Official Bulls VS Lakers Post...(11/18 10:30p.m. NBATV....)

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I am really disappointed with the Lakers tonight. I thought they would have learned something on Friday and they haven't. I will be happy with a win, but not satisfied. We are making a 500 level team look like title contenders.

Please tell me how we made them look like title contenders?

We had a couple of bad spots playing d but overall we did well.


We can always improve but no other team in the west can touch us AT THIS POINT in the season.
I am not knocking the Lakers, trust me, like I said I am the biggest Laker homer around. But to get where we want to be, we need to play muchbetter than this.
Man o man, D-Rose is a BEAST

Son is going to dominate for years and years to come

Good win today!!
No more Kobe having to carry the team on his back haha.
Bulls are going 0-29 on this road circus trip.

i like Kobe, but god almighty do i despise the Lakers with the fury of a thousand volcanoes.
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

@@!% ben gordon, @@!% Larry hughes, @@!% Joakim noah!
How could you forget Tyrus Thomas?
I think Tyrus will be a 10pt 10 reb 2-3 blk player in about another year! I think his growth as a player was stunted because of the scott skiles era!

I don't see anything in this dude. Maybe in a different situation. Hopefully I'm wrong.
He's the next Stromile Swift and that isnt a good thing. Both guys can jump high like crazy, great shot blockers, and thats about it.
A couple thoughts:

Bulls need to trade: Heinrich + Tyrus + Stephalosa and / or Nocioni out for a big man.

If Derrick Rose, had a capable big man, it would be as fun as watching CP3. (Although, he isn't far behind skill wise from CP3 and Deron).

The whole makeup of the bulls is just so wrong.

On to the Lakers:

Derek Fisher: you're a better set shooter, go to a spot and just wait for the ball, stop trying to create for yourself, it's just so hard to watch. Thewhole season Derek has yet to play SOLID defense.

Kobe Bryant: basically as unstoppable as LeBron when you go to the rim, but when you take a shot early in the shot clock, it's just a bad look for theWHOLE team. On Defense, stil tooooo much ball watching, not contesting 3 pointers, reminds me of last years D.

VladBAD: yet he's there to space the floor out, he bricks all his 3s, and he has 6'2 ben gordon on him, he tries to post him up and goes for a fadeaway/ stepback 10 footer
WHAT A BUM! You give nothing buddy, and I hate you.

Pau Gasol: Very solid game, stay consistent, eat more food.

Andruw Bynum: quietly puts up numbers, congrats on your 1000th rebound. The thing is ... if you want the ball in the post DEMAND IT. We all know Bynum'spost moves / back to the basket moves are VERY limited - just do what you do best and we can't complain (rebound, defense, put backs, lobs).

The Bench:

Jordan Farmar: so much potential with that speed, looked so good in the preseason, but as soon as we see step forwards, we then see steps backwards. Whetherits his shot selection or decision making, the biggest thing that irks me about him is his inability or lack of focus on the DEFENSIVE side of the ball. WithDerek Fisher as his mentor, and the lack of defense Derek puts on the ball, Jordan Farmar follows his lead - the day our POINT GUARDS decide to play DEFENSE isthe day we'll win a championship.

Sasha: he's still not 100%, I don't even think he's at 85% - I hope he finds his form midseason. A little advice is for him to just slow down, ihate how he dribbles like he's on that crack diet. Plays too aggressive on D, meaning he plays too close and it's easy for them to go by him.

Ariza: not much minutes today, kinda strange. Keep doing what you're doing. Pull your socks down.

Lamar Odom: So much potential, but how many years in the league? There's times, when it seems like his mind just wanders, on defense and offense. He mayhave
before gametime, that's what I think is causing his mentalbreakdowns

All in all, there's still PLENTY of work. I still think we lack a tough / hard nose player that can stretch the floor. Although the squad looks good onpaper, no championships are ever given out word to the Cubs & Cowboys. Do work lakers, keep doing work!
Did anyone catch Ariza and the machine jawing at each other during the timeout? I wonder what they were talking about.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Yo D-Rose is so fast, it's unfair.

I know Fish was on him, but still
lol i know .. i felt like i was watching a bulls telecast by the way stu and joel was praising rose.. he is that good..
i havent seen Mayo play yet so i cant say he will win ROY!
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Bulls need to trade: Heinrich + Tyrus + Stephalosa and / or Nocioni out for a big man.
enter Al Harrington

i'm pretty anxious to see rose on friday. he's gonna tear up cj watson. woot.

how would that trade help out either squad? Harrington is basically a shoot first big man, with no shot. & the last thing gsw needs are more PGsChicago needs a postup / back 2 the basket big man.
Bulls need someone who CAN hit shots.. i saw about 6-7 times were Rose penetrates and kicks the ball out to an OPEN man but only to miss a wide open shot..

and also a player who can post up.. some inside presence..

till then..

I'd like to see this bulls team to be on a run n gun offense , word to D'antoni..
My apologies to the Bulls and their fans. I had us winning by 20+, and I can't say I'm sure why I put that up
The Bulls are much better than Igave them credit for, and I hope they make it far, especially with D Rose killing it the way he is.

For us Lakers, we've gotta start up a new winning streak, make sure we establish a consistent defense that will carry us night in and out when our offensesputters (though that's not too often.)
I thought I was the only person who heard of Interpol on this whole board.

D Rose is Nasty!!
Harrington does nothing to help this team. He plays zero defense at the 4 and loves to get himself shots from the perimeter. No thank you.

Need a big man that is somewhat serviceable on the defensive end. I would love to try and get Camby because of his D and his contract.

Can't wait to watch Rose tonite. I need to get the NBA League pass. Will more than likely wait until next year to get it and by then Rose should be quite abit better. Glad to see he only played 36 mins. Need to keep it right around there. 40+ is going to kill his body this year.
Good win, but a little sloppy. I'm tellin ya, they getttin too used to throwin lobs whenever they want, or behind the back passes when a solid bounce passwould work......we need to chill a little with that.

I like excitement and what not, but do it when you're up big, not the middle of the first quarter.

I like a couple of those guys on the Bulls. They look good, prolly just a couple peices away. They need Deng to play like he did a couple seasons ago and hecombined with BG and Rose,
The Bulls have way too many players. Until Del Negro can find a line up which consistant, this up and down play will be the result. Deng and Noah really needto hit the weight room. They are constantly muscled off the block and easy put backs become defensive rebounds. Larry Hughes and Drew Gooden need to realizethat this is not their team. I can't count the number of times they decide to shoot when they are clearly not the best option. Nocioni just looks lostthis season. And could someone please give Noah a haircut and Gooden a shave! They both look like giant tools.
I told y'all we were going to lose but Pooh would get his 25 5 and 5... I was -4 on the dimes and +2 on the boards... but yea he gets his...

We need a low post threat who can run the floor and plays defense as well as a serious shooter and lock down wing... I hope we can make a serious run at Amare(in 10 hopefully he doesn't opt out and becomes and unrestricted) if not hopefully Bosh.
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