Official Bitcoin Thread

Do y’all think strong is still a good play?

Yes and no, I think the team is pretty good. I truly believe they are trying to find a way to make it sustainable and they actually run nodes.

No because I think the price is likely to dip more, idk what your risk tolerance is and all that though so if you got the money go nuts.

I think fractional nodes will be :pimp:

Good way to get off the sidelines with minimal risk and I’ll probably do a hybrid of compounding with those and taking profits.
Discord and Telegram as info sources in general give me anxiety.

Even a community on good behavior, end of the day it’s just a collective stream of consciousness of varying types. Really bad format for me personally.

Aside from getting announcements from devs, I much prefer curating info on Twitter.
all of it is great fun for me to engage with when i have time. interesting that planb is walking back his s2f predictions. not surprising that he's an antivaxx fanatic. in fact, i see quite a bit of that pop up here and there in a few tg chats and on twitter. i could do without reading political biases when interacting in those formats but i guess its important within the framework of the crypto landscape.

my biggest position by far remains with everest. pa has been ****. delays have sucked. but the roadmap looks promising and my expectations have lowered drastically. truly holding through the bad times. even staked some for a whole ******* year which is crazy long where anything can happen. if it miraculously does well, imma feel like i earned the win. if it never takes off, i'm ok with the lesson.
cosmos looking decent today. interesting airdrops in that ecosystem. i like how some projects on there have such a disdain for VCs and airdrops usually have some kind of anti-whale efforts to make drops fair.
Cosmos projects are phenomenal. The atom token just has no real utility or purpose yet. It’ll get there as you can use it to secure networks within the Cosmos ecosystem but it’s still a ways away.
yeah, idk what you're doing but I don't bridge. I just send it to cb and swap to whatever I need. like eth to avax or whatever.

cheaper too.

Seen a few ETH guys jump on SOL NFTs recently so this news won't surprise me if it's true.
Just when I was going a sabbatical on SOL NFTs, this happens.

Seen a few ETH guys jump on SOL NFTs recently so this news won't surprise me if it's true.
Just when I was going a sabbatical on SOL NFTs, this happens.

Do you think that's going to move the needle much for SOL projects??
Do you think that's going to move the needle much for SOL projects??
Improves liquidity and accessibility. It’s a net win for the best projects but Solana has an originality and creativity problem so that needs to be addressed. However, now that they’re going to opensea, they’ll attract better creators. This hurts Polygon big time.
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