Official Bitcoin Thread

LOL. So inflation and debasing of currencies has FINALLY been exposed by Bitcoin. Phew, almost thought we were going to go another 30 years before we realized that.

Hope all of you guys become millionaires. Hell, billionaires. Which you must be since you had the conviction bug since the OG white paper :-|

I can say with 100% certainty that you have no idea what you are talking about relative to the utility of the asset. We are all making money and that is great, but don't present it as something it isn't. It is an access database with append-only checked, that is energy inefficient, unstable, and derives its value from you and me. That is all. It might be the most valuable asset known to mankind in a few years. I sincerely hope it is because I will be a rich, rich man. But it also could be worth zero with the stroke of a pen by the gOvErNmEnT.

Knew this dude was a clown and glad I stopped responding to him:

CashApp gave out $1m (total) in free BTC yesterday for re-tweeting their announcement that you can send BTC to other CashApp users without fees. Not sure if still going or officially over.

I took the free 19k sats. Also, if you setup the Debit Card with them, they have been constantly offering BTC as part of their Boost promos. Right now one of the Boosts is free 10% Worth of BTC for any One Purchase at Restaurant. Max earnings of $7.50 in BTC, but why not get it for free if you were going to spend $75 on food anyway?
Just downloaded Coinbase Pro... but none of my assets transferred over / are showing up. Do I need to move them from Coinbase to Coinbase Pro?
coinbase is cool. I just wish they had more ****coins for quick come ups.

I think they are against ****coins though.
I started setting up a kraken account way back when and they still haven approved it. Customer service sucks. Honestly I’ll just stick with cb. I trust them the most I guess. I only buy 3 coins anyways.
Has anyone had success moving ADA from Binance to CB Pro? It gives me an error stating that the wallet address is invalid when I try. I would love to get rid of Binance.
Has anyone had success moving ADA from Binance to CB Pro? It gives me an error stating that the wallet address is invalid when I try. I would love to get rid of Binance.

like 5 posts up someone just said they moved from binance to cb pro
Let me know what you find, I am all ears. Willing to throw you a finders fee if it takes off ;-)

I can list the few pool groups I know that have turned into DAO's but they're really expensive just to gain access. You have to buy their tokens so you're better off waiting for a bear market to get them unless you have the money.

Just bare in mind that pooling is also risky since you're practically sending money to a stranger on the internet but with high risk comes high reward.
That's where you see gains like this:

This group gets access to seed and private sales. I been following them since 2018 but when I came back from my crypto hibernaiton they and a lot of other legit groups became DAOs.
You now need to purchase their token in order to get access to sales.



So at that price you need about $4500 just to gain access to the deals and that's at the basic level where you won't get priority if the allocation for a project is small.

If I had the money, i would do it since you're seeing gains of 20 to 40x for the really top projects, especially if you hodl.
You're forced to hold most of the time since seed and private sale tokens usually are locked for much longer and released periodically so they won't dump on the market but it's worth it.

If pooling is too risky then I think launchpads like Polkastarter are better. Just keep trying to get whitelisted and eventially you might get lucky.

Even buyin recently launched coins on Uniswap before they hit major exchanges is a good strat if you can't get into presale. As long as the fundamentals are good they all basically follow this chart :lol:
I've made some 2 to 3x's doing this by buying in that accumulation zone.


That’s interesting that they’re banning dudes for shilling coin launches now. That’s literally a prereq for all these IDO lotteries.

It goes against my nature to do that **** but you can’t pass up a potential x30 come up.

I’ve had a good run so far but i want to maximise this opportunity In every possible way.

Exactly my thoughts. I've been ignoring these coins sending me on errands just to whitelist.
Annoys me when retailers do the same with sneakers just to be considered for a raffle.

But seeing how one dude turned £350 into $45K. Boy.... I think it's time. :lol:
Hey if you haven’t I think it’s a good idea to download an app called PEI... basically cash back for every purchase you make and you get in CRYPTO. Not going to throw my referral cause I don’t want anyone thinking I want anything out of this. Shoutout to I believe it was fap who put me on to this about 3-4years ago. I had much more but withdrew some.

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