Official: Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

That boy has game... I'm not surprised he went off like that, just wish we weren't on the receiving end
[table][tr][td]This isn't where I originally read it, but it was first hit on google search.

Carlos Boozer, who seems to be in every trade rumor on earth right now, is getting serious interest from the Knicks.[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
http://NBA, Utah Jazz, New York Knicks

submitted by 100%InjuryRate
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The Knicks are continuing to have trouble locking down Nate Robinson and rebounding machine David Lee, and GM Donnie Walsh says if things don't get cleared up and figured out by the end of this week, then nothing may happen. As a result, the Knicks appear to be looking elsewhere, specifically at Carlos Boozer.

Everyone knows the Jazz are desperate to trade Boozer and the Knicks absolutely want as many guys as possible on their team whose contracts run out at the end of next season - so they can go after LeBron.

So does this make sense? I don't think it's too likely that LeBron signs with the Knicks anyway, and Boozer doesn't really fit Mike D'Antoni's system. But then who am I kidding? This is the Knicks we're talking about. They haven't made much sense for years.

Cake, I'm not surprised either. As long as he keeps those types of games away from us in the reg season I'm good.
^ That wasn't where I originally saw it at.

Did anyone hear Boozer on wmvp the other day? The ribune says that he stated he would love to play for the bulls and that he would sign an extended agreementand skip 2010 free agency. They also noted that he was a friend of D.Wade and that might help next summer.

Does your opinion of the Boozer trade change because he is willing to sign long term agreement?
It makes it somewhat better imo. He is still an injury concern, but at least you know you aren't renting. I'm guessing portland won't be involvedif they can get Millsap. If we are not losing Hinrich, I can live with it because we should be a top four team in the east with this lineup:


Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^ That wasn't where I originally saw it at.

Did anyone hear Boozer on wmvp the other day? The ribune says that he stated he would love to play for the bulls and that he would sign an extended agreement and skip 2010 free agency. They also noted that he was a friend of D.Wade and that might help next summer.

Does your opinion of the Boozer trade change because he is willing to sign long term agreement?
It makes it somewhat better imo. He is still an injury concern, but at least you know you aren't renting. I'm guessing portland won't be involved if they can get Millsap. If we are not losing Hinrich, I can live with it because we should be a top four team in the east with this lineup:


Boozer saying he'd like to sign a long term contract is as good as TMac's left eye
I hope the Odom to Mia talks are nothing....if they get Booz or Odom or both, it will hinder Wade to the Bulls.
^^ agreed. I already didn't think he was coming here anyway, but The Heat would be sick with Boozer, Beasley, Odom and Wade.
Updated: July 16, 2009, 10:39 PM ET

[h2]Jazz elect to keep Millsap[/h2]

Comment Email Print By Chris Broussard

The Utah Jazz will match the four-year, $32 million offer the Portland Trail Blazers tendered their restricted free agent Paul Millsap, the team posted on its Web site and a league source confirmed to Thursday evening.



Under the terms of the contract, the Jazz, which stated all summer that it would match any offer Millsap received, will have to pay the 24-year-old forward $10.3 million this weekend. Portland had front-loaded the contract to discourage Utah from matching.

A formal announcement was scheduled for Friday, the last day Utah can match the Portland offer.

Utah's decision is likely to set in motion a string of moves by both teams. The Jazz, whose payroll will balloon to roughly $84 million, will continue trying to trade All-Star forward Carlos Boozer. If the Jazz don't move Boozer before next season's February trade deadline, they will have to pay a luxury tax of nearly $15 million.

The team recently told Boozer, who will make $12.7 million this season, that he is not in its long-term plans, and Boozer responded by telling the Jazz to trade him. Chicago, Miami and New York are among the most interested teams.

Before the Blazers made their offer to Millsap, the club was in preliminary talks with Utah and Chicago about a three-team trade that would send Boozer to the Bulls, Chicago point guard Kirk Hinrich to Portland and Bulls forward Tyrus Thomas to the Jazz. Now that Portland recoups the roughly $8 million in salary cap space it used to make the offer to Millsap, those trade talks could be revisited.

The Blazers could also decide to go after Los Angeles Lakers' forward Lamar Odom. Negotiations between Odom and the Lakers have stalled, as Los Angeles recently took its three-year, $27 million offer off the table.

Portland has showed little interest in Odom to this point, a fact that baffles several executives around the league, but after coming up short in its attempts to add Hedo Turkoglu and now Millsap, perhaps the Blazers will set their sights on Odom. Not only would such a move strengthen Portland but it also would weaken the defending champion Lakers.

how does all this talk about boozer (and him signing an extension) affect the long term plan. when does rose get his max extension? after 10-11? or is that nota worry right now? just don't want the team to be locked up in the future with no ability to add anybody b/c of rose's inevitable extension.
Bulls have option on rose through the 11-12 season. They have to make qualifying offer for the next year. Bulls will probably look to sign him to extensionafter '11 season.

The boozer talk affects the long plan if the bulls take him and sign him and then he is hurt all the damn time. If we take him, then bye bye Bosh and Amare.That huge contract would be on the book for 5 years.
i thought boozer only has one year left. if we traded for him he'd come off the books next summer and we'd have plenty of cap space. if we dont givehim an extension then its basically rent-a-boozer.
Originally Posted by hlf man hlf amzng

i thought boozer only has one year left. if we traded for him he'd come off the books next summer and we'd have plenty of cap space. if we dont give him an extension then its basically rent-a-boozer.
But moving Kirk and Ty for Booz for a year? Only way I'm up for this trade is if we get Bayless too.
Yeh I would approve it (as if that mattered to Pax) if we got Bayless in reurn. Portland barely used him last year and continues to pursue other guards.

A one year rental in which you give away two talented players just doesn't make sense. That probably means they will do it.
Cap space for what reason? B/c you think Wade wants to come back or because you know that Bosh will definitely sign with us next year? The cap space will beirrelevant if they don't sign an all-star.

I would rather us get another guard (Bayless) in return that will be committed to the team beyond one year. I don't know if Bayless would play behind or inthe backcourt with Rose. He might leave when his contract up. In the end its still a bad trade IMO. I thought the trade improved for us when Boozer said hewould sign an extension, but he is still an injury concern.
I just don't see this trade happening anymore so we may as well look towards the 2010 Free Agent Class and PRAY that we land a superstar such as Bosh,Wade, or Amare.
im not a big fan of this trade but at the same time im not a big fan of praying and wishing for a big name star when we have a cheap owner
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^ That wasn't where I originally saw it at.

Did anyone hear Boozer on wmvp the other day? The ribune says that he stated he would love to play for the bulls and that he would sign an extended agreement and skip 2010 free agency. They also noted that he was a friend of D.Wade and that might help next summer.

Does your opinion of the Boozer trade change because he is willing to sign long term agreement?
It makes it somewhat better imo. He is still an injury concern, but at least you know you aren't renting. I'm guessing portland won't be involved if they can get Millsap. If we are not losing Hinrich, I can live with it because we should be a top four team in the east with this lineup:


if Boozer will stab a blind man in the back over a contract, why wouldn't he do it to the Bulls?
Originally Posted by shaft

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^ That wasn't where I originally saw it at.

Did anyone hear Boozer on wmvp the other day? The ribune says that he stated he would love to play for the bulls and that he would sign an extended agreement and skip 2010 free agency. They also noted that he was a friend of D.Wade and that might help next summer.

Does your opinion of the Boozer trade change because he is willing to sign long term agreement?
It makes it somewhat better imo. He is still an injury concern, but at least you know you aren't renting. I'm guessing portland won't be involved if they can get Millsap. If we are not losing Hinrich, I can live with it because we should be a top four team in the east with this lineup:


if Boozer will stab a blind man in the back over a contract, why wouldn't he do it to the Bulls?

very true
if Boozer will stab a blind man in the back over a contract, why wouldn't he do it to the Bulls?
because its different times now

boozer didnt opt out this year cause he wouldn't see the money he wanted and its no lock he does next year so any team he goes to he will look to sign along term deal QUICK
Thats the thing though, if he signs an extension as a condition to the trade, Bulls don't get shanked. We simply have to hope that he stays healthy.

Again, I say that bailing on Tyrus Thomas and Kirk is a mistake. Tyrus is 5 years younger and has improved every year in the league. He also is not an injuryconcern. He puts up more blocks than Boozer and can score. But I guess the Bulls will screw it up and let him go for nothing in a year.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A one year rental in which you give away two talented players just doesn't make sense.

It does if you wanna clear cap space.
then why isnt deng in this deal some where
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