Official Bitcoin Thread

hope some of that layer 1 love bleeds off to $juno. so far, it’s off to a good start. been using rewards to build a small position.

20 days ago, i won some free crypto of my choice from fapmasterjr fapmasterjr i just checked it and it’s outperformed everything in my real portfolio 😂
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I know you want to get rich quick but please educate yourselves on the coins you invest in. There are lots of scams out there. We are free to speculate and gamble with money we can afford to lose but be careful.
Regardless of what alt coin you invest in, i would throw a stack at BTC. BTC will not make you rich tomorrow or next month but its price will continue to move up. BTC is beach front property. There will only be 21 million coins minted and some say 1/5 to 1/4 has already been lost. Many of you collected jays so you know how supply will dictate price.

anyway just giving my two cents

Flourish NT Fam
I listened to a scholar talk about NFTs and this is the jist:

- it will be the only ASSET verifiably you own that can be passed down generations from now...think the year 3000...YOU(or whom you transfer your NFT to) will have an item that is living and on the blockchain with full history of ownership

- EVERYTHING will be tokenized. DIGITAL and put into the metaverse. Yah we're buying apes, cats, punks, etc IN THIS WORLD...but we'll be able to transfer that ART over to the "metaverse" where it will be a physical (art) item and will be SOLD/RENTED there.

**Just mind blowing stuff that we are not even thinking about ....all peeps see are JPEGS. smh. Think about what's under the hood. Imagine generations bringing up (just like history books), great great great Grandfather owns 1/10,000 of this GENERATION ZERO NFT.

Take this what you will. DYOR. GL
Now add in the fact that we’re seeing economies and network being built around NFTs and there are utilities for owning them and you’ll start to see this is more than just collecting art too. NFTs are going to be massive. Just the majority will fall 70-90% from the highs, wash people out but the ones with teams that continue building during a bear market, who follow their roadmap and expand on it, those will be your life changing wealth opportunities when they get smoked.
Shows we're still early when I hear NFTs are bad for the environment and its just Jpegs. It's going through it's own FUD cycle that BTC and all the other good alts are going through.
If Facebook of all people is hiring like crazy for a metaverse built on NFTs, you know it's going to be mainstream.

SOL Train is back. Need to ready some Gifs. It's wrecking my NFT's though since people want to liquidate and jump on board. Going to cool off new SOL NFT's for a bit while its flying but their time is coming.

DOT is looking ready too. Need to think long and hard about my parachain strategy since I'll be giving up some or maybe all of my bag for 2 years. It'll be like sending your kid to boarding school. :lol:

Next year, after taking profits I'm going to focus more on BTC and rebalance as my portfolio ratio is out of wack.
Looking at ALTS for the mortage, BTC for the retirement plan.
There are so many good coins to invest in (layer 1 coins going stupid) but I’m just focused on increasing my eth and Solana bags rn.

I got a small bag of shiba for meme purposes but I’m considering dumping that for Solana too lol.

I’m good on NFTs rn too. Solana and Ethereum are gold to me. I need to hold as much as possible.
Yeah, I know guys like to take profits which I can see on some alts but personally I’ve never sold anything for cash. Just flip it into more eth or another good coin

the way I see it why take some cash now if I can leave it in crypto and make way more?

Once the sec gets off everyone’s d I’m sure we’ll see even more adaption and banks will be obsolete and they’ll start insuring your crypto.

Celsius is already working on self insuring your crypto.
Yeah, I know guys like to take profits which I can see on some alts but personally I’ve never sold anything for cash. Just flip it into more eth or another good coin

the way I see it why take some cash now if I can leave it in crypto and make way more?

Once the sec gets off everyone’s d I’m sure we’ll see even more adaption and banks will be obsolete and they’ll start insuring your crypto.

Celsius is already working on self insuring your crypto.

ive regretted taking profits 9 times out of 10. From Alts to stable coins, I’ll never learn. I just get so damn greedy and think “I’ll just take a LITTLE bit outta the cookie jar.” And it always ends up being less profitable to me than just never touching it.

Need to get my auto buys setup with one bank account, then get the wallet access locked until 10 years from now or something. Have a separate account for playing around with profits or something :lol:
anyone get in on the klima dao IDO in august?
$1000 is now worth 223k plus the staking rewards are through the roof. (i don’t have any)
How do people keep up with these IDOs? Wouldnt mind throwing $50 at a project that makes sense and hope for moon.
How do people keep up with these IDOs? Wouldnt mind throwing $50 at a project that makes sense and hope for moon.
i know D Double D Double and a few others in here are really good at that. seems like you need to devote a good amount of time sifting through CT, discord groups, tg channels, medium articles, etc. i’m not smart enough to discern what’s worth the risk and what’s trash.
anyone get in on the klima dao IDO in august?
$1000 is now worth 223k plus the staking rewards are through the roof. (i don’t have any)
Been keeping my eye on it actually. Been waiting for a good entry point, but it keeps going up :ohwell:. OHM is similar concept, with insane compounding returns that I've been watching. These things seem too good to be true, but seem legit..
i was late to look at OHM and it started dumping recently when i really started researching it. the returns are insane on that one for sure. i’ve been pretty locked in on my coins past few months and not really looking to branch out/jump around but still open to learning. i gotta be confident and committed by this point.
How do people keep up with these IDOs? Wouldnt mind throwing $50 at a project that makes sense and hope for moon.

Extremely difficult to monitor alone even if you're a full time trader/analyst.

I'm in the CryptoRand premium group and i've got some IDO allocations from that.

Best look by far has been Star Terra (launchpad).... $500 allocation now worth approx 22k.

These dev teams are always looking for influencers to shill their projects before launch so dude can land allocations for the group. So he's constantly trying to source IDO's while the other staff handle the day to day analysis etc.
i know D Double D Double and a few others in here are really good at that. seems like you need to devote a good amount of time sifting through CT, discord groups, tg channels, medium articles, etc. i’m not smart enough to discern what’s worth the risk and what’s trash.
Extremely difficult to monitor alone even if you're a full time trader/analyst.

I'm in the CryptoRand premium group and i've got some IDO allocations from that.

Best look by far has been Star Terra (launchpad).... $500 allocation now worth approx 22k.

These dev teams are always looking for influencers to shill their projects before launch so dude can land allocations for the group. So he's constantly trying to source IDO's while the other staff handle the day to day analysis etc.
Thank you both. The tl;dr sounds like I need to have other people watch and I piggyback when it looks promising? :nerd: :lol:
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