...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Originally Posted by CHiCHiLOVES5s

Originally Posted by Prez T

i have a Mac and every time i try to send a ringtone from my comp to my BB its saying that the "Device does not have the necessary services" . whats the deal ?!

i dont know what kind of bb you have but i had the same problem with my first 2 8830's.

sprint nor apple could do anything. apparently its like a lotto trying to find a bb that is mac compatible.
the 8830 im currently using sends via bluetooth just fine.

edit: do you have a SD card installed?

i have the 8310 curve with AT&T

not sure if i have an SD card ... whatever came with the phone AT&T version is what i have
SD cards are bought separately.
im not 100% sure but i think you need one to receive via bluetooth.
i have a 2gb micro SD (which i think is the same curves use) that was like $20.
you should go buy one & see if that fixes your issue.

good luck
figured it out yall

apparently the AT&T store forgot to move my media card from my old phone to the BB , THATS why it was saying it didnt have necessaryservices

I know I'm late on this, but how is everyone feelin' the JiveTalk update?

mostly just flash, however, i do like the fact that you can change the LED colorway.
Ok i finally purchased my BB curve titanium today(at&t)

What is the best AIM application I can put on it? I have unlimited messaging rt now but no unlimited internet....
Originally Posted by akaValentino

I know I'm late on this, but how is everyone feelin' the JiveTalk update?

mostly just flash, however, i do like the fact that you can change the LED colorway.

I like who you can see icons too.
the LED is cool too.
I have had a a BB curve for about a month and a half and just wanted to say I love it.

Can anyone recommend any must have apps on ur BB. I have many but i primarily use Google Talk and AIM.
My favorite apps.
Google Maps - great for traveling in areas your not familiar... my entire Sprinbreak trip I found restaurants and clubs through this app

Viigo - its for news articles and etc

Infospace - great for looking up Movie times, restaurants, hotels, Atms and etc.. one of the best free apps imo

BBweather - self explanatory

Facebook app
^Good stuff BFA just DL'ed google maps and I am loving it.

Gonna try the BB weather as well......BTW where can I get BB weather from?

Also I just changed to the iphone theme which I like but what do you guys use to get various wallpapers?
I have had my BB curve for a day and I'm loving it so far. I have a quick question though. Whenever I use a picture for my wall paper, it doesn't takeup the whole screen.The wallpaper will be around the icons, but on the rest I still have the default cloud wallpaper. Is there anyway for my wallpaper to takeup the whole screen?
Originally Posted by kamakazipnoygt

I have had my BB curve for a day and I'm loving it so far. I have a quick question though. Whenever I use a picture for my wall paper, it doesn't take up the whole screen.The wallpaper will be around the icons, but on the rest I still have the default cloud wallpaper. Is there anyway for my wallpaper to take up the whole screen?

I have been wondering this as well.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by kamakazipnoygt

I have had my BB curve for a day and I'm loving it so far. I have a quick question though. Whenever I use a picture for my wall paper, it doesn't take up the whole screen.The wallpaper will be around the icons, but on the rest I still have the default cloud wallpaper. Is there anyway for my wallpaper to take up the whole screen?

I have been wondering this as well.
I figured it out on my own. Just change your theme from AT&T, to one of the other ones.

Oh yeah, my PIN is - 244EEAC4
Can someone tell me how to setup an email account on the curve...thanks
Go to personal e-mail set up, it takes you step by step. It's pretty easy.

what do you guys think about the opera browser?
Waaaaay better than the BBerry and media net browsers. I like it alot.

I have had my BB curve for a day and I'm loving it so far. I have a quick question though. Whenever I use a picture for my wall paper, it doesn't take up the whole screen.The wallpaper will be around the icons, but on the rest I still have the default cloud wallpaper. Is there anyway for my wallpaper to take up the whole screen?
You have to re-size the picture. I'm not sure how though, I have the same problem, so any help?
^So do you do the same basically if you have tmobile? Currently I am actually using the bphone theme (iphone) will the picture still fit the screen using thattheme or is there another way to resize?

Edit: Also if anyone knows a way to get wallpapers already perfectly sized for the BB let me know.
Originally Posted by carL0Wm3yng

Originally Posted by FreshProduct

Applications > Manage Connections > Check the box for WiFi ?

all i have listed are mobile network and bluetooth

Then you don't have a Cure 8320. Only 8320s have wi-fi.
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