited for it than the iphone or touch

So if that is your stand, please tell me what the iPad can do that the iPod touch can't do? I just don't think the price is worth the benefits.
dudes r slow
more screen real estate is a major benefit
that is like askin what 42 inch tv can do that a 10 inch cant
there is a market for this device
people were just expected something groundbreaking which this isnt

Right, but there are no uses that this can do that a small laptop or a netbook can't, ESPECIALLY with the same price tag and multitasking/built in keyboard/camera and so fourth.
^^^Haha! Yeah...I don't think the size of this devise serves a better purpose. Remember...this is a portable device and not something that sit in the living room. I would rather use my iPhone for the time being since I can just throw that in my pocket rather than always having to carry a bag or a case for the iPad. If I was a e-book reader, maybe this would be useful but even stuff like newspapers or news in general can all be found and viewed on a iPhone/iPod touch.

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

The Apple TV is actually a great device that no one has ever really given a chance.

Apple TV is a good devise but the PS3 is better and can do what the Apple TV can and so much more. I have my PS3 running with a 1.5TB harddrive and it plays all blueray rips and files that are not just limited to MP4s.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^Haha! Yeah...I don't think the size of this devise serves a better purpose. Remember...this is a portable device and not something that sit in the living room. I would rather use my iPhone for the time being since I can just throw that in my pocket rather than always having to carry a bag or a case for the iPad. If I was a e-book reader, maybe this would be useful but even stuff like newspapers or news in general can all be found and viewed on a iPhone/iPod touch.

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

The Apple TV is actually a great device that no one has ever really given a chance.

Apple TV is a good devise but the PS3 is better and can do what the Apple TV can and so much more. I have my PS3 running with a 1.5TB harddrive and it plays all blueray rips and files that are not just limited to MP4s.
I'm gonna need info on that.
from The Onion this morning.

Frantic Steve Jobs Stays Up All Night Designing Apple Tablet

CUPERTINO, CA—Claiming that he completely forgot about the much-hyped electronic device until the last minute, a frantic Steve Jobs reportedly stayed up all night Tuesday in a desperate effort to design Apple's new tablet computer. "Come on, Steve, just think—think, dammit—you're running out of time," the exhausted CEO said as he glued nine separate iPhones to the back of a plastic cafeteria tray. "Okay, yeah, this will work. This will definitely work. Just need to write 'tablet' on this little strip of masking tape here and I'm golden. Oh, come on, you piece of *$$@! Just stick already!" Middle-of-the-night sources reported that Jobs then began work on double-spacing his Keynote presentation and increasing the font size to make it appear longer
tdrizzle wrote:

Price: I think it is priced appropriately for what it does, just not priced for how it fits into my life.

iPad = apple tv of "notebooks" sure it's cool, but it's not really useful.
Yeah, that's how I feel about it too.  I'd buy one if I could stream Netflix and Hulu content and multitask.

now for an e-book, u realize that ebooks have a special screen that issuppose to resemble paper right? cause ppl dont like reading offsomething with backlight and straining their eyes
That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw the white background.

the only people will copp this are dumb hypebeast who wants everything because of its current hype.
So, if I have the money to spend and there isn't a competing product with similar functions, I'm a dumb hypebeast for buying this thing?  That comes off as pure hate right there.
Originally Posted by E3LAL

Exactly. I love Apple, but the iPad is pretty damn useless to me. It'll flop.

Hopefuly by flopping, it will motivate them to make it into a true laptop or even a net book.  I think if they do that, then game over.   

Agreed. After watching the short video on the iPad, in which it a few people discuss its features and why it will change your life, this is the WORST idea apple has come up with. Lately, I've been seeing a number of articles pop up describing how statistically, more and more people have an iphone. Combine that with how almost everyone these days has a laptop (particularly those with a macbook), and I can't see a single good reason why someone would need this new product. I really thought it was going to be a straight up tablet with OSX on it. But no, instead they made a giant iphone.

Worst Apple media even...ipad is !%#%@!*! and If you try and convince yourself otherwise..your part of this Apple cult following that thinks Apple can do no wrong. I would honestly take a netbook> this ipad !%#%@!*!
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

macbook air > ipad

in terms of functionality...yes...

Apple's stock DROPPED today too with this announcement
uh... apple stock always climb before an announcement and drops after the announcement...
Every time.
The existing iPhone/iPod apps look so bad on it though. It sits awkwardly in the center of the screen. Even though you can blow up the resolution, apps that require touching the center of the screen (like games that require 2 thumbs) are now impractical.

Future iterations of this device would be great though.
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