Official Baby Mama Drama Thread

Just got 60/40 custody two days ago. Also old girl was tryna stick me for 90 racks and the judge awarded her 8K... less than 1/10, that I can make payments on.

Broad stays taking Ls.

She went into court trying to get full custody based on a restraining order that I wasn't properly served for. I'm gonna get that thrown out next. Y'all be careful who you're choosing to lay up with and leave that wife bs where it belongs... in fairy tales.
Too many damn horror stories. You got a rational judge this time around.
What gets me is they'll be quick to say you don't do anything for yours all while getting public assistance. Got a letter yesterday saying my child support case is open now bc she's getting Medicaid. My half of all the medical bills were paid cash within a month. I carry him on my insurance & gotta shell out $2300 for my lawyer next week just so she can't keep my lil guy from me. Haven't seen him in 3 weeks now. This is a learning experience though so I'm not even tripping.
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been co parenting without an official agreement in place. Worked decently well when I let her *** be half moved in and basically still go everywhere do everything together "for the baby" but since I been dating more and fully kicked her out, of course now I'm not seeing the baby except on Facetime and whenever it's a party/lunch or something I'm paing for so Moms can benefit too. And I had to pay her car note so they wouldnt repo her ****. Going to have to go back to the lawyer again and this time go through with it.

Been kind of depressed without the baby around, filling time with easy POF sloots but that's not the wave.

Stay strong bros

What gets me is they'll be quick to say you don't do anything for yours all while getting public assistance. Got a letter yesterday saying my child support case is open now bc she's getting Medicaid. My half of all the medical bills were paid cash within a month. I carry him on my insurance & gotta shell out $2300 for my lawyer next week just so she can't keep my lil guy from me. Haven't seen him in 3 weeks now. This is a learning experience though so I'm not even tripping.
Same, on medicaid, on food stamps, free this, free that, lives with her Mom. Doesn't work. Post FB memes all day about how men ain't ****. I had gone to a lawyer a few months ago but we were getting along and I needed the 2,100 so I cancelled but I gotta call her back.

She told me they won't (that I could get 1/2 custody and about 4something a month cs) and that they're good here about equal time, but I'm expecting to get murdered on child support and left unable to support my own lifestyle. Plus if B.M gets mad she could call and cancel daycare since it's in her name and based off her income at the time even though I always pay, switching it to my name would probably make the price quadrouple. Just a ****** place to be in
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I got lucky my ex wife was a horrible wife but she is one of the best moms walking the planet.
so i have 4 kids
a 16yr old who lives with her mom
a 10yr old, 11yr old, and 8month old who all live with me
so i been paying child support since i turned 18(had her when i was 14)
I've haven't been behind on payments in like 10 years
money always comes out my check for my oldest
why a few weeks ago i get a check
saying i owe a lil over 10k
supposedly she had been getting money from state of ca and nevada(she moved to vegas)
and didn't tell ca
so she was getting money from both states
plus nevada didn't have any records of my payments
i was HEATED
i called county of los angeles (where the case was originally handled)
talked to the worker on my case(surprised she actually picked up the phone cause they never answer)
and my first bm had been doing welfare fraud
so besides getting everything straightened out
im going to get a reward for turning her in :rofl:
been co parenting without an official agreement in place. Worked decently well when I let her *** be half moved in and basically still go everywhere do everything together "for the baby" but since I been dating more and fully kicked her out, of course now I'm not seeing the baby except on Facetime and whenever it's a party/lunch or something I'm paing for so Moms can benefit too. And I had to pay her car note so they wouldnt repo her ****. Going to have to go back to the lawyer again and this time go through with it.

Been kind of depressed without the baby around, filling time with easy POF sloots but that's not the wave.

Stay strong bros

Same, on medicaid, on food stamps, free this, free that, lives with her Mom. Doesn't work. Post FB memes all day about how men ain't ****. I had gone to a lawyer a few months ago but we were getting along and I needed the 2,100 so I cancelled but I gotta call her back.

She told me they won't (that I could get 1/2 custody and about 4something a month cs) and that they're good here about equal time, but I'm expecting to get murdered on child support and left unable to support my own lifestyle. Plus if B.M gets mad she could call and cancel daycare since it's in her name and based off her income at the time even though I always pay, switching it to my name would probably make the price quadrouple. Just a ****ty place to be in
damn man
that sucks
my second bm my 10 and 1yr old mom
we don't have no court order or none of that
when we broke up
yeah we did all the fighting and arguing
but we just ended up coming to an agreement mutually
kids stay with me
since I've always worked and provided
they go see her whenever she wants to get them
and for major holidays they go with her
just the next town over
and for the summers the past 2-3 years they been staying with her
My advice is keep every damn receipt that has to do with that baby
so u paying moms car note keep that
u buying diapers keep that u paying he light bill
since its "for the baby" keep that receipt
just so u dont get got on child support
they will see u been pulling ur weight and won't tax u
50/50 custody will be a cake walk for u bruh
dont stress
though if y'all can handle it without courts even better
i would hate being told by anyone
when i could and couldn't see my kid

Hate the new NT format but whatever.

Moving to LA by next summer with a couple of my boys to get after this money for real & I'm taking my son with me.
Can't leave him behind in the horrible situation that is my BM & her BF.
Going to get me an au pair or something to watch him & care for him whilst I hustle.
Going to have to go the court route as well but while this dumb bop & her puppy have been playing checkers, ya boy's been playing chess.
Got paperwork for days.
Fam I got a briefcase full of day care receipts alone and the daily reports from picking her up. Been blase about all the other ones, but like I paid her car note this week on my CC so I can easily prove that.
My ***** keep naggin, baby won't stop crying, and I just got a phone call that my ***** just died. I get super high, I drink away my pain, I ride around with a strap like it ain't no thang.
Nawty ain't lying keep receipts for EVERYTHING. Don't pay for anything without a paper trail. I wasn't even on child support at the time writing my BM checks clearly labeled CS for gamble jr. Saved all day care receipts, all medical, anything I paid for. I used all of that in court & got credit for it. Ended up getting 50/50. Only gripe I have is I still ended up in arrears on CS when I paid for a majority of his expenses & proved it.
My daughters mother/ex-wife has shown me the true definition of love. Got married young, dogged her out badly, and divorce her...We fought so much, been spat on, legal matters, etc...Any drama you can imagine, we've been that we're older, we've matured in understanding that our child is to be first in our relationship; it's been great!

She still from this day she loves me. (not the same way) Holds me down if I ever need her to regardless of her relationship status. And vice verse.

Even though we're not together because the level of trust is broken...however we have a love for each other that people don't understand.

Even now I can be childish at times, she reminds me of being an adult and talks to me as a civil person. We have our moment of throwing daggers but it's only to be funny. We disagree on most things but we level our understanding when it comes to parenting...

The best mother and baby mother I could ask for....S/O to Ms. E. Shanel Wilson, esq. Lawyer of the Year!
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So I found out ova the weekend that my BM been working from home for a min but still got me paying for daycare....Now I aint sweating the day care **** right now cuz im handling it and I dont wanna mess up my daughters routine and learning time , but its the principle :smh: ....changes like that I need to know cuz the whole point im paying is because she had to GO SOMEWHERE for work, I was gon wild her out but i think I'll let this one rock and save a back n forth for some other future issue

These ho's mane :smh: , yall youngins wrap it up n be smart out chea!!
More importantly than wrappin' it up stop divin' in these girls that often show you they goofy.

No baby mama drama for me luckily, closest I came my ex tried to convince me she was pregnant and asked me to go half on an abortion. Told her I don't believe in abortion but if she wants to do it she can, her body her choice. She ended up not being pregnant thank GAWD. The stories in this thread help me make sure my marriage is going smooth
My daughters mother/ex-wife has shown me the true definition of love. Got married young, dogged her out badly, and divorce her...We fought so much, been spat on, legal matters, etc...Any drama you can imagine, we've been that we're older, we've matured in understanding that our child is to be first in our relationship; it's been great!

She still from this day she loves me. (not the same way) Holds me down if I ever need her to regardless of her relationship status. And vice verse.

Even though we're not together because the level of trust is broken...however we have a love for each other that people don't understand.

Even now I can be childish at times, she reminds me of being an adult and talks to me as a civil person. We have our moment of throwing daggers but it's only to be funny. We disagree on most things but we level our understanding when it comes to parenting...

The best mother and baby mother I could ask for....S/O to Ms. E. Shanel Wilson, esq. Lawyer of the Year!

Imma be completely real with you famb....
Your situation is exactly why I would NEVER be in a serious relationship with women with children and I feel alot of single men should avoid situations like this at all costs.
There is only room for ME and ME only as the man she is involved and concerned with mentally and emotionally, I mean I get yall relationship, but if I was the dude she was with now.
I would feel some type of way about you two's relationship.
Whoever she's with is pretty much sharing her with you....not physically but mentally and emotionally.
Not just the child but you and her still have alot of emotional/mental ties that I would not be comfortable with in my household as a man.
As far as your child and all matters concerning her yes that's what good parents do keep peaceful mutual relationships, but you talking about her like you still in love and would probably catch feelings if she did or has moved on with someone else.
I simply don't have time to deal with another man..anything outside of him picking up his kid and keeping it cordial.

Now imagine being her new man and you read this post....
Like wtf??? Why this fool still posting old pics of yall together?
Damn if she your soul mate you obviously feel some type of way and when it comes to me as her new man.
I could never fully get keep a closed eye to you.
You two's relationship and situation is something I would really see as a red flag as a man in a new relationship with her and even as a woman in a new relationship with you.
I know you two have a child together but this is a situation I would never put myself into.

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Like she said, "he ain't paying my bills and that's my house. You'rethe father of my child. There's no ring on my finger...until then..."

I don't add anything or try to be in nobody ****. I'll call and ask is it okay for me to come over to see my seed. I make arrangements for everything.

Just know I am at every event thy pertains to my child. If my child ask me to come to the house, I'm coming, whether he there or not. Of course, I will call and ask if it's a good time. I ain't worrying about their relationship.

Honestly, I've dealt with a situation like mine and I didn't have no problem with it. In fact, her son's father and I got cool. Went out to dinner with him and his wife and everything

I'm not insecure but for me I understand that people are co-parents and are friends.
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Fellas def keep a paper trail. It will benefit u in the end. And if any of u guys in GA & never married ur baby momma get legitimized ASAP.
Fellas def keep a paper trail. It will benefit u in the end. And if any of u guys in GA & never married ur baby momma get legitimized ASAP.

I do agree with this. Make sure you get that DNA test as soon as the baby is borned.
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