...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

I got some tough decisions to make. Should I wait for Storm 2 or just pick up the BB Tour? So far, I'm hearing good reviews for the BB Tour.
Saw that the tour is coming to Sprint in 2010 with wi-fi, my question is , is it worth the wait? should I buy the phone now from sprint?
The wi-fi wasn't that big of a deal to me. I have a touch pro and I rarely use my wifi
Looks like those of us on sprint will be getting our tour's by next wed (the latest)
Originally Posted by International Lance

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Saw that the tour is coming to Sprint in 2010 with wi-fi, my question is , is it worth the wait? should I buy the phone now from sprint?

If you want to wait until 2010 then by all means go for it. But you know how sprint is with release dates and especially blackberry release dates if you think about it every carrier has at least 2 new blackberrys as opposed to sprint finally getting one. They say 2010 but that could mean a wide range of times it could be q4 2010. But in all honesty you have to do you, if you feel like you can wait then go for it, but with sprint you can just never be sure, i take everything they say with a grain of salt.
thanks for the responses, dont travel much at all so ill buy it now
I'm pissed that I'm stuck with this damn Storm. I got it about two months ago. Is there anyone I can upgrade to the Tour? I'm thinking I'm justgoing to have to sell my Storm and pay for a full price Tour.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

I'm pissed that I'm stuck with this damn Storm. I got it about two months ago. Is there anyone I can upgrade to the Tour? I'm thinking I'm just going to have to sell my Storm and pay for a full price Tour.
You probably can trade it in, I wouldn't try to do it now though. You know everyone is probably trying to do this. I'd wait awhile.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Yeah, I'm thinking about letting go of my Treo and copping the Tour.

I'll finally be entering the BB world.

W/ no BB Pins though, lol.

SAME here ... Im headed out to the BB SIDE ....
Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?

I'm eligible for upgrade in a few weeks and I'm thinking about getting it. Bold is just too big for me (Pause...) and I want something sleeker afterhaving bulky HTC pda's the past 3 years.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?

I'm eligible for upgrade in a few weeks and I'm thinking about getting it. Bold is just too big for me (Pause...) and I want something sleeker after having bulky HTC pda's the past 3 years.

Love mine, I forgot to charge it the other night, left it on from about 11am on tuesday and it made it to 2am thursday, with usage. I enjoy it a lot, but Icannot find it right now
...it may go without another charge tonight.

Bold $180 new contract $230 upgrade
8900 $130 new contract $180 upgrade

Also have the blackberry tour for sprint

If you find a cheaper price on these phones in store only ill price match them.

Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?
battery life is reasonable, it sucks how much battery running the net and texting takes though but thats phones in general.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA


Bold $180 new contract $230 upgrade
8900 $130 new contract $180 upgrade

Also have the blackberry tour for sprint

If you find a cheaper price on these phones in store only ill price match them.

Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?
battery life is reasonable, it sucks how much battery running the net and texting takes though but thats phones in general.

if i upgrade do i have to sign up for another 2 years?
if i upgrade do i have to sign up for another 2 years?
yes you do, in all cases with all companies thats how it works. you sign up for 2 more years when you upgrade.

If you have 3 lines and just upgrade one line then ONLY that line will stay in contract for 2 more years.
The other lines are free once the 2 years are reached from the original contract and you can pay month by month.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?

I'm eligible for upgrade in a few weeks and I'm thinking about getting it. Bold is just too big for me (Pause...) and I want something sleeker after having bulky HTC pda's the past 3 years.
I live off UMA, so I have about 80% of my battery left at the end of the day even with texting & constantly receiving e-mails.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Anybody got the 8900? How is the battery life?

I'm eligible for upgrade in a few weeks and I'm thinking about getting it. Bold is just too big for me (Pause...) and I want something sleeker after having bulky HTC pda's the past 3 years.

Battery life is great. Make sure to upgrade your OS from the default OS if you get it. Newer OS's = better battery life, for the most part.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The wi-fi wasn't that big of a deal to me. I have a touch pro and I rarely use my wifi
Looks like those of us on sprint will be getting our tour's by next wed (the latest)

True. i have yet to turn my wifi on my touch pro.

Tour, hopefully soon.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I Drink Your Milkshake- If you have one of the old Sero Plans like for $30, I would call them and ask how much it would cost to add a BB data package onto you original plan. That might actually be less then the simply everything plus (assuming they actually let you go through with it) If not tell them you want to switch your plan over to the sipmly everything plus 500 plan, because that has a BB data included, then you can use your upgrade, but that will only take off $75 off a $400+ phone. Your 3rd option is to just open a new line of service. I doubt you would want to do this though and get stick paying for 2 phones. This is what I did, only because I gave my Touch Pro to my sister, and now she will be paying for the bill.
awesome way you played it out...

maybe I'll hustle up on the tour and use the "How much to terminate my service.....I hate my diamond (which I do) what else is out there? I think Iwant a blackberry" blah blah blah
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I Drink Your Milkshake- If you have one of the old Sero Plans like for $30, I would call them and ask how much it would cost to add a BB data package onto you original plan. That might actually be less then the simply everything plus (assuming they actually let you go through with it) If not tell them you want to switch your plan over to the sipmly everything plus 500 plan, because that has a BB data included, then you can use your upgrade, but that will only take off $75 off a $400+ phone. Your 3rd option is to just open a new line of service. I doubt you would want to do this though and get stick paying for 2 phones. This is what I did, only because I gave my Touch Pro to my sister, and now she will be paying for the bill.
awesome way you played it out...

maybe I'll hustle up on the tour and use the "How much to terminate my service.....I hate my diamond (which I do) what else is out there? I think I want a blackberry" blah blah blah
OR you could be like how much does it cost to terminate early (200 + probably) then you say, the reason I ask is because I recently saw that youguys just came out with the BB Tour but are selling it for about $400. I don't think I can afford that, so I was thining about paying my ETF and going tobest buy and picking up a Tour with verizon for $99.
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