Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Happy Thanksgiving y'all. Even though I'm not in the Chi at the moment, seeing the Bulls playing well again brings a tear to my eye. I still remember EXACTLY where I was when the Bulls won the Draft Lottery, I was going nuts in public with people looking like I was crazy
. I hate Jo in college, but I love the way this guy plays and I'm glad we gave him that fat contract. %+%* CJ Watson though. 
I'll never forget the Dark Ages when Reinsdorf tore down the dynasty, by giving bammas like Eddie Robinson and Ron Mercer a huge contract, having Rusty Larue, Corey Benjamin and AJ Guyton on a NBA team 
. But it makes it that much sweeter. Happy Thanksgiving fam 

P.S. I'm also thankful the Knicks are still a mediocre team. 

First, +1 on the comments and at least the dragan tarlac experiment was short
2nd, ive watched the blake griffin show vs nyk 3 times today just to see how bad it couldve been with mark 'antoni

3rd, go blue

4th, have a safe holiday fam
Hated Jo and Taj in college but have grown to claim them as my own.

Hope they can snag the win against the Nuggs again.
I really see us knocking the Nuggets off tonight, I predicted it before...just pray they don't hang it up vs Sac-town, no way in hell we should lose to that team
And the hits keep coming... I was hoping for the bulls to bring me some good news/feelings since yesterday was the #$+%@++ worst
well that isn't good news, so who is going to pick up that slack? and I wonder will he miss tomorrow's game too
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

well that isn't good news, so who is going to pick up that slack? and I wonder will he miss tomorrow's game too
This team looks lost when he's not on the floor, I can't imagine watching them playing a whole game without him 
Noah attempting his best Blake Griffin impersonation.

Y'all are battling tonight; came right back from 2 huge deficits in less than a quarter's time. 17 FTs in the 3rd Q alone.
yeh but we gotta stop digging these holes for ourselves...lotta energy being used when we have another tomorrow

bout time korver
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