...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Anyone else download the Yahoo! Go program? It's just a beta version and I haven't messed with it enough but it looks like it has potential to be agood program. You guys should check it out.
Yea I D/L it the other day.
Its decent.
I havent really gone thru it all but it looks good and lets u add alot to it.
To make any picture your wallpaper right through your phone just save it, go into your pictures and resize it yourself. To resize it, click the letter"I" to zoom in and "O" to zoom out and use the trackball to get the exact angle of the picture that you want as your wallpaper. Forexample, you get a picture straight off a website and save it but theres a white border when you make it your wallpaper because its too little, just zoom in soit can fit the whole screen and make that your wallpaper. I hope I explained it well because its much easier than resizing a pic on your computer and sendingit to your phone.

BTW I never posted my pin...

24237E5F get at me
Not sure if anyone knows this, but this thread is WAY too big for me to go thru it and see if it's already been posted. If it is, I am sorry, butT-Mobile's version of the BlackBerry 8320 will be out tomorrow. And the BlackBerry Pearl 2 AKA the BlackBerry 8120 will be April 14th. This is basicallythe same as the Pearl 1, except it has WiFi.
let me just say i fell in love with my curve again

i slept on most apps etc and used the phone for the basics BUT

-PIN messaging is
AIM sucks and sending 5000 text messages is ahassle...PIN made that a whole lot easier

-this past weekend i discovered the best thing about my curve...it can be used as a modem! backstory is basically i was blessed with free wifi forever in myhouse...got taken away recently but im moving so i didnt bother to get my own...so i've just been living without it at home for a couplemonths...discovered this and BAM i was on PokerStars getting $$ while watching Belly on the TV

my curve is all scratched and beat up but i put that call in to tmobile friday and a crispy DS joint is on the way....i will care for that one and explore allthe options this time around
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Can someone tell me how to setup an email account on the curve...thanks

For T-Mobile, just go to the website and click the BlackBerry option on your homepage, they should have the e-mail setup there, it's really easy.Create the username and bam, you're done.

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Any T-mobile customers having problems with the network today?

I did, well mostly just sending pictures and a little bit with the internet. Best solution is just to take out the battery and put it back in 10-15seconds. If it still isn't working, go to Options --> Advanced --> Host Routing Table and register with another Router.
why is everyone giving pin numbers out? also compared to the iphone how is the email on these things ? can i have a few gmail accounts or just one?
why is everyone giving pin numbers out? also compared to the iphone how is the email on these things ? can i have a few gmail accounts or just one?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]These happens from time to time....First time i called, the blackberry rep told me to shut down thephone completely, not no soft shut off...It should reset the phone and you'll be fine hopefully...[/color]
Originally Posted by Kingtre

let me just say i fell in love with my curve again

i slept on most apps etc and used the phone for the basics BUT

-PIN messaging is
AIM sucks and sending 5000 text messages is a hassle...PIN made that a whole lot easier

-this past weekend i discovered the best thing about my curve...it can be used as a modem! backstory is basically i was blessed with free wifi forever in my house...got taken away recently but im moving so i didnt bother to get my own...so i've just been living without it at home for a couple months...discovered this and BAM i was on PokerStars getting $$ while watching Belly on the TV

my curve is all scratched and beat up but i put that call in to tmobile friday and a crispy DS joint is on the way....i will care for that one and explore all the options this time around

What did you tell them so you can get a new one and did you have to pay the deductable?
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