Official Boston Celtics @ Atlanta Hawks Game 4 thread

that was just a damn good game.
the hawks will be a better team next year.
hopefully they can learn how to play as a whole consitantly
instead of a bunch of 1 on 1 plays.


like i said, this has made my year!
doc is just not a good coach in close games like this. this is the 3rd time this has happened this year, some athletic guy on a team gets hot in the 4thquarter and celts can;t stop him. it happened against new orleans with david west. it happened with philly with igoudala. now this game. when a team gets on aroll, he can;t make adjustments. he calls timeouts too late. makes the wrong subs.
so are the hawks officially a bigger story than matt ryan in atl right now?

Just got back from the game.

Holy %*%+. I have never been in an atmosphere like that. Philips Arena was hype. There were almost a few fights in the stands over near where I was sitting. Asfar as the Celtics bench goes, I hate them. Cassel and his big bandage on his %!% can sit down and go back into space. The rest of them just taunt the crowd,Im glad JJ and company whopped ya'lls %!%. Ill see ya Friday night for Game 6 in the A-Town.
^ my bad... i was like alright

but yea, ive been having that one. just never used it cause i was representing all of the atlanta teams.
Exciting game and great win for the Hawks, and ATL in general. That being said, dudes in here are out they damn mind talkin bout -"PP got no left""PP is a bum" , get a hold of yourselves.
It makes me laugh when people call PP fat and out of shape. You guys ever seen him flex? He arms and shoulders are huge. Some people just dont tone like that.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

It makes me laugh when people call PP fat and out of shape. You guys ever seen him flex? He arms and shoulders are huge. Some people just dont tone like that.

if you think Pierce is "huge". dude is fat and outof shape, no he doesnt have any big muscles in his shoulders or arms. No im not hating on PP, dudes been one of my favorite players since i started followingbasketball, im just stating the truth.
nice pics. thanks.
those kids in all the 00's just got to watch them warmup or what?

@ the guy whos watching the baseball game on the bottom right.

how was it man? i wish i could have been there.

looks like you had some great seats.
may i ask how much a ticket cost?


Originally Posted by atljunkie

nice pics. thanks.
those kids in all the 00's just got to watch them warmup or what?

@ the guy whos watching the baseball game on the bottom right.

how was it man? i wish i could have been there.

looks like you had some great seats.
may i ask how much a ticket cost?

First playoff game i ever went to and man the playoff atmosphere is definitely much much hyper than a regular season game. Crowd was in to the game fromstart to finish and ofcourse when the Hawks won sh.. was hectic.

My girl works part time for the Hawks so she gets free tickets, we actually would have gotten better seats but because it was a playoff game most the goodseats were gone. She's tryna see if she can get tickets for game 6
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Originally Posted by atljunkie

nice pics. thanks.
those kids in all the 00's just got to watch them warmup or what?

@ the guy whos watching the baseball game on the bottom right.

how was it man? i wish i could have been there.

looks like you had some great seats.
may i ask how much a ticket cost?

First playoff game i ever went to and man the playoff atmosphere is definitely much much hyper than a regular season game. Crowd was in to the game from start to finish and ofcourse when the Hawks won sh.. was hectic.

My girl works part time for the Hawks so she gets free tickets, we actually would have gotten better seats but because it was a playoff game most the good seats were gone. She's tryna see if she can get tickets for game 6

wild. very jealous my dude. not only do you have playoff tickets but its from a girl who likes basketball and yet the hawks?


thats it, im moving to atlanta.
Boston shooting 41.2% from the field

Atlanta shooting 47.8% from the field

Expect those numbers to go in opposite directions in game 5

First playoff game i ever went to and man the playoff atmosphere is definitely much much hyper than a regular season game. Crowd was in to the game from start to finish and ofcourse when the Hawks won sh.. was hectic.

it's awesome for the fans....this is how home game atmosphere should be like....good for the ATL fans.

[h2]Hawks have a real shot … seriously[/h2]
By MarkBradley | Monday, April 28, 2008, 11:35 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Hawks can win this series. They really can. They'll have to take a game in Boston to do it, but at the moment nothing seems beyond them. At themoment they look so good you can't believe they're the Hawks.

They have the NBA's best team reeling. The Celtics, who pride themselves on their strength of will, couldn't hold a 10-point lead with 12 minutesleft Monday night. It was the second time in Game 4 that Boston seemed to have stunned the Hawks -

"They hit us in the mouth," Joe Johnson said - and somehow the callow underdogs hit back harder. How'd that happen?

"We know we can play with these guys," said Johnson, expressing a belief that absolutely no one - not even the Hawks - held 51 hours earlier. Buttwo games here, two games that defied form and reason, have turned a perfunctory exercise into a pulsating entity.

"It's a series now," Al Horford said. "Before it was 2-0."

Now it's 2-2, and the Celtics find themselves where they were in the heyday of Bird and McHale, relying on their home floor when all else fails. And allelse has. The team that considers itself a defensive carnivore couldn't guard two Hawks when it mattered. Joe Johnson and Josh Smith scored all 32 of theirteam's fourth-quarter points, and who knew this much-lampooned roster was housing a latter-day Jordan and Pippen?

"It was great to watch," said Josh Childress, speaking specifically of Johnson's 20-point period. "I was just sitting there, even thoughI was in the game."

On the night's biggest sequence, Childress did more than sit and watch. Inside the final minute, the Hawks up three. Smith hoists a trey and, for achange, misses. And Childress seizes his ninth rebound of the night, the biggest rebound this franchise has seen in … oh, 15 years. How'd that happen?

"I tried to track the flight of the ball," Childress said. "I gave Ray [Allen] a little nudge - it wasn't a foul or anything - and I wentover his head."

This was the same Ray Allen, one of Boston's vaunted Three Amigos, who failed to stop or even slow Johnson in the fourth quarter. (The Celtics triedother guys, none to any effect.) The Hawks kept running an isolation, Mike Bibby screening for Johnson, and every time Johnson whirled into the lane pretty asyou please.

"We could have probably gone [with a double-teamer] a little earlier," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "But we've been relying on one guy[to guard his man] all year."

And now it's not working. The Hawks were too good to be guarded Monday night, the same Hawks who lost 45 games and made the playoffs only because theNBA requires eight qualifiers per conference. The same Hawks who aren't the same Hawks at all but something new and shiny and brassy and sassy.

Are the Celtics starting to think they could lose this series? "I don't know if they're thinking that," Smith said, "but I thinkthey're questioning themselves."

Everything that worked for Boston in Games 1 and 2 - and pretty much everything did - has ceased working. The snooty C's are the team that keeps gettingrattled, from Paul Pierce's "menacing gesture" (for which the NBA fined him $25,000) toward Horford in Game 3 to Kevin Garnett's square-offwith Zaza Pachulia last night. Yes, one of the world's best players got into it with one of the worst, thereby illustrating how frazzled this No. 1 seedhas become.

The Celtics were supposed to win in a breeze, and the only breeze they felt in Game 4 was the wind whipped up when Johnson flew past. "We're soyoung and athletic," Johnson said, "we can create a mismatch."

That's what this series was supposed to be, and what it is no longer. The Hawks can win this thing. Yes, the Hawks. Yes, really.
they do have a shot if bibby, jj, and smith all playing amazing the rest of the series. If they dont then basically they will lose.
great game by the hawks, unfortunate i was wrong about P2 going for 40, maybe it was the thought of those 25 stacks he had to pay to the nba
it was a fun game to watch that's for sure. def. looked hyped in there on tv. sweet pics too.
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