...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

I just bought the 9800 for work use only, and for some reason when I use the touch screen and hit a letter, it hits on the other side of the screen another letter.... any help would be appreciated
I have been loyal to blackberry for YEARS and was very excited to cop the Torch. I finally got one last friday and began using it. Within 5 minutes it crashed. I rebooted it (which was a million times quicker than it used to be on the bold), and everything was OK, for a day. Then I started having touch screen issues, lag, and all the other things that were supposed to be fixed with the new OS. it became so frustrating that I returned it on tuesday and ordered an iPhone. I REALLY wanted to like the torch, and when I had the choice originally I went for it without any question. But it was just so frustrating that I had to let it go and it turned me off from blackberrys for this go round. Maybe by my next upgrade they'll have a dope phone available, but from my experience the Torch failed miserably.
i know last time i said i was passing on the torch because of the slider. so being a loyal bb user, i went ahead and copped one a couple of days ago. my initial reactions:

weight: this phone is heavy. i read somewhere it's the weight of an iphone. for most blackberry users, we are accustomed to using the phone with one hand. this annoyed me the first day bc i had to use both hands everytime i was on the phone. now i realize how wrong i have been. if you open the slider, the phone automatically goes back to its roots. physical keyboard+touch pad. and you can still text, email and surf the web one handed. not sure if you have frail hands tho. the weight does make it hard to use the phone when youre in bed. i'm usually on my side or back, so holding it up is a strain. i'm sure people with heavy phones can relate.

slider: it's strong. almost too strong...you cant slide it up with a flick of the finger. there's a give and take here. if it was flimsy, it'd break down quickly.

OS: it's solid. i dont notice a lag when i switch screens, but then again i'm coming from a curve. i bet an iphone user would find the OS to be slow.

keyboard: think of the keyboard as a skinny bold. it feels thin and a lot quieter than my curve. very very nice.

touchscreen: solid. if you compare a droid or iphone next to it, of course their screens are gonna doo doo all over the torch. but this screen screams blackberry. understated, clear and bright. one of the things i kept in mind when getting this phone is that this is the first go around for bb with this screen. i havent had any crash issues or unpredictable screen actions like some other nter had mentioned. i actually love this screen. both my brothers have iphones and they been giving me hell about the torch, but neither one have even tried it out. sounds familiar? one bro came from a curve 8900 and the other came from bold 9000. i looked at their old bb and neither one ever updated anything on the phone. they had 4.6 os on both. go figure.
texting on the touchscreen is the same experience for me as texting on the iphone or droid. i hate it! i avoid it all all cost. i type slow with it and i have fat thumbs so i can barely see around my thumbs. i just hate texting on touchscreens. that is the main reason i havent gotten an iphone. the other is the phone call quality. i hate talking to people on the iphone, it's a pain in the %@@ if the convo goes for more than 3 minutes because of the poor call quality. both my brothers agree too, the iphone is more appropriately the ifun. i'm not knocking on the iphone overall, because it's a sexy %@@ product with really nice apps. but i average about 2000 text messages a month and about 400 minutes on the phone (and i'm unemployed. when i start working again next year these numbers will increase drastically). i'm in the minority with blackberry's keyboard and os.

phone calls: same as the previous two blackberrys i owned. i wish the speaker phone could get louder though, that's my main gripe. i read people had vibration issues with the speaker, so i'm looking out for that as well. no vibration so far

web browsing: a much better experience naturally. the copy and paste functions are pretty dope. you can also do a touch screen cursor that is really cool too. a few things i dont like. alot of sites automatically give you the mobile view. sometimes it's fine, other times i just want the regular page. it has the option to do regular page but i just want regular page all the time. maybe i havent looked into the options enough. on the flip side, some sites dont have a mobile view (niketalk) and you just want the mobile view. i wish they kept the option of "page view" and "column view". sometimes you just want to read the article and skip all the ads or photos. maybe they'll bring back column view bc the pinch to zoom isnt that efficient with spacing. i find myself toggling between portrait and landscape bc i like to scroll up and down, not updownleft right. i'm waiting on bolt or opera to hook it up!

as always, bbm, email, instant messaging, camera are all great.

overall i love this phone. if you're new to blackberry, i dont know if this is the phone youre looking for. it's a workhorse phone without the bells and whistles. if youre accustomed to the bb family and want to upgrade, this phone is the best bb out. i expect bugs to occur because this is the first gen phone. my opinion is rim made a huge mistake giving at&t the exclusive rights. i know alot of bb users who want this phone but will NEVER switch to at&t. it goes to show how dope the iphone is as a multimedia machine. people are willing to sacrifice call quality and coverage quality to have an iphone. people will not do that for a torch or any bb. hell, i dont know anyone who's jumped to at&t for a droid product.

i'll let yall know in a few weeks how this phone holds up. i have 30 days with it, so i'm gonna be abusing it everyday. and i know rim is behind with the OS and hardware. fact is, any of yall holding any phone in your hand right now will have an outdated phone next year. i just wanted a better bb experience than what i have right now, and i'm not disappointed yet.
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Is there anyway I can get ESPN Bill Simmons podcasts on my blackberry tour?

i believe there is a blackberry podcast app in the appstore that's pretty good... not sure if they have the EXACT podcast you're asking for but i'd try that first.
my 8900 gave out on me 2day. my screen is just white
it should still be under warranty, but i'm due for an upgrade....
decisions, decisions
I just got the Storm 2 (9550) unlocked, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or flip it. Reason being is I totally forgot that it is EDGE network only for my provider (Fido). I'm used to using my Blackjack in 3G, so I'm not sure I can make the transition even though I really need to have a BBM account. How slow is the EDGE network especially when using BBM... right now I'm thinking of selling it...and purchasing the new Curve 3G... just to stick with the 3G network.

damn, are any of yall BB users experiencing trouble with your internet?? im in cali and its been 3 days since my BB has been trippin. internet works perfectly on wi-fi but on 3G or edge itself... slow or nothing. ive tried all the tricks, popping the battery out, etc.

i understand this is a nationwide problem with a lot of BB owners. ive been trying to find more information about this outage and all i find is "RIM is working on it". when can i expect my phone to work back to normal?!

i have the torch and it was working fine the first weeks. i was VERY pleased with the phone coming from iphone. if this problem doesnt get fixed soon, im going back to iphone!

anyone know any GOOD info on this outage???

damn, are any of yall BB users experiencing trouble with your internet?? im in cali and its been 3 days since my BB has been trippin. internet works perfectly on wi-fi but on 3G or edge itself... slow or nothing. ive tried all the tricks, popping the battery out, etc.

i understand this is a nationwide problem with a lot of BB owners. ive been trying to find more information about this outage and all i find is "RIM is working on it". when can i expect my phone to work back to normal?!

i have the torch and it was working fine the first weeks. i was VERY pleased with the phone coming from iphone. if this problem doesnt get fixed soon, im going back to iphone!

anyone know any GOOD info on this outage???
Originally Posted by TheRav4

I just got the Storm 2 (9550) unlocked, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or flip it. Reason being is I totally forgot that it is EDGE network only for my provider (Fido). I'm used to using my Blackjack in 3G, so I'm not sure I can make the transition even though I really need to have a BBM account. How slow is the EDGE network especially when using BBM... right now I'm thinking of selling it...and purchasing the new Curve 3G... just to stick with the 3G network.
wow I have the same problem too lol except I'm using a tour
Originally Posted by TheRav4

I just got the Storm 2 (9550) unlocked, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or flip it. Reason being is I totally forgot that it is EDGE network only for my provider (Fido). I'm used to using my Blackjack in 3G, so I'm not sure I can make the transition even though I really need to have a BBM account. How slow is the EDGE network especially when using BBM... right now I'm thinking of selling it...and purchasing the new Curve 3G... just to stick with the 3G network.
wow I have the same problem too lol except I'm using a tour
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Originally Posted by TheRav4

I just got the Storm 2 (9550) unlocked, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or flip it. Reason being is I totally forgot that it is EDGE network only for my provider (Fido). I'm used to using my Blackjack in 3G, so I'm not sure I can make the transition even though I really need to have a BBM account. How slow is the EDGE network especially when using BBM... right now I'm thinking of selling it...and purchasing the new Curve 3G... just to stick with the 3G network.
wow I have the same problem too lol except I'm using a tour

Have you begun using your Tour under Edge. If you are satisfied enough with EDGE and the BBM over EDGE, let me know. Not going to lie, most of the time I'm in a WIFI available area...but I still don't know I can justify paying for a new device that downgrades from 3G to EDGE.
Originally Posted by TheRav4

Originally Posted by McRaptor

Originally Posted by TheRav4

I just got the Storm 2 (9550) unlocked, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or flip it. Reason being is I totally forgot that it is EDGE network only for my provider (Fido). I'm used to using my Blackjack in 3G, so I'm not sure I can make the transition even though I really need to have a BBM account. How slow is the EDGE network especially when using BBM... right now I'm thinking of selling it...and purchasing the new Curve 3G... just to stick with the 3G network.
wow I have the same problem too lol except I'm using a tour

Have you begun using your Tour under Edge. If you are satisfied enough with EDGE and the BBM over EDGE, let me know. Not going to lie, most of the time I'm in a WIFI available area...but I still don't know I can justify paying for a new device that downgrades from 3G to EDGE.

i'm on edge most of the time and it's fine. to be honest, blackberry's aren't as internet intensive so being on edge vs 3G isn't THAT big of a deal... i guess if you're on google maps it could be a real pain in the @#@ to load the map on edge. i'm on tmobile if it matters, they're 3G isnt' as great as the big dogs but it gets the job done.
i'm in need of that 9800 asap! my 9700 ain't cutting it anymore...someone point me in the right directions? Thanks.
Originally Posted by iamxtian

i'm in need of that 9800 asap! my 9700 ain't cutting it anymore...someone point me in the right directions? Thanks.

hit up AT&T for an upgrade or look to cop one off craigslist/ebay.

ALSO, if you are looking for an invite to our NT BBM group, PM me with your PIN and i'll send you an invite.
I just got the Torch last week... Dope phone! Keyboard, and a touch screen. Best of both worlds IMO. I don't need all these extra apps, so the Torch is perfect. With OS6 installed, web browsing on this BB is dope!
Originally Posted by Dunks206

I just got the Torch last week... Dope phone! Keyboard, and a touch screen. Best of both worlds IMO. I don't need all these extra apps, so the Torch is perfect. With OS6 installed, web browsing on this BB is dope!

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