Official Bitcoin Thread

Any alpha for NFTs. Everyone is jumping on the staking bandwagon.
You know about Kurama Foxes?

NFA but every turtle staked earns 100 $shell a day, shell is basically worthless rn but in about a week the founder is opening a WL marketplace where shell will be used to buy whitelists in other projects.

on top of the passive shell if you have 2 turtles staked you get access to the alpha channel. .6--7 kind of a high entry but a lot of alpha passes cost multiple eth.
again NFA and DYOR because you can easily find someone passionate about the worst projects but I can honestly say I see these dudes making real eth in there on the daily.

forgot to mention there's not a lot of supply rn. around 90% staked.

this a bit spicy as it's still in the works but the founder is looking to release a project on Trove which will be the marketplace on Treasure which is on L2 Arbitrum. In line with Smol Brains and the idealogy of Treasure this would be a free drop for turtle holders.
here's another project that will have staking, check out their lite paper for more details but they're basically a "guild" that will allow holders who have their NFTs staked to collect $magic emissions via playing their game.

and then if you're interested in p2e games and such check out this thread.

this is basically the most accessible way to play bridgeworld rn tho, you can obviously get much deeper and costly with legions(1 recently sold for 510 eth)

sorry for the multiple posts but just want to pass on info ive found.
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Nft content needs to go elsewhere

Definitely not in a “Bitcoin” thread

Y’all wildin
This is more than a bitcoin thread now. Has been for a while.

Speaking of P2E I'm researching Tranquil and theres a P2E game coming out sometime in the near future called Defira. Looks interesting and I might stake a bag of Tranq to help build up some Defira tokens before they launch.
I’d be cautious with these gaming NFTs. Cool cats with an elite team and strong treasury are struggling with the bugs they’re dealing with to get a real working game. These fugazi nft projects with just staking will be abandoned when **** gets hard or expectations grow. Be smart and focus on th people running things
I’d be cautious with these gaming NFTs. Cool cats with an elite team and strong treasury are struggling with the bugs they’re dealing with to get a real working game. These fugazi nft projects with just staking will be abandoned when **** gets hard or expectations grow. Be smart and focus on th people running things
This is why I'm not moving anything out of Defi Kingdoms until the team running it decides to call it quits. One of the best managed 'games' out there and they dont even have PvP mechanics yet.
Smart move, that’s one of the few I’d consider buying

Sold my speshie, listed my deadfellaz and grabbed a squiggle finally

Tobi Lutdke on Coinbase’s board
Matt Huang on Stripe’s board

Crypto & e-commerce starting to look the same
I feel you but that's an exchange and payment company you're talking about, traded/to-be-traded companies. Their business is more dependent on crypto than vice versa IMO. Also some e-commerce heads migrating over provides some confidence for majority and can accelerate adoption.
I feel you but that's an exchange and payment company you're talking about, traded/to-be-traded companies. Their business is more dependent on crypto than vice versa IMO. Also some e-commerce heads migrating over provides some confidence for majority and can accelerate adoption.

Ecomm heads moving ... youtube head of gaming at polygon / former Lyft CFO at OpenSea
I signed up for another passive income play: Dimo. Basic concept is leave miner (don't need any hardware for most electric-based cars) in your car, it collects data. They sell the data to car companies. You're rewarded in their crypto. They're still in Alpha stages now, haven't launched their token yet. Even if you're not interested in the project, there'll be resale opportunities (simple supply and demand). There's only so many units available, and more demand. Get on their email list, get the miner, re-sell for 2x+ (depending on demand).

This was the article that piqued my interest:
man this is why I just stick with strong. :lol:

I feel a rug is highly unlikely because you know what happens after rugs. death threats... :lol:


My usual put on is done for newbies.... I'm sorry for those of you already not down with the gang. This hurts.


My usual put on is done for newbies.... I'm sorry for those of you already not down with the gang. This hurts.
What happened to dude tryna get in.??... Did we scare him away.? :lol:
I’m pretty sure they just have to pay a fine/bribe or whatever you wanna call it to the SEC and it’s game on again for them.
Maaaaaaan, if David's bald *** don't come out with some heat during tomorrow's AMA... :angry:

I'm almost certain he's just gonna defer most questions to the Medium article that's to be released "before the end of the month" :rolleyes

But he needs to give us something... We need some positive news...

Still just made another node though. :ohwell:
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