Official Bulls VS. Celtics Game 5 Post....

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

And that was a prime example of why I can't +!%@ with Ben

This man just held the ball and didn't take a single step for 13 seconds and then passed Pooh into a double team on the baseline...

+@!#!#@ Imbecile G
G... this damn fool Salmons follows the ref after he just called a tech on him.

The collective IQ of this team is so subpar it would be depressing if it wasn't laughable

Pooh can't buy a bucket, he looks scared out there. I've never seen him like this
Derrick looks like a back up point guard out there. ON LARRY.

He's not even looking at the basket at all. Something was said to him that really $*%% his head up.

They aren't even playing him and he looks timid as hell, all of his shots have been forced and shakey.


I do know that if someone doesn't slap the %#++ outta Noah for putting the ball on the floor in the paint I'm going to lose it
^he's letting everyone getting in his ear ... plus the pressure is on . All bad .
Only was CHI wins is if Rose PUSHES the tempo and gets into the paint before Boston sets up their defense.
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