Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by starbury03

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

I have no idea how you dudes are all of a sudden feeling this...Pray IV Reign> Crime Pays and I hate Jim Jones

Please, explain this statement.

I used to get it in ohio>NaNaNaNa

I can't think of any reasons why Pray IV Reign>Crime Pays

The intro on Pray IV Reign >>anything on Crime Pays...
Dudes talkin out they !## smh
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

who said their car was the same color as fluoride?
...Sounds like some kasa type @%%! though.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."
I agree with some of what you are saying. I'm a huge Cam fan and i'm disappointed in this BUT you lost ALL credibility when you said JimJones' album was >>> Crime Pays. I don't care HOW great Jim Jones production is, he's one of THE WORST RAPPERS ever and he'll NEVERput out anything better than Cam, period!
didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are juewas with 1 hand,st Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."
im REAALY sick right now, ima keep it short cuzim typin sideways with one hand...............

me= no stan, me= no like chwm/killa season, me= like 8-9 tracks of crime pays, you= used word decipher, you=no like cp.........thats fine
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."
I agree with some of what you are saying. I'm a huge Cam fan and i'm disappointed in this BUT you lost ALL credibility when you said Jim Jones' album was >>> Crime Pays. I don't care HOW great Jim Jones production is, he's one of THE WORST RAPPERS ever and he'll NEVER put out anything better than Cam, period!

I guess we agree to dissagree...At least I got a Cam fan to admit that the album was not good...
I seriously have beefs with Dipset albums. They ALWAYS seem to leave out the hottest leaked tracks or change up songs that sound waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse onthe album then the OG version.

I can't stand to even listen to Hate My Job on Crime Pays...i just downloaded the OG version.


I hope that's not how I'm coming off. No mo.

I'm not saying this album is great and you're absolutely mad if you think it isn't I just don't agree with you when you say stuff like Pray ForReign is better and that Cam didn't come with it lyrically. Alot of the hooks are trash. Chalupa, Whoo Hoo... You Know What It Is is extra trash. But likeI said before. "Overall album is hot" That's my opinion. Some production wasn't great, but some was fire.
GaBeGRaMs wrote:


I hope that's not how I'm coming off. No mo.

I'm not saying this album is great and you're absolutely mad if you think it isn't I just don't agree with you when you say stuff like Pray For Reign is better and that Cam didn't come with it lyrically. Alot of the hooks are trash. Chalupa, Whoo Hoo... You Know What It Is is extra trash. But like I said before. "Overall album is hot" That's my opinion. Some production wasn't great, but some was fire.

Never said his lyrics were wack...they're actually pretty clever...
Its just his delivery and content is trash...
Ahh different strokes for different folks...
I just don't see how someone can listen to Come Home With Me, Purple Haze or even Killa Season...
than listen to this...and not say Crime Pays is trash...
This album is pretty hot after listening to it a few more times...

They Fd up I Hate My Job and Spend the Night HARD but the OG ones are both real hot (esp i Hate My Job which is my fav song on the album, but when i heard thenew one on the album i was just like [Killa]What the *##@![/Killa])

there are a BUNCH of other ones i can F around with alot even after the album hype is gone and that includes...

Get It In Ohio
Silky (No %@@%)

Cookin Up
Got it For Cheap

other ones that are also hot but not as hot as the 1st 4 i just mentioned IMO are...

Intro (
for an intro)
Never Ever
Where I Know You From

also most of the other ones are at least decent very few i just cant stand but that is always ecxpected in an album especially one this big. I think this is areal good comeback effort ESP with the mediocre production. props to my man Killa. F the Haters.

Also why isnt "Let's Talk About" on the album?... the one with the same sample as Losing Out by Royce and Black Milk. Not as hot as Losing Outbut i definitley enjoyed that song alot.

and thats my official rundown on the album
eh, it's alright, i have to give it another spin

tracks that i skip:

- got it for cheap - dude on the hook is just as annoying as max b

- cookies n apple juice - if you hate ringtone rap and co-sign cam for this track, you're a hypocrite

it's just as bad as anything a ringtone rapper would make

- bottom of the... - i thought it was funny when i first heard it, but i had no idea it would make the official album


i really hope the album grows on me and i can at least end up liking it more than killa season
Gave it the 1st spin today, Probably 9 good songs out of 18 (not counting the skits). It starts off pretty good, but then falls off a lot. I was hoping forLets Talk About It to make the album, that song was good.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."

Aight. This is what I don't get. You in here talking smack about the album "Oh look at all these stans, oh y'all wildin'...oh this album istrash, oh jim album better blahblahblah."

1st of all... Clearly, you don't want to give the album a correct spin. YOU said you didn't even pay much attention. You don't like it. Great. Idon't STAY in threads of albums I don't like. I state my thoughts and bounce. Why the **!@ are you still in this thread then?

2nd of all..I don't think anyone in this thread is praising the album. I gave it a %$#@$## 3.5/5. Which is real. There's hot content. Bottom line.

Why you in here bro? To convert cam "stans" into changing their opinion on the album to trash
. Like someone already said..this CD was made for the Cam'ron fan so if you don't like it you probably never rocked with him so don't losehim no sleep.

You are kinda getting on my nerves, saying he ain't spit *$!# on the album then going to"oh Ill give u he has some spit to him...but his delivery isall #*%!%+ up" Ol I can't decipher %$#@$## cam'ron %#*.. You acting absurd, annoying matter of fact.

what i'ma have to ask you do is ask you 2 homeboy is 2..

starbury03 wrote:
Originally Posted by Dapper D

GaBeGRaMs wrote:
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."

Aight. This is what I don't get. You in here talking smack about the album "Oh look at all these stans, oh y'all wildin'...oh this album is trash, oh jim album better blahblahblah."

1st of all... Clearly, you don't want to give the album a correct spin. YOU said you didn't even pay much attention. You don't like it. Great. I don't STAY in threads of albums I don't like. I state my thoughts and bounce. Why the **!@ are you still in this thread then?

2nd of all..I don't think anyone in this thread is praising the album. I gave it a %$#@$## 3.5/5. Which is real. There's hot content. Bottom line.

Why you in here bro? To convert cam "stans" into changing their opinion on the album to trash
. Like someone already said..this CD was made for the Cam'ron fan so if you don't like it you probably never rocked with him so don't lose him no sleep.

You are kinda getting on my nerves, saying he ain't spit *$!# on the album then going to"oh Ill give u he has some spit to him...but his delivery is all #*%!%+ up" Ol I can't decipher %$#@$## cam'ron %#*.. You acting absurd, annoying matter of fact.

what i'ma have to ask you do is ask you 2 homeboy is 2..


First of all this is not "lets suck Cam'rons %!%% thread"...this is a disscussion about his album...
I came in and said what I though about the album...Someone responded and i responded back etc...(all i have been doing is answering rebutals)...
Everyone who says they don't like the album i say find lets agree to disagree...
But it makes me wonder about the standards fan sets for their favorite arist...
Dude is gone for years and he comes back with a half %!+ effort...and yall allow it...
Dude gives you old songs....spends no money or puts any effort in making full fleshed songs (u know songs that don't have horrible hooks)...
and yall accept it...
Talking about this album is made for the cam'ron fans...NO...SDE and Come Home With Me are for the cam'ron fans....
I know Cam'ron knows how to put a album together...I just think he either didn't give a %%%* or he's gotten lazy...
^ I'd say 90% of the verses go hard and the beats aren't even that bad...The hooks are atrocious though. Cam definitely needs to group together adecent supporting cast. Bring back Reuger, patch things up Juelz and assassinate Jimmy and capitalize on his death....profit
Originally Posted by Dapper D

starbury03 wrote:
Originally Posted by Dapper D

GaBeGRaMs wrote:
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

if he doesn't care why should I try to decipher #%@*
u gotta decipher CAMRON?

Word !

But anybody seen my question about the sitcom he was rumored to be doing ? info ?

I didn't mean decipher...on some Lupe !@$+....I meant it like pay attention...

I come to the conclusion yall dudes are just Stans...
Yall don't want to to face the fact after 4 years your hero came back with the first wack album of his catolouge...
This N could have put out 23 different tracks of him farting over a beat and yall would have been like..."Damn this go hard in the whip..."

Aight. This is what I don't get. You in here talking smack about the album "Oh look at all these stans, oh y'all wildin'...oh this album is trash, oh jim album better blahblahblah."

1st of all... Clearly, you don't want to give the album a correct spin. YOU said you didn't even pay much attention. You don't like it. Great. I don't STAY in threads of albums I don't like. I state my thoughts and bounce. Why the **!@ are you still in this thread then?

2nd of all..I don't think anyone in this thread is praising the album. I gave it a %$#@$## 3.5/5. Which is real. There's hot content. Bottom line.

Why you in here bro? To convert cam "stans" into changing their opinion on the album to trash
. Like someone already said..this CD was made for the Cam'ron fan so if you don't like it you probably never rocked with him so don't lose him no sleep.

You are kinda getting on my nerves, saying he ain't spit *$!# on the album then going to"oh Ill give u he has some spit to him...but his delivery is all #*%!%+ up" Ol I can't decipher %$#@$## cam'ron %#*.. You acting absurd, annoying matter of fact.

what i'ma have to ask you do is ask you 2 homeboy is 2..


First of all this is not "lets suck Cam'rons %!%% thread"...this is a disscussion about his album...
I came in and said what I though about the album...Someone responded and i responded back etc...(all i have been doing is answering rebutals)...
Everyone who says they don't like the album i say find lets agree to disagree...
But it makes me wonder about the standards fan sets for their favorite arist...
Dude is gone for years and he comes back with a half %!+ effort...and yall allow it...
Dude gives you old songs....spends no money or puts any effort in making full fleshed songs (u know songs that don't have horrible hooks)...
and yall accept it...
Talking about this album is made for the cam'ron fans...NO...SDE and Come Home With Me are for the cam'ron fans....
I know Cam'ron knows how to put a album together...I just think he either didn't give a %%%* or he's gotten lazy...

Gotta definitely agree with you here. While i do mess with about 8 songs, they could've DEFINITELY been better. The hooks sound SOOOOOOOO"ringtone era-#*+" if you get my drift.

As for the production, while some are pretty nice, most sound very amatuer and not mastered or something. It's not even about the "actual" beat,it's the production of the song that sounds like ANY un-signed, mixtape rapper could put together. This ain't something i expect from one of rap's"stars." This whole CD package was just VERY amatuer-like which led to my disappointment with it.

As a Cam fan, i will be pissed if he puts out another lackluster type effort.

But until then, it's still Killa Cam aka Jaffe Joe aka Spacely Sprockets ALL DIZZAY....CHEA!
What the hell did he do to I Hate My Job

I'll stick with the OG...and can I get the OG curve, never heard it.

I noticed Cam does this with alot of his music... Puts out the OG, then you hear the album and he switches %%++ up
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

What the hell did he do to I Hate My Job

I'll stick with the OG...and can I get the OG curve, never heard it.

I noticed Cam does this with alot of his music... Puts out the OG, then you hear the album and he switches %%++ up

Sample clearance
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