Official Bitcoin Thread

Strong needs to chill while I get this loan for my second node in order
I definitely procrastinated too long while it was in the 400s. Was hesitant since it dropped 50% from when i bought my first
time will pump with airdrop:

An airdrop has been announced for Wonderland, the actual airdrops will be for wMEMO, MEMO, and TIME token holders on Avalanche chain. This includes wMEMO being used as collateral on Abracadabra, in the same way that we include them for Snapshot voting.

There will be plenty of advance notice before taking any snapshot to give users time to bridge tokens back from Fantom and Ethereum to ensure they are eligible for the airdrop.

More info will come in a week or so”

After that is a good exit If you want out. Can also swing trade it knowing people Weill FOMO in
yogetoffmykickz yogetoffmykickz i gotta up my staked atom. they were super skimpy with the juno stakers compared the atom ratio. what’s the next drop? pretty sure i didn’t qualify for evmos which will be a good one i think.


$rome is doing me pretty good too. with the rebases i’m up. i wonder how long the high APY will last noskey noskey
STRONG and TIME talk I like that.

With the current trend it makes the decision tougher. A new Strong node or two freshly discounted TIME tokens? Check finally clears and now I'm at an Impasse. :lol:

Apparently the ama this Saturday with Strongblock is rumored to have all the big changes with decay, polygon/fantom nodes and overall sustainability. Might have to wait and see on that.
can y’all briefly talk about the decaying of the STRONG nodes that have been mentioned?
My money from my E*TRADE just cleared but with these announcements coming I’m wondering if I should wait or go ahead and get the node now.
can y’all briefly talk about the decaying of the STRONG nodes that have been mentioned?
My money from my E*TRADE just cleared but with these announcements coming I’m wondering if I should wait or go ahead and get the node now.
We still don't know the full details yet

But for sustainability purposes, rewards for service 2 nodes will logarithmically decrease over time.
We still don't know the full details yet

But for sustainability purposes, rewards for service 2 nodes will logarithmically decrease over time.

to add to this, Eth nodes do not have a decay model in its contract, only polygon nodes.

If a reward reduction would happen to eth nodes, it would have to be a manual one. I'm sure a reduction is inevitable at some point for sustainability, unless they add pools and other ways to sustain the current reward model.
So essentially the rewards will go down at some point, but the rewards won’t go away right?
Nope, rewards won't just stop. The decay model is essentially something being put in place to decrease the rate of STRONG accrued per day, for sustainability reasons, after every 10 STRONG rewarded per node. From that point, the rate will continue decreasing some after every subsequent 10 STRONG rewarded for the original node, but the actual rates haven't been announced yet. As itshlittt itshlittt mentioned, this seems to only apply to polygon nodes at the moment, which have been accruing more daily than a normal ETH node.
Just to add to the good info already provided...

The general consensus seems to be that Poly nodes will continue to accrue faster rewards ( this is currently proven, they yield STRONG rewards faster than ETH nodes) but after your ROI, they'll start "decaying" their rewards to an undetermined minimum. Nodes will always yield rewards.

The current model with ETH nodes simply isn't sustainable, so if the Poly model is received well, I think we can expect ETH nodes to follow.

I'm long on STRONG. And if these proposals help sustain the project long term. I, personally, am all for it.

All of this is speculation of course... No one truly knows what exactly the plan is... But hopefully all questions will be addressed during this Saturday's AMA.

Just to add to the good info already provided...

The general consensus seems to be that Poly nodes will continue to accrue faster rewards ( this is currently proven, they yield STRONG rewards faster than ETH nodes) but after your ROI, they'll start "decaying" their rewards to an undetermined minimum. Nodes will always yield rewards.

The current model with ETH nodes simply isn't sustainable, so if the Poly model is received well, I think we can expect ETH nodes to follow.

I'm long on STRONG. And if these proposals help sustain the project long term. I, personally, am all for it.

All of this is speculation of course... No one truly knows what exactly the plan is... But hopefully all questions will be addressed during this Saturday's AMA.

I would just like to know the floor of the decay reward amount and how long it'll take to reach it. That will determine how much I continue to invest.
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