Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I guess i only can enjoy hijacked and finally try out raid. Nuketown i ranked up from 6 to 29 in one night and im not that great. im sure double XP helped, but still!! lol
My K/D is around 1.90 and I'm trying my best but there is so much wrong with this game right now. Hit detection/lag/spawns...etc. I might have to put this game on the shelf until there's an update.
so i join a game and.....

the whole other team had 20-3 K/D and up in the first round of CTF. then they figured out all the spawn points

these fools had Guadians and sentry guns on two spawn points. needless to say i quit after getting spawn killed by a Guardian 4 times in a row.

this game :smh:

ohh and why is it so damb hard to link to a party in multi and zombies???
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This game was awesome the first day, but all downhill since then. The servers are still slow as **** and doesn't allow me to join others friends parties until they are ended. Takes forever. Also the fact that they took out the Nuketown playlist, totally let me down because all the other maps are just completely terrible for my tastes. They are boring to play on. I still can't stand the gun selection. Will be retiring this game after this weekend and will only play it when the special weeks are back. 
I like hardcore too but the camping is annoying. Even guys in clans thinking they cool winning but see most of them hiding.
Hit detection/lag is still an issue. There's been kill cams where I know for sure I shot at the enemy but on the kill cam my gun isn't even raised and no bullets are fired at all.....
GT - iMcneilly

this...makes gun game extremely frustrating
So you can prestige and reset everything(including your prestige level) as if you've never played before....why would want to do that though?

GT- iMcneilly
Im gonna cut back on this **** I'm tired of them spawning ****** behind me

Mother of god, this **** should NOT happen consistently.

you can add constantly being a second or two late from only having 3 or even 2 bars and the enemy winning the gunfight

and I have verizon fios :smh:

Ive never been this frustrated with a COD ever
Was at 1.80 on my K/D then I let a homie of mine play and he proceeded to do a whopping 4-16 and it's been downhill from there... Currently at about 1.60 and STRUGGLING.

Too much to complain about but the STRUGGLE is real. This ish be havin me on the Jerry Sienfield IVE HAD ENOUGH GIF... :x

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just me but i hate how games record k/d's these days

got kids worrying about their precious stats that make them too afraid to run into battle forcing them to camp and preserve their k/d

i kept getting kicked out of my friends party earlier and i ended the night with my ps3 freezing while the map was loading
this game is going to need a big patch to fix it

smg's are way too powerful and have barely have any recoil without needing a grip. It awards people who aim from the hip way too much.

These damn shock charges are everywhere it going to end up like gears of war with everyone grenade tagging all the walls.

the spawn system is hilarious, how can you spawn me on the train track twice when the train is passing by ?:x :lol: >:
just me but i hate how games record k/d's these days

got kids worrying about their precious stats that make them too afraid to run into battle forcing them to camp and preserve their k/d

i kept getting kicked out of my friends party earlier and i ended the night with my ps3 freezing while the map was loading :frown:
my friends were like that in mw3, talking to me about, i die too much..

i have more fun, going where the fights at(usually in the middle), instead of circling the outside part of the map.
i could go 30-30 and have a blast. :tongue:
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