...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

i have the focus theme from elecite' website.

do they have this for the storm?
Not a fan of themes too much because it always seems like there's some quirk. They never work 100% the way I want them to.
Got my 9700 today. Really enjoying it so far. This is my first Blackberry, so far a nice change.
Originally Posted by heaVINsent15

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

i have the focus theme from elecite' website.

do they have this for the storm?

i'm sure they do. if you visit their website, there's a whole mess of themes for every BB under the sun.

ch ch check it out.
I just traded my Storm for an 8900 with this guy from craigslist a few days ago. I had an 8gb micro SD in the storm and when I put it in my 8900, the phoneisn't even recognizing that there is a media card in it. The guy had the same card and put it in the 8900 so it definitely reads memory cards, any ideaswhat I can do? cuz I have over 1300 songs, videos, pics etc...
Sounds crazy but anyway to program the Dallas Mavericks Basketball schedule into my phone without having to do it myself.; Its there an app or something of thesort?
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

TweetGenius > Seesmic > Social Scope > Ubertwitter

Sessmic is still a work in progress so that shouldn't be even be listed. TweetGenius is a battery hog and also there isn't an option to REPLY ALL onTG. Haven't tried SS as I've applied so many damn times
UT isthe best to me still. It's simple and gets the job done plus now with the UT they have tabs
Awesome thread with tons of info.

I'll be making some changes to my blackberry thanks to you guys. Much appreciated
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

TweetGenius > Seesmic > Social Scope > Ubertwitter

Sessmic is still a work in progress so that shouldn't be even be listed. TweetGenius is a battery hog and also there isn't an option to REPLY ALL on TG. Haven't tried SS as I've applied so many damn times
UT is the best to me still. It's simple and gets the job done plus now with the UT they have tabs

UT bit TG hard wit the update #imjustsayin.
Still waitin for a SS invite too, but didnt kno it
was that bad.
Anybody else here have the Storm 2 and love it?

Phone is damn good IMO and BB did what they needed to to upgrading from the Storm 1 which was horrendous.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Anybody else here have the Storm 2 and love it?

Phone is damn good IMO and BB did what they needed to to upgrading from the Storm 1 which was horrendous.

i'm planning on getting a BB either sometime this month or early january, is the 9700 better than the 8900 or are they pretty much the same thing exceptfor the trackball and dpad? this would be my first BB if that matters. i've had the SK3, lx, and SK08, but i'm switching to a BB cause sidekicks areTRASH! thanks for any help!
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by reddmann s2

Originally Posted by tvanterpool

Originally Posted by reddmann s2

Originally Posted by tvanterpool

i currently have in a 16gb memory card in my 9700, anyone know if i can put in a 32gb or 16gb is the biggest it can hold?
I read somewhere that the 9700 is able to hold a 32gb microSD but is there any 32gb available because I haven't seen one yet. If so, please point me towards that direction because I want one
as soon as i find out imma let you kno bro and if it can hold an iphone aint got sh@t on bb 9700
Here's my PIN: 215A6180

Limmie know if you come across any info on the microSD cards... Thanks!

Havent checked but try MONOPRICE.COM They might have the micro sd cards.
Good lookin' out... I'm gonna check
Hey, anybody here have the 'Even More Plus' Plan from T-Mobile? I'm considering switching over but it sort of seems too good to be true.

Currently, I'm paying $65 (before taxes) for:

300 minutes (Unlimited Nights & Weekends)
Unlimited Messaging and
Unlimited BlackBerry data plan

With the 'Even More Plus' Plan I'd be paying $60 (before taxes) for:

500 Minutes (Unlimited Nights & Weekends) (Unlimited T-Mo 2 T-Mo)
Unlimited Messaging and
Unlimited BlackBerry data plan

I'd also opt to pay $20 a month for the new BlackBerry Bold 9700 (I'm currently on the BlackBerry Curve 8900). I figure I could pay the phone off in 2or 3 months anyway so that whole paying $20 a month for 20 months doesn't bother me.

But is there any catch to this? I won't be on a contract (like I am now) but seriously, this seems too good to be true. Any opinions?
I'm planning on doing something similar, picking up the 9700 and switching to that same plan.

The downside is you have to pay the full price of the phone, since you won't be a contract, you don't get the discounted phone. That's really itthough, the comparable plans with contract are more expensive over the course of the 2 years, so it's a better deal to go off contract.
But there's got to be a loophole somewhere
My plan got better.. but I'm paying less (I'm already on T-Mo). I guess maybe its for theconvenience of being able off the phone so quickly for me, as opposed to others who may not be able to so quickly?

Plus, working for CUNY FTW, there's a discount apparently, which waives my ETF plus a certain percentage off my bill monthly.
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