Originally Posted by
iLLoQuent aka DSK
I know y'all are up on the Bold/Storm, but I just got my first BB two weeks ago (Curve) and it's without a doubt the best phone I've had.
I suggest to y'all to really check up on other forums, especially Crackberry, on how to maximize the potential of a BB...good looks to everyone who kept mentioning JiveTalk in here...there is no better app for AIM.
Only negative thing I found about the Curve (I guess this is all BB's in general?) are the memory leaks or memory drainage for just having the phone on, but I haven't had any problems thus far since I made sure to delete everything I'm not using. Freeing up a good amount of data is essential IMO...saves you from having to do numerous battery pulls (I've done it a few times, but not THAT frequently)...