Official Bitcoin Thread

USD Coin
If i bought a $1,000 item it would only give me $10 in BTC 😐
I guess it’s better than nothing
I just like the card look and want to help the crypto space go mainstream
You can easily convert alts on coinbase to USD Coin so the card really helps people get liquidity

opt to receive XLM instead bruv.
Is there any good NFT's releasing this weekend?

I just picked up a solmander today
D Double D Double i have no idea, just saw it

what should we look for specific

Coins that have acquired licenses needed to be compliant.
Coins like Celsius which have acquired the necessary licenses to run in multiple countries or coins like BTC which won't be under the eyes of the SEC.

Went on their reddit and it sounds like a fundamental flaw. Mini panic going on there.
One to follow for the ADA holders

Will be interesting to see what happens come the 12th.
What do you guys think about HEX? My boy sent me this:

My brother in law put $200 in it back in 12/2019 because a friend told him about it. He’s up over $100k right now, it was his first crypto purchase ever lol. He’s been able to realize and cash out $18k. His friend put in about $1500 a month before him and I think has cashed out about $200k or more from what he told me. A lot of the HEX holders putting their HEX towards Richard Heart’s new project Pulsechain. They both acknowledge it’s pretty much a Ponzi scheme and are playing with house money. 🤷🏻‍♂️
The Sneakerheadz Sociey launching tomorrow.

Might try this for 0.05ETH if gas is not too crazy.
Community is tiny compared to something like Solbears but too much people knowing about it pre launch would cause gas to sky rocket.

I better not end up with an Adidas head :lol:




so they only take ETH or SOL as well?
My brother in law put $200 in it back in 12/2019 because a friend told him about it. He’s up over $100k right now, it was his first crypto purchase ever lol. He’s been able to realize and cash out $18k. His friend put in about $1500 a month before him and I think has cashed out about $200k or more from what he told me. A lot of the HEX holders putting their HEX towards Richard Heart’s new project Pulsechain. They both acknowledge it’s pretty much a Ponzi scheme and are playing with house money. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ponzi schemes are the **** if you’re not the last one left. HEX makes me uncomfortable but folks have made good money and I hope they continue to bank.
sec is hating again. :lol:

investigate themselves, not uniswap.

they have no idea what they’re looking at. Of course the government thinks they can regulate defi. :lol:

they can’t even figure out meme stocks.
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