Official Bitcoin Thread

So whats the move with lvt?
Better to compound or create another node?

I haven’t done the research to answer that but they did just announce a bonus LVT airdrop worth 20% of node value for new nodes created between now and the 25th.

But in general there are some rewards benefits for compounding via the bonus APY, I haven’t looked into it though.
Forgot to mention that they're doing a Baby Dragon giveaway on Twitter. Worth like 40+ SOL and will give you 1 $BOKU per day.

Steph Curry commemorative NFT releasing tonight at 8 on FTX.

Pricey but all proceeds go to charity. Normie friendly since you just pay with USD, so could have some appeal.
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Pretty happy. Gonna sell the red shirt one tho
Bruh that launch is a **** show :lol:
**** was bogus. :lol: I was there from jump and couldn't mint one. Wasn't my timing or gas either. I got 6 transactions all on my metamask that ended up failing.

Nevertheless, they're dropping tomorrow with their Native Nodeon token at 12.50 a piece. So basically nodes starting at 125. I'll try to grab a few. I know the price is going to skyrocket not too long afterwards.
Yale’s endowment is vested in Paradigm but I bet some finance professors tell students to be bearish crypto
Terra Station is the wallet you want for LUNA.

I've minted sparingly lately and have gotten burnt :smh:. I guess not minting a Win is better than being rugged :lol:. Some nice Ws to be had, especially with Baby Ape Social Club and Catalina Whales last week. Somehow the Catalinas brought ETH heads over to SOL. I think they're trash but it's whatever :lol:.

Someone who works at FTX is a Dragonz holder and has been putting in work pitching them to the right folks. Some big time ETH guys bought in over the weekend. Farokh and even Steve Aoki :lol:. Caused a nice bit of fomo. I can see this continuing to happen as more ETH heads see the Dragonz as the Cyberkongz of Solana.

Nah those aren't mine, I just grabbed a few random ones from our Discord.

To mint babyz you need to breed 2 Genesis Dragonz and pay 840 $BOKU to get an egg. Genesis Dragz produce 7 $BOKU per day, and there's a liquidity pool for buying/farming more. And then there's a 21 day wait for the babyz to hatch, or an extra 350 $BOKU gets you insta-hatch. Since I'm just a pleb with a single Genesis I need to borrow someone else's Dragon and provide the 840 $BOKU :lol:. I should get there in around a month.

Y'all make me feel so behind sometimes.
sld came though and decimated rewards for 🐳

I kind of like this project because it’s run so poorly and full of glitches.

Just overnight. “Btw tomorrow the whales will get less than 1/10 what they get now. Deal with it.” :lol:
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