Official Bitcoin Thread

I’m just gonna hold my SOL bag. I spent like 60 SOL on 1/1 art before it started ripping insanely smfh
I’ll never hold it all again after last cycle. I could have walked with essentially a years salary instead I held an L

Gotta take profits but I’ll do that around ATH. I wouldn’t swing trade this too with all this momentum. Instead on winners id load up on the corrections to make my position bigger.

Think about it if you had the chance to be in that ETH rally from 2017-18 again wouldn’t you want to?

This is your second chance IMO but I don’t know anything. Way smarter people in here :lol:
I never lose on sol man. I could be way up if all I did was buy and sell sol.

I always f up when I get too fancy.

I was up a ton last cycle but pissed the profits away on bs that went to zero.
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Got wl'd for Berachein's upcoming drop yesterday. If this ends up having a real connection to Berachain with airdrops like the rumors say...

In case anyone wants to try their luck on this, public round opens Friday with ~2000 mints available for public. It's on Arbitrum so gas won't be a killer.

Got wl'd for Berachein's upcoming drop yesterday. If this ends up having a real connection to Berachain with airdrops like the rumors say...

You're a better man then me.

I took one look at that server and was reminded of that spoon rebasing project from the last run :lol:
Going full on airdrop farming now to save me from myself. Taking too many L's with memes. :lol:
It seems all the good stuff get launched when I'm sleeping. Also I know I'll get rekt by leverage and NFTs as well so airdrop farming it is.

Missed out on Celestia, Pyth, Jito, Arbitrum etc.. Not making that mistake for 2024. I think I might focus on airdrops until we get a major correction to buy nice dips.

Bought Celestia, Atom and Injective and staked them. Need to use some of the tokenless protocols on each chain to hopefully qualify for airdrops.
Also thinking about Aptos since it has been neglected.

Another 2 I've been seeing doing the rounds is DOP and Manta.

Good thing about DOP is, there's no speculation about an airdrop, its confirmed and it gives you all the steps you need to take by basically showing you the protocol in action.
It's actual useful as it's a privacy layer that sits on top of ETH that can encrypt transactions. It obfuscates what was sent so you can't see it on Etherscan.
Also it's on ETH testnet so no gas and no need to bridge anything. Only downside is it seems you have to refer people to be elligible so full shameless disclosure for my link.

Manta is pretty easy, it's a ETH layer 2 that uses Celestia. I think the hype around this is because there's not much time left. Its got the Celestia hype too as well and some big backers.

Basically you bridge ETH to the chain then you can use it in the ecosystem to get more rewards. There's about a week left to do it as well but the ETH will be locked for 3 months.
I think its worth the gas fee to do it but make sure to earn more points by depositing Stone in Layerbank. This video helps with it.

If anyone wants an invite code, let me know but there's also a bunch on Twitter and Telegram.

For the ETH NFT traders, check to see if you're elligible for the Frame airdrop.
Token launches on Jan 31st. You have to link your twitter account.

I didn't get anything but not suprised since its NFTs on ETH.

Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 5.11.20 PM.png


Finally :lol: :lol: did you get yours D Double D Double ?

Nothing yet still but no cancellation email so I'm probably last in the queue.
BONK also down 60% from ATH but ACS has pumped which is good. Should still be a positive overall when we receive.


Anybody up on Eigenlayer or re-staking?

Heard it's only worth it you can put in a lot and if that's if you find space to stake.
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For the ETH NFT traders, check to see if you're elligible for the Frame airdrop.
Token launches on Jan 31st. You have to link your twitter account.

I didn't get anything but not suprised since its NFTs on ETH.

Nothing yet still but no cancellation email so I'm probably last in the queue.
BONK also down 60% from ATH but ACS has pumped which is good. Should still be a positive overall when we receive.


Heard it's only worth it you can put in a lot and if that's if you find space to stake.

Good Looks! Qualified For 50 Tokens :pimp:

After Having My OP AirDrop Scammed Out Of My MM Wallet, It’s Nice To Get A 2nd Shot At An AirDrop :lol:
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