Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
1. Worse. The layout of the map is like scribble scrabble. Also, all the guns feel the same. Same shooting sound. Same reload sound. Same feel.
also, respawn is a JOKE. People respawn right behind you... Also, score streak is mad ******ed. Getting higher end score streaks are nearly impossible. And f you play the objective, most likely you're going to get killed. All these "assist" points barely add onto your score streak so those are useless anyways.

2. Nope. Yea MW3 had problems, but wow..... BO2....... MW3 problems were deadmans hands... but you could avoid those... The maps are so scribbled to the point where it's like dead mans hands EVERYWHERE since people respawn behind you. Also, grenades are strong as HELL. And UAV SPAM IS FREAKING CRAZY.

Before anyone tells me im garbage, my K/D is around 2.3... It was in the 3.0s but then i just didnt care anymore and started joking around in Nuketown


Your whole statement became invalid after you said it's worse than Mw3
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Line at gamestop 4:30 in the afternoon was at least 30 deep near out the door

Went to gamestop this morning after a overnight shift at around 10AM. Line was about 5-10 deep - all preorders. Took 5-10 minutes
Dudes already saying how bad the game is when it hasn't even been out for a full 24 hours yet :lol:. Wait till you learn the ins and outs of the maps, what guns to use on certain maps, your preferred create a class layout, etc to judge it. I've been playing online since Friday and I hated it at first, but now that I'm in the swing of things I like it ALOT more than Black Ops 1 and MW3.
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Severs have been really glitchy. I'm already on level 32. 
 That Nuketown 2025 map with capture the flag, equals total r*pe when playing against people of lower ranks. 
Its just a penalty to those who backout/quit games/dashboards... I heard you have to like quit/dashboard 3 times to get a probation period of FIVE MINUTES.... :rolleyes

They need to up the penalty.

Anyways, might take down the current poll since the game is out already. The poll was a success i feel like and i might ask everyone a different question.. Gives good insight on ppl's thoughts on the game.
just got the game mo,i haven't even played it yet.

nuketown 2025 downloading now.

my name is DontbBeDum8315 on xbox (it's the same for ps3 as well)

add me, let me know your from NT i'm accepting ALL! the challenges!!!
People line up for games? 

Walked into Costco in the middle of the day and grabbed a pair. Played 3 rounds.. running feels a lot slower imo. Haven't ran into any spawn problems or anything of the sort yet.
People line up for games?  

Walked into Costco in the middle of the day and grabbed a pair. Played 3 rounds.. running feels a lot slower imo. Haven't ran into any spawn problems or anything of the sort yet.
I was thinking the same thing.  I went to both Best Buy and Walmart today and they were TONS of Black Ops 2 Games there. And to add to that people can easily preorder online and get it on release day.  I then realized people don't see it as waiting in line but being amongst other gamers is fun, not to mention being among the "first" to play it. 
I absolutely hate some of these maps. Some of the worst in COD history. They're far too big for 6v6 just opens the door up for camping.
Yea the maps in this game are horrendous. Just camp city with all these windows and random stuff cluttered all over the map. Black Ops 1 had it right with more open maps with less stuff to hide behind, and buildings to camp in. All these maps seem to be cut in the same cloth as Modern Warfare 3 which I hated.

This game will be played for 2 weeks and retired most likely. The Yacht is the only map i like so far.
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