Official Batlefield: Bad Company 2 [OUT NOW] MW2 Killer? Time will tell.

Originally Posted by gboy1230

i still thing MW2 is >>>>
Were you the guy that got mad at getting sniped while standing in the middle of the road, then got mad when he died rushing a tank as Assault, and then got mad because he kept getting gang raped alone even after everyone on the squad said stick together?  Dude was lame and whiny.
this game is hilarious
last night i jumped in an atv with a teamate
so i was smashing down a hill and i jumped out the
whip at the last second and my teamate fell to his death
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

this game is hilarious
last night i jumped in an atv with a teamate
so i was smashing down a hill and i jumped out the
whip at the last second and my teamate fell to his death

my friends and i do that sometimes just to piss each other off. it sucks when you get off just a little too early and you end up running yourself over with it.

you know, like i drop a building on top of them, they spawn and trace me so i light up like a christmas tree, which doesnt end well btw.

we usually do this to fend off the boredom of going on 16-18 game winning streaks (we count a game as playing both sides on a map).
Game is 39.99 w/ free shipping on amazon right now if you want. Also

I just ordered. cant wait to try it out, or just return to walmart and get 60 for it lol.
just got this game and enjoying it so far. most of the rounds i've had on multiplayer have been all over the place lol. fools don't work together and all run in different directions, or everyone is a sniper for some reason. gets frustrating sometimes
I bought the game yesterday and beat it today. I played online for a couple hours. just trying to get adjusted to the game. I really like it thus far
i was piloting a chopper and some dude tried to kill me with his so i got a hit on him and his chopper started smoking so he fell back to repair it little did he know that i seen him dock it and sent off a few missiles and blew the chopper and him up

seriously though i havent even played mw2 since i started playing this
ill be on tonight if anyone wanna squad up
Was just in a game with a ridiculous chopper driver on Islas Inocentes... He would be flying it then he'd switch seats to one of the passengers and drop a M2 Carl Gustav on some people below then swap back to driving before the chopper lost control. I was going all
when his name started showing up as kills with the gustav while driving the chopper
Was just in a game with a ridiculous chopper driver on Islas Inocentes... He would be flying it then he'd switch seats to one of the passengers and drop a M2 Carl Gustav on some people below then swap back to driving before the chopper lost control. I was going all when his name started showing up as kills with the gustav while driving the chopper
was in a round where someone was doing that too. the next round i tried my hand at the chopper and waited for ppl to board with me. i didn't know how to drive the damn thing and ended up crashing it killing everyone inside
Originally Posted by RetroXIII

Was just in a game with a ridiculous chopper driver on Islas Inocentes... He would be flying it then he'd switch seats to one of the passengers and drop a M2 Carl Gustav on some people below then swap back to driving before the chopper lost control. I was going all when his name started showing up as kills with the gustav while driving the chopper
was in a round where someone was doing that too. the next round i tried my hand at the chopper and waited for ppl to board with me. i didn't know how to drive the damn thing and ended up crashing it killing everyone inside

My first time went like that too, I didn't have the flight controls inverted. My squad got mad heated when i crashed, we only had like 5 resource tickets left
Originally Posted by Kazuum

Originally Posted by RetroXIII

Was just in a game with a ridiculous chopper driver on Islas Inocentes... He would be flying it then he'd switch seats to one of the passengers and drop a M2 Carl Gustav on some people below then swap back to driving before the chopper lost control. I was going all when his name started showing up as kills with the gustav while driving the chopper
was in a round where someone was doing that too. the next round i tried my hand at the chopper and waited for ppl to board with me. i didn't know how to drive the damn thing and ended up crashing it killing everyone inside

My first time went like that too, I didn't have the flight controls inverted. My squad got mad heated when i crashed, we only had like 5 resource tickets left

Word. I wanted to learn how to fly the choppers, so I jumped in one hoping I could fly it without any passengers and get the hang of it. Some fools jumped in though, so I waited, hoping they'd get bored and jump out, but they didn't. I immediately flew backwards out of bounds and that was all she wrote.
Oh well.

It's mad fun parachuting out of one deep into enemy territory though. But this seems like the common thing to do now, so it's hard to be stealthy anymore.

Being in a tank with a squad of people knowing what they're doing is amazing though. Much kills.
I picked this up last week and haven't played mw2 since. So today I popped in mw2 because I saw a bunch of people on my buddy list playing it and all I have to say is, "Holy Crap!" The physics and mechanics of these 2 games are way different from each other. I think I've gotten used to bfbc2 and probably wont be playing mw2 anymore. Plus the knifing is just crazy in mw2.
When you spot someone, and you pull out your knife, only to get close to them and have them start sprinting away 

then you chase them halfway across the map just to knife them


This game is 10 times better when you work as a team. If you want one man army type stuff, play COD.
i sniped the pilot of a chopper the other day. i was
wen that thing went down.
the physics of this game are amazing
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Game is amazing after having and playing for two days.

Totally friggin' amazing.

Who is The Off1ce on here?

he got banned. doesnt have a new name as of yet
tml09 wrote:

This game is 10 times better when you work as a team. If you want one man army type stuff, play COD.

if any Niketalker's wanna play on the PS3 add me. my PSN ID is EEC84. i'm tired of playing with random dudes who think they're Rambo and don't stick as a squad.
Originally Posted by Kazuum

Originally Posted by RetroXIII

Was just in a game with a ridiculous chopper driver on Islas Inocentes... He would be flying it then he'd switch seats to one of the passengers and drop a M2 Carl Gustav on some people below then swap back to driving before the chopper lost control. I was going all when his name started showing up as kills with the gustav while driving the chopper
was in a round where someone was doing that too. the next round i tried my hand at the chopper and waited for ppl to board with me. i didn't know how to drive the damn thing and ended up crashing it killing everyone inside

My first time went like that too, I didn't have the flight controls inverted. My squad got mad heated when i crashed, we only had like 5 resource tickets left

I seen you yesterday, you were in my squad for a few minutes.  It was a terrible team though I was right behind you in leaving it
bought the game a week ago. I think I am officially taking my CODMW2 to gamestop. I won't play it ever again. I am passing on the map expansion pack. ADD me I am a LEVEL 8 as of now

GT: disboygutta

I need some guys to clan up with or play with....
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