Official Childish Gambino (Donald Glover from Community) Thread - Signs multiyear deal w/ Amazon and opts out of FX partnership

Fire fly, not going back, and one up are up there to

Shoot you can throw lights turned on in there to
I think he would flourish as a ghost writer. He's talented but I just don't think he has what it takes to have mainstream appeal.

As much as I'd agree based off personal opinion, hipsters love him. Fam nearly doubled his sales with half the promotion.
I just wish he'd get off whatever he's tripping on and get back to making music. Dude went off on that rant last year saying he's the best out and I was fully prepared to believe it... Then he just tosses music to the side. C'mon son.
I probably listened to Royalty like 3 times before I gave up on it.. I had no interest in that tape.
Well he's been busy writing ,shooting , producing, & starting in his own tv show I assume that took a huge chunk of time not to mention touring & apperen was & to find out the next album is supposedly already mixed 2016 will be interesting for sure
Should've definitely rode that wave from 3005  

Interesting to see what his next direction will be in music
Forgot I unsubbed from this thread. Kinda interested in seeing how the new project sounds. Still think dude is too scatter minded.
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