2k needs competition but who will step up? EA aint it.

People will still buy this ame that just gets updated with rosters.

If you need to buy it, get it used for less than retail or wait for black friday when you can get it for half off.

Dont give them your $60-70 until they actually put in effort into making it better.

Basically dudes are buying NBA The Sims. Dressing up your fictional self to play dudes online for some E-reps aint it.
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This doesn't have to be mutually exclusive though. I'd pay for DLC if a game is dope.
It kinda is though.

The more Casual people you bring into your universe, the more your product has to veer off from "Realism/Simulation."

It needs to be accessible to all.

A basketball game that is realistic would be considered too hard to most casual fans that simply want to cross folks, dunk, and shoot 3's in their Pink Polos.

Those days are long gone man.

Sad reality.
When X xxpizzo told me how many hours I would have to put in just so I can look like Nino Brown and G Money on the court :wow: :smh:

I didn't even know the grind was that tough :lol:

I'm sure it's been mentioned numerous times too but annual drops don't benefit development either

I could live with a game that had periodic updates without a new release every year but there isn't any money to be made in that kind of schedule
Bird didn't announce his retirement until August 1992. There was likely a cutoff date on rosters.

Keep seeing ppl say it's for sure NCAA Football or March Madness because of the new NCAA ruling...but wouldn't that make it less likely that they'd bring the game back? That's a **** ton of student's they'd have to pay out isn't it?
I may be the only ***** in the world that want them to bring back SSX games :lol:

Keep seeing ppl say it's for sure NCAA Football or March Madness because of the new NCAA ruling...but wouldn't that make it less likely that they'd bring the game back? That's a **** ton of student's they'd have to pay out isn't it?

NCAA Football's return was already announced a while ago.

I don't think it's a new CBB game either.

Hoping for NBA Street.
Dont See It Being A New Fight Night With How Popular The UFC Game Is And E Sports Boxing Club Being Highly Anticipated.
The streets need a new Fight Night. We NEED competition. I wanna see them go up against the new boxing game on next gen.
If you don't like 2K's myplayer dress up focus, be careful what you wish for with an NBA Street comeback.

That game would exist solely as a vehicle to sell cosmetics/Ultimate Team packs.
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