Official Childish Gambino (Donald Glover from Community) Thread - Signs multiyear deal w/ Amazon and opts out of FX partnership

Apparently it was a misunderstanding stemming from people not realizing that it wasn't a Gambino performance, but a Gambino & Crew show.

Seems to have already been rectified:

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He was on Conan not too long ago. I thought he was going to be the musical guest or something, but he was promoting the movie The Martian coming out soon...

Can't wait for new music.
He kinda did say he's kinda over rapping and he been on his cover game.

Don G a good singing name
I'm coming to terms with the fact that the days of Culdesac, EP, and Camp are over. There were traces of it on BTI, and the Stone Mountain mixtape was dope... But dude just doesn't seem to have the passion like he did back in 2011. :smh:
Yeah, me too. It's disappointing because I was a big fan of his.. but I understand why he might not come back to that stage.

I'd appreciate any kind of music from Glover in whatever capacity.
Care to elaborate on why you said you understand if might not come back to the stage?

I don't get it.
I meant that stage of his career/life kind of thing. I'd love for him to give us another album like his earlier stuff, but if he's moved on to other things, I get it if he wants to focus on movies or his own show or other ventures. 
I'm coming to terms with the fact that the days of Culdesac, EP, and Camp are over. There were traces of it on BTI, and the Stone Mountain mixtape was dope... But dude just doesn't seem to have the passion like he did back in 2011.
i mean no offense but why is NT always so nostalgic about stuff.. BTI was better than all his previous projects by a mile. I'm glad he is moving on from his old stuff.
Camp > LP > Culdesac > BTI

Just my imo. No offense taken. I'm appreciative of the music that initially made me a fan. There's nothing wrong with hoping an artist carries on that same trend. Sure, there's room to grow and variation on their part. In Bino's case, he started out with a hunger that came from him believing no one would accept him as a rapper. Once he got that acceptance, it's as if spark faded and he put rapping on a lesser pedestal. You can argue that he did the same thing with his acting career. Dude just seems uncertain of who/what he wants to be.
Definitely his most focused rap effort, I like Royalty more than BTI but it's growing on me.

For some reason EP is my favorite and actually made me like Culdesac more
I think he would flourish as a ghost writer. He's talented but I just don't think he has what it takes to have mainstream appeal.
Royalty >Camp >BTI>>>>>>>>

I do listen to Camp more nowadays and nothing is ever gonna touch Heartbeat
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