Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I will be brief...

The quoted statements above, made by some of my NT brethren, highlight a trend of logic I have come to notice amongst so-called "non-believers".

Essentially, what this logic proposes and champions, is the rational that, "if I can't sense God, then He clearly must not exist". In other words, "if I can't see, hear, touch, smell, or taste God, then He is clearly fiction"; after all, the very concept that is "evidence", and the manifestation of said "evidence", derives from our ability--as sentient beings--to "sense" things.

So in connecting the dots, we arrive at a line of thinking that is central to the atheistic argument--and that is, the opinion that "if I can't sense (see, hear, touch, smell, or taste) God directly, then there is no evidence for Him, and if there is no evidence for Him, then He doesn't exist."


Now if only y'all could actually see just how faulty and defective that line of thinking is, y'all would realize just how baseless y'all whole argument against the existence of God is.

And to prove my point, I ask y'all this-- "What exactly is AIR"--you know, that thing we "supposedly" breathe in.

We can't see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it; simply stated, we can't sense it directly so why do YOU believe in it (and I KNOW YOU DO). As previously stated, our conception of "evidence" is based off our ability to sense something, and the "lack of evidence" comes about from an inability to sense something. So if we can't sense AIR, then implicitly, there cannot be such a thing as evidence for AIR--and yet, I am quite confident you believe in this thing called AIR correct?


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Well I am playing devil's advocate [but] with respect to this thread, and the argument being presented, suppose I DON'T know what AIR is.



Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyone else read through Antigen's post?
I started to but then realized it was the equivalent of a mad man's writings on the wall of his padded cell with feces. I am sure I willreread it post-turkey dinner when I am full and not totally sober.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

You're convinced that I don't even know what AIR is? Well I am playing devil's advocate so i suppose, with respect to this thread, and the argument being presented, I DON'T know what AIR. I'm completely fine with that. Now the real question is CAN YOU, as the enlightened astute individual you are (and as I've asked for many times now), [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]tell me what AIR sounds like, taste like, smells like, looks like, and what it feels like when you TOUCH IT[/color].

The assertion that "AIR exists" is quite the same as the assertion that "God exists". We can all claim that something exist. The key is, can we prove that it exist. The central argument in the Atheistic belief in God's nonexistence solely revolves around, and is DEPENDENT on the logic--which stems from a supposed lack of evidence--that postulates that "If I can't sense God with my five sense--sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell--meaning that if there is no perceptible evidence for God, then He clearly must not exist." If this is the rational for Atheistic thinking (for hardcore Atheists) then none of you can believe in AIR then...correct?


Two points: A & B


1. Your very own definition of AIR: INVISIBLE MIXTURE OF [Different] gases. Key words here, "different" and "mixture".

2. "Objects makes sounds through vibrations and friction with other substances"...

So if AIR is a mixture of different gases, inherently different "substances", referring to Point #2 in A (your very own words), shouldn't these very different substances--inherently different gases--make a sound all by themselves as they are in constant friction with each other?

In other words, AIR is a composition of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and some other irrelevant substances. These gases are all different and they are constantly in contact with each other--Yes? So if sound is generated from the vibrations that stem from the frictions created between two different substances/mixtures, then AIR by itself, should technically be generating a sound all by itself.

I'm just gonna answer this one,....I'm tired.

Air by "itself" can make a sound, when it moves at a higher velocity (breeze, hurricanes). Sound of air depends on properties such as air densityand air velocity. When air moves at a high velocity or is more dense, there is a greater likelihood of the air molecules rubbing against one another to createfriction and thus sound. Nothing really makes a sound by iron rod doesn't make a sound until you bang against it with something. BDW air isNOT an animate object.

AIR molecules aren't in constant friction with one another...this is an inherent property of air, the molecules aren't as close as in solids andliquids.

Do me a favor, and post a meaningful rebuttal to my pigs farting skittles argument....all i did was take your argument about not being able to detect thingsthrough other senses and applied it to a fictional, hypothetical situation. I know you're smarter than this

I completely ignored everything else you said cause you sound like you need to take physics or chemistry 101 to be in a position to push this argument thishard.
Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by Man E

To the people who are christians:

Man A:
A man who's lived his life full of 'sin';let's say he's lied, robbed, threatened, killed, or any single one of these things. Let's suppose he goes to church and asks god for forgiveness.

Man B:
Is an honest Man, helps others out, a good person who's been beneficial to the society, but doesn't believe in God.

According to your 'rules', Man A will be accepted into heaven, and Man B wouldn't. Is that even logical?

Why spend time going to church, would an almighty being really want mortals to be wasting their lives sitting in a hall 'praising' him?

Why not do something productive instead of attending church, use the hours to help out in your community, I don't know something else that'll actually make the world a better place?

Is there ANY proof that there's a god? Does anyone have a picture, some artifacts, a formula? Is there any proof that Jesus was even a real person?

Where's everyone who was born before Jesus? They possibly couldn't have been "christians", so what did god do to them?

Do you REALLY believe the stories in the Bible?

How is it possible to rip a rib out of your own body and not bleed to death?

How can a snake talk?

How can all the animals in the world fit into a single boat?

I believe there are other living things in space, why? Because there are billions of planets who are the perfectly distant from the sun to be able to sustain H20 (liquid water) a bases of life. (Scientifically proven-It's just a matter of whether the planet is "rock" not gas)

So are these other living things, IF there are any, not subject to god's rules? What if they're not made in God's image, would they be allowed into heaven?

Are you saying that the theory of evolution is not real? Did we not evolve from apes? But it's a scientific fact with proof. How is this possible?

Where are all the believers!? Come on, anyone want to take a shot at it?

Only logical case i've seen, anyone want to answer these?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyone else read through Antigen's post?
I started to but then realized it was the equivalent of a mad man's writings on the wall of his padded cell with feces. I am sure I will reread it post-turkey dinner when I am full and not totally sober.
Originally Posted by LTMS206

Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by Man E

To the people who are christians:

Man A:
A man who's lived his life full of 'sin';let's say he's lied, robbed, threatened, killed, or any single one of these things. Let's suppose he goes to church and asks god for forgiveness.

Man B:
Is an honest Man, helps others out, a good person who's been beneficial to the society, but doesn't believe in God.

According to your 'rules', Man A will be accepted into heaven, and Man B wouldn't. Is that even logical?

Why spend time going to church, would an almighty being really want mortals to be wasting their lives sitting in a hall 'praising' him?

Why not do something productive instead of attending church, use the hours to help out in your community, I don't know something else that'll actually make the world a better place?

Is there ANY proof that there's a god? Does anyone have a picture, some artifacts, a formula? Is there any proof that Jesus was even a real person?

Where's everyone who was born before Jesus? They possibly couldn't have been "christians", so what did god do to them?

Do you REALLY believe the stories in the Bible?

How is it possible to rip a rib out of your own body and not bleed to death?

How can a snake talk?

How can all the animals in the world fit into a single boat?

I believe there are other living things in space, why? Because there are billions of planets who are the perfectly distant from the sun to be able to sustain H20 (liquid water) a bases of life. (Scientifically proven-It's just a matter of whether the planet is "rock" not gas)

So are these other living things, IF there are any, not subject to god's rules? What if they're not made in God's image, would they be allowed into heaven?

Are you saying that the theory of evolution is not real? Did we not evolve from apes? But it's a scientific fact with proof. How is this possible?

Where are all the believers!? Come on, anyone want to take a shot at it?

Only logical case i've seen, anyone want to answer these?

Nah that would be too easy...too convenient.

If you have no rebuttal, or defense, say so and go your way--don't show your immaturity by slangin' insults. Furthermore, I've countered what everyou could muster--you have yet to even answer, clearly, if at all, the simple questions that I put forth.

1. What does air look like?

2. What does air taste like?

3. What does air feel like when you TOUCH it?

4. What does air smell like?

5. What sound does air make. Or, what is the inherent sound of air?

One or two sentences addressing/answering each of these question is all I ask for. Don't go quoting wiki, and ask ME to infer an answer from whatever youjust quoted, as it is proof that you yourself have NO DIRECT EVIDENCE, and are hoping that I can "hopefully for you", answer the questions that Iposed TO YOU. Put your logic to work...

If you can't answer them, admit so and keep it moving. Just realize that your inability to do so is evidence of the hypocrisy you entertain as a sentient,pseudo-intellectual being whose perception of the World at large is ultimately governed by the ability to characterize his/her surroundings via the 5 senses.You choose to believe in something that you cant sense (until you show/detail to me otherwise) and yet, you are quick to attack and belittle a believer inGod/Allah/Buddah because you are of the opinion that these "Beings" have not been validated by your 5 senses.

Lastly, if you haven't read any of my posts in their entirety, DO NOT go out of your way to insinuate that I am ignorant; especially considering I pointedout numerous times that I was playing devils advocate in an attempt to show just how hypocritical the Atheistic line of thinking is, as it relates to the term"evidence".

I'm quite confident that my knowledge is greater, or at the very least-- with the very best of them (undergraduate degree and less) when it comes to thesciences.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


If you have no rebuttal, or defense, say so and go your way--don't show your immaturity by slangin' insults. Furthermore, I've countered what ever you could muster--you have yet to even answer, clearly, if at all, the simple questions that I put forth.

1. What does air look like?
Air is colorless
2. What does air taste like?
I just breathed in through my's hard to describe, it has a tastes cool
. Then again can you explain to me what water tastes like?
3. What does air feel like when you TOUCH it?
When I touch it, it depends on the temp, it feels like a really light feels like a damn breeze fam

4. What does air smell like?
Odorless unless you add gases with odor and pollution which dissolve in the normal composition of air.

5. What sound does air make. Or, what is the inherent sound of air?
It makes sort of a breezy, swooshy, flowing sound.

One or two sentences addressing/answering each of these question is all I ask for. Don't go quoting wiki, and ask ME to infer an answer from whatever you just quoted, as it is proof that you yourself have NO DIRECT EVIDENCE, and are hoping that I can "hopefully for you", answer the questions that I posed TO YOU. Put your logic to work...

If you can't answer them, admit so and keep it moving. Just realize that your inability to do so is evidence of the hypocrisy you entertain as a sentient, pseudo-intellectual being whose perception of the World at large is ultimately governed by the ability to characterize his/her surroundings via the 5 senses. You choose to believe in something that you cant sense (until you show/detail to me otherwise) and yet, you are quick to attack and belittle a believer in God/Allah/Buddah because you are of the opinion that these "Beings" have not been validated by your 5 senses.

Lastly, if you haven't read any of my posts in their entirety, DO NOT go out of your way to insinuate that I am ignorant; especially considering I pointed out numerous times that I was playing devils advocate in an attempt to show just how hypocritical the Atheistic line of thinking is, as it relates to the term "evidence".

I'm quite confident that my knowledge is greater, or at the very least-- with the very best of them (undergraduate degree and less) when it comes to the sciences.

You happy now, I dumbed it down

Son why can't u just admit you picked a bad example
. A lot ofthings can't be characterized by all 5 chances.....all I'm asking from God is 1. Let's not even limit ourselves to the 5 senses, because there aremany scientific phenomena that cannot be visualized through any of the senses (sound waves, radio waves, gravity) but we have done experiments and these thingshaven't failed us.

Give me any type of evidence God exists, whether through the senses, actions, experimental scientific evidence.....give me something.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


If you have no rebuttal, or defense, say so and go your way--don't show your immaturity by slangin' insults. Furthermore, I've countered what ever you could muster--you have yet to even answer, clearly, if at all, the simple questions that I put forth.

1. What does air look like?

2. What does air taste like?

3. What does air feel like when you TOUCH it?

4. What does air smell like?

5. What sound does air make. Or, what is the inherent sound of air?

One or two sentences addressing/answering each of these question is all I ask for. Don't go quoting wiki, and ask ME to infer an answer from whatever you just quoted, as it is proof that you yourself have NO DIRECT EVIDENCE, and are hoping that I can "hopefully for you", answer the questions that I posed TO YOU. Put your logic to work...

If you can't answer them, admit so and keep it moving. Just realize that your inability to do so is evidence of the hypocrisy you entertain as a sentient, pseudo-intellectual being whose perception of the World at large is ultimately governed by the ability to characterize his/her surroundings via the 5 senses. You choose to believe in something that you cant sense (until you show/detail to me otherwise) and yet, you are quick to attack and belittle a believer in God/Allah/Buddah because you are of the opinion that these "Beings" have not been validated by your 5 senses.

Lastly, if you haven't read any of my posts in their entirety, DO NOT go out of your way to insinuate that I am ignorant; especially considering I pointed out numerous times that I was playing devils advocate in an attempt to show just how hypocritical the Atheistic line of thinking is, as it relates to the term "evidence".

I'm quite confident that my knowledge is greater, or at the very least-- with the very best of them (undergraduate degree and less) when it comes to the sciences.
You act as if being able to taste, smell or see air is the only proof of it's existence. What do you see when it is cold and you breatheoutside? Is that air? What gets pumped by a ventilator? What do you gasp for after being submerged in water for a long time? If you turn on a fan, whatscatters my papers? These are all things that prove the existence of Air (I can't believe I am even answering this). That said, what evidence is there forgod? None ever. Think of that. Never ever has there ever been any evidence of a supreme being.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My man, I might as well just start making sh$%# up right now and applying it to your logic. There is no concrete evidence of flying pigs that fart rainbows and poop skittles, but I guess it does not mean they do not exist.

That's why it's irrelevant. You've already challenged Atheistic notions and invalidated any possible argument they may have as it relates to theexistence of God.

Y'all don't have evidence to disprove God's existence, and yet, y'all continue to "wage" this all out assault on this supposedlyimaginary Being you fervently argue does not I missing something here?

If I believe that flying pigs that crap skittles and rainbows do not exist, and I entertain this notion partly because I have yet to see tangible proof oftheir existence, am I not inane and borderline crazy for even exerting any force or challenge against these supposedly (to my knowledge as a non-believer)mythical, fictional things.

It's that simple.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My man, I might as well just start making sh$%# up right now and applying it to your logic. There is no concrete evidence of flying pigs that fart rainbows and poop skittles, but I guess it does not mean they do not exist.
Y'all don't have evidence to disprove God's existence, and yet, y'all continue to "wage" this all out assault on this supposedly imaginary Being you fervently argue does not I missing something here?
Like I said, I don't have to prove he/she/it exists. YOU DO. The burden of proof is on the one making the allegations. If I tell you I havethis amazing burrito here and you don't believe it up to you to prove I don't have one? Think please.

My evidence to prove god's nonexistence is that there has never been any evidence suggesting otherwise.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My man, I might as well just start making sh$%# up right now and applying it to your logic. There is no concrete evidence of flying pigs that fart rainbows and poop skittles, but I guess it does not mean they do not exist.

That's why it's irrelevant. You've already challenged Atheistic notions and invalidated any possible argument they may have as it relates to the existence of God.

Y'all don't have evidence to disprove God's existence, and yet, y'all continue to "wage" this all out assault on this supposedly imaginary Being you fervently argue does not I missing something here?

If I believe that flying pigs that crap skittles and rainbows do not exist, and I entertain this notion partly because I have yet to see tangible proof of their existence, am I not inane and borderline crazy for even exerting any force or challenge against these supposedly (to my knowledge as a non-believer) mythical, fictional things.

It's that simple.


I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treateverything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should iput my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?
Linguistic semantics.

GOD is undeniable.

Even as a scientific place holder the concept of GOD makes infinitely more sense than conjuring up pointless and fantastical theories about the Universe thatchange every month.
So your greatest evidence is the absence of evidence? Word? Couldn't a believer state the same thing?

And I have still yet to see a reasonable answer to Antigens statements.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Linguistic semantics.

GOD is undeniable.

Even as a scientific place holder the concept of GOD makes infinitely more sense than conjuring up pointless and fantastical theories about the Universe that change every month.
Because there is no limit to the amount of things he can be capable of? It only makes more sense because you can say "we don't know theextent of god's powers." Meaningless. I refuse to use that card as a way to say god is real. Scientific discovery never lends itself to confirming anexistence of a god.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treat everything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should i put my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?

Thats where y'all get it twisted. GOD is not a character.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treat everything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should i put my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?

Thats where y'all get it twisted. GOD is not a character.
Elaborate, you stay speaking vaguely and in code. Give me something, please.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treat everything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should i put my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?

Thats where y'all get it twisted. GOD is not a character.

He is as much of a character as Eeyore, The Tin Man, Harry Potter and the Grinch.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

So your greatest evidence is the absence of evidence? Word? Couldn't a believer state the same thing?

And I have still yet to see a reasonable answer to Antigens statements.
there have been plenty.

'Couldn't a believer state the same thing?' I don't understand. They don't have proof of his existence either.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treat everything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should i put my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?

Thats where y'all get it twisted. GOD is not a character.

He is as much of a character as Eeyore, The Tin Man, Harry Potter and the Grinch.
Who is this are talking about?

He is a pronoun used to describe a male human being.

GOD is not human.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My man, I might as well just start making sh$%# up right now and applying it to your logic. There is no concrete evidence of flying pigs that fart rainbows and poop skittles, but I guess it does not mean they do not exist.
Y'all don't have evidence to disprove God's existence, and yet, y'all continue to "wage" this all out assault on this supposedly imaginary Being you fervently argue does not I missing something here?
Like I said, I don't have to prove he/she/it exists. YOU DO. The burden of proof is on the one making the allegations. If I tell you I have this amazing burrito here and you don't believe it up to you to prove I don't have one? Think please.

My evidence to prove god's nonexistence is that there has never been any evidence suggesting otherwise.

THANK YOU.....I was humoring him.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I said this earlier in the thread, there is no evidence of God existing (or evidence of his non-existence) but I'll treat him how normal human-beings treat everything else that has no proof of existence.....Even if i were compelled to believe in the "possibly existent", which fictional entity should i put my faith in? Buddha? Fairies? Zeus? Skittle farting pigs? The Wizard from Wizard of OZ?

Thats where y'all get it twisted. GOD is not a character.

He is as much of a character as Eeyore, The Tin Man, Harry Potter and the Grinch.
Who is this are talking about?

He is a pronoun used to describe a male human being.

GOD is not human.

Didn't the bible refer to God as he?

I guess I should start by asking what religion are you?
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