Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

I did
great comeback win. 

When these boys get serious our defense is scary.  Thibs has these guys playing hard each and every night, i love it

Rose just killed Tyreke's ankles

4-3 on the road trip, and every game we lost we were right there
Great second half.  We just gotta get out of the habit of starting slow. 

Drose has like 5 30 point games in 6 games it seems like. 
The Chicago Bulls come back from their annual circus trip with a winning record since......97-98....damn !
fast don't lie ... damn had tyreke skating ... then the recovery just made it worse ... legs twisting and needing both hands to stop himself from completely hitting the deck
4-3 road trip and lost 2 games we had great shots at winning(sprus and nuggets)

good start to the season.

Drose is shooting to much tho. hopefully boozer comes back and takes alot of the load off him

i dont care that lucas missed the FT the other night. i rather him on the court then that bum waston
BigMike, I agree with your post except the last statement...CJ finally showed why he was signed against the Nuggets. he just has to play in control and without fear of being pulled for the starter. i very much care that an NBA pro doesn't hit at least one of those ft in that scenario.

Killa crossover...didn't e. sermon make a song about it?

We got 16 games in the month of December...I see us being outright beastly..

12-4 (and I wanna say better than that, but I gotta figure in the JAG factor) LAL, BOS, ORL and OKC are the only teams I wouldn't trip off us losing to although I feel we should beat them

After December, we will really get it popping in the words of Noah
just watched the replay of the game, wouldn't be surprised if reke is done for the season after that

great comeback, even tho these are teams we shouldn't have any problems beating
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