Originally Posted by Thousandaire

I have no idea how you dudes are all of a sudden feeling this...Pray IV Reign> Crime Pays and I hate Jim Jones

Please, explain this statement.

I used to get it in ohio>NaNaNaNa

I can't think of any reasons why Pray IV Reign>Crime Pays
Originally Posted by Youngswag24

What are the best songs on the album?

well, thats opinionated, but when i re-burned my on a disc these are the songs i put on it.....

where i know u from
spend night
....for cheap
get it get it
i also added these songs at the end which are not on the album
come see killa
lets talk about
still the reason
Originally Posted by Youngswag24

What are the best songs on the album?

Intro, Cookin Up, Where I Know You From, Curve, Used To Get It In Ohio, Who, Homicide, Got It For Cheap, Get it Get it, Let's Talk About It.

Those never get skipped.
Originally Posted by starbury03

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

I have no idea how you dudes are all of a sudden feeling this...Pray IV Reign> Crime Pays and I hate Jim Jones

Please, explain this statement.

I used to get it in ohio>NaNaNaNa

I can't think of any reasons why Pray IV Reign>Crime Pays

The intro on Pray IV Reign >>anything on Crime Pays...
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by starbury03

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

I have no idea how you dudes are all of a sudden feeling this...Pray IV Reign> Crime Pays and I hate Jim Jones

Please, explain this statement.

I used to get it in ohio>NaNaNaNa

I can't think of any reasons why Pray IV Reign>Crime Pays

The intro on Pray IV Reign >>anything on Crime Pays...
starbury03 wrote:
Originally Posted by Dapper D

starbury03 wrote:
Thousandaire wrote:
I have no idea how you dudes are all of a sudden feeling this...Pray IV Reign> Crime Pays and I hate Jim Jones

Please, explain this statement.

I used to get it in ohio>NaNaNaNa

I can't think of any reasons why Pray IV Reign>Crime Pays

The intro on Pray IV Reign >>anything on Crime Pays...

�� Starbury 03�= just as delusional as the real starbury...
Word. Cause that story Jimmy was telling was real spit, hot bars (jonesssssss) on that intro. Did you even listen to what was trying to spit?



IMA $!*%$%@*+@%$+ GANGSTA BABY

He lucky he got good production.
Dapper D made it clear from the beginning. Jim Jones is still nice to him and this Cam album was gonna suck (He predicted this when I hate my job came out)

[Camron at the end of Tru Life diss] I'm a call you Lil Jim Jones. I'm a call you LJ [/Camron at the end of Tru Life Diss]
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Dapper D made it clear from the beginning. Jim Jones is still nice to him and this Cam album was gonna suck (He predicted this when I hate my job came out)

[Camron at the end of Tru Life diss] I'm a call you Lil Jim Jones. I'm a call you LJ [/Camron at the end of Tru Life Diss]
Makes sense then.
First of all i don't know any of these $%!%%# so alliances mean nothing to me...(if anything I like cam better off the strength of his previous work)
Jim jones put out an overall beter product then cam...(wheather it be beacuse of ghost wrietrs, producers etc)...
This Cam album is not good...#%@* sound like a demo (have u heard u know whats up...i mean really)...
Ill give u he has some spit to him...but his delivery is all #*%!%+ up hes not even rapping it like hes interested anymore...if he doesn't care why shouldI try to decipher #%@*...
and finally...hes saying just as little as jim jones was saying on his joint...
SO much #%@* has happened since he's last been on the scene....yet he touches on none of it...
At least Jones album had some good production quality and #%@* u could ride to...
leaves thread and turns on purple haze...
Originally Posted by Dapper D

First of all i don't know any of these $%!%%# so alliances mean nothing to me...(if anything I like cam better off the strength of his previous work)
Jim jones put out an overall beter product then cam...(wheather it be beacuse of ghost wrietrs, producers etc)...
This Cam album is not good...#%@* sound like a demo (have u heard u know whats up...i mean really)...
Ill give u he has some spit to him...but his delivery is all #*%!%+ up hes not even rapping it like hes interested anymore...if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*...
and finally...hes saying just as little as jim jones was saying on his joint...
SO much #%@* has happened since he's last been on the scene....yet he touches on none of it...
At least Jones album had some good production quality and #%@* u could ride to...
leaves thread and turns on purple haze...
those are the only things i feel that messed this album up...
Im enjoying the album but it could have been much better
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

that has as much of a chance materializing as that styles p/jim jones collab album

HBO 2010..
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