Kobe barely touched him.

Besides, it's an honor to get stomped out by Kobe. Mo should have thrown it off the glass for Lebron though. That's why the Cavs won't go anywhere,selfish.
^ please tell me that whole post was a joke... especially the whole selfish part. You must not know about team chemistry...
Were there any emoticons?

Thought so.

And I know about team chemistry, sir. Pavlovic barely fell and he doesn't have the heart to return to the game to help his squad. Selfish.
^^^ dont act like 99% of the "cavs" fan would still be fans if lebron left.... how many cavs fans was there before lebron got drafted... i could betthat if he leaves no one will have a team cavs in there sig....
^Very true and trust me it's very annoying, but I can only speak for myself, belle, and outacontrol when saying we were there before the LBJ-era andwe'll be there after, whenever that might be.
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

??When did this happen.
I could see him getting suspended a game for this.
i never used the ingnore thing.. PRETTYPLAYA is the first on my ignore list....

Same here. There's no sense responding to some people. FR3SH was this way too.

It's too bad I wasn't able to see this game. I would've loved to have seen LeBron's face during the game.

While I understood the dislike for Kobe and his antics in the first half of his career, I couldn't hate on a Laker. The way Wade & LeBron put their egoon display (the reason I disliked Kobe) and the fact that they don't play for the Lakers makes it real easy to get some enjoyment out of any failure, nomatter how small, even though I like their game.

It's nice to know that the Lakers were able to sweep the season series against Boston and Cleveland, but I'm not sure how significant it'll beoutside of the benefit of homecourt advantage. While both the Lakers and the Celtics are completely different teams than the Jazz and Bulls that met in the'98 Finals, that's the Finals I'm reminded of when I think of a Lakers vs. Celtics rematch. The Bulls lost two games in a span of two weeks to theJazz, but were able to win the Finals 4-2. Five of those games were decided by a total of 15 points (Bulls won Game 3 by 42) so, we can't take these twowins to mean that the Lakers will come out on top against either of these teams if the games are close.

Still, that's getting way ahead of myself. I more interested in what might happen before the trade deadline passes.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

i never used the ingnore thing.. PRETTYPLAYA is the first on my ignore list....

Same here. There's no sense responding to some people. FR3SH was this way too.

It's too bad I wasn't able to see this game. I would've loved to have seen LeBron's face during the game.

While I understood the dislike for Kobe and his antics in the first half of his career, I couldn't hate on a Laker. The way Wade & LeBron put their ego on display (the reason I disliked Kobe) and the fact that they don't play for the Lakers makes it real easy to get some enjoyment out of any failure, no matter how small, even though I like their game.

It's nice to know that the Lakers were able to sweep the season series against Boston and Cleveland, but I'm not sure how significant it'll be outside of the benefit of homecourt advantage. While both the Lakers and the Celtics are completely different teams than the Jazz and Bulls that met in the '98 Finals, that's the Finals I'm reminded of when I think of a Lakers vs. Celtics rematch. The Bulls lost two games in a span of two weeks to the Jazz, but were able to win the Finals 4-2. Five of those games were decided by a total of 15 points (Bulls won Game 3 by 42) so, we can't take these two wins to mean that the Lakers will come out on top against either of these teams if the games are close.

Still, that's getting way ahead of myself. I more interested in what might happen before the trade deadline passes.
Good analogy... if you haven't already, read my reply a few pages back. I'd like to know what you think about my assessment on the Lakersof last year as well as this year.
i really dont see wade having a big ego though... he was always knowen to be a humble guy... he just kept his mouth shut and played the game... even afterhaving a really bad season last year he could have complained his way out of miami or complained to get better players but he didnt.... i think that there is ALOT of players out there that have bigger ego's then wade.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i really dont see wade having a big ego though... he was always knowen to be a humble guy... he just kept his mouth shut and played the game... even after having a really bad season last year he could have complained his way out of miami or complained to get better players but he didnt.... i think that there is A LOT of players out there that have bigger ego's then wade.

I just don't like him milking the "I can take the fouls..." image. His whole sales pitch is based around shooting fouls... that's pretty wack
. What type of man sales shoes with "They give you extra grip for those times when you need to plant your feet to pull yourself up!"

I never thought about that

How did his ad campaign go?
"Fall down 8 times, get up 9" or some !%!+ like that

Anyway, it's so bad with D-Wade and Converse, that he's not even wearing his own sig shoe anymore.

To put that in perspective, it would be like MJ seeing the 8s and be like NOPEEEEEEE and just wear the 1s for the rest of the season.

How are you going to sell a sig shoe, when the dude doesn't even wear it?
Originally Posted by Dr 715

Kobe barely touched him.

Besides, it's an honor to get stomped out by Kobe. Mo should have thrown it off the glass for Lebron though. That's why the Cavs won't go anywhere, selfish.
mo needed to finish the lay up otherwise there wouldn't have been enough time to make an extra pass to lebron and have the shot counted, andhow are the cavs selfish?
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i really dont see wade having a big ego though... he was always knowen to be a humble guy... he just kept his mouth shut and played the game... even after having a really bad season last year he could have complained his way out of miami or complained to get better players but he didnt.... i think that there is A LOT of players out there that have bigger ego's then wade.

I'm talking about his on court antics. I don't like the stare downs against opposing players or the ref's. Some of the stuff he does comes acrossas disrespectful to me. It's nit picking and hating, but I don't mind owning up to either. He can stare down anyone he wants if he's in a Lakeruni'.
I still don't think the Celts were the best team last year, let alone this year. IMO, the Celts of yesteryear were a great team, but spent the majority of the season thrashing an under-talented eastern conference and padding that W column. When the playoffs came, they nearly fell to Atlanta..... Atlanta...think about that. And by the time they faced a truly worthy adversary in the fiinals (because face it, after the Gasol trade jack move, that left 2 real teams in the league), they did so against a depleted roster. I think at full strength, both the Lakers and/or the Rockets would have been better teams last year.
Look at the Lakers first run to the championship: - 23 games better than the Kings, but the series went to five games (out of five); lost by 9& 13 - 14 games better than the Suns, series went five games (out of seven); lost by 19 - 8 games better than the Blazers, series went seven games; lost by29 & 8 @ home, 10 on the road - 11 games better than the Pacers, series went six games; lost by 9 & 33 on the road That was a team learning how to winand close out the opposition. They went 15-1 on their way to ring 2 the following season. Obviously the Lakers are a more well rounded and experienced teamthan the Sixers so I don't see a 4-1 series loss, but it's clear that there's still too much left for us to see before we can make any kind ofguess as to how the season will turn out. The Lakers are the best team today, but who knows what that means in June? Regarding last year, the biggest questionwasn't concerning health, it was about mental toughness. These are the same guys that lost last year. How will they react if Boston takes a big lead orcomes back to win from a big deficit? I can assume that it'll be different than last season (see Game 6), but we can't be sure just yet. Team stats arethe same as last year with the only significant improvement being their TO differential. Last season it was even. This season they're +1.7. We've seenthat they've been able to outlast Boston this season which took improved mental fortitude, but we won't know it's enough until they lose a homegame in the playoffs or get down in a series. If neither happens, well, we know it would have been more than enough. I agree that sweeping the series againstBoston and Cleveland (once each w/o Bynum) along with Nelson being out for the season stacks things in the Lakers favor, but all four of these teams are stillgrowing, maybe trading or signing, so there's no telling what's going to happen in the second half of the season.
Holden makes some great points but I truly believe this years Lakers are like the 85 Lakers and the 89 Pistons, two teams that lost in the finals and came backand beat the team they lost to the year before in the finals. Both those teams were steaming the whole year filled with revenge until they got to the finalsand achieved what they couldn't last year.
I truly believe the Lakers are more like those eighties teams and less like the late 90's early 2000's teams that didn't recover after a finalsloss(cept for the 98 jazz)
Did anyone see Walton's pass to LO in the 3rd quarter?! Walton literally made it look easy but that's such a difficult pass. You basically have to beright on the money and he was. Anyway, LO was a beast on the boards! Lakers deserved to win
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

It was clear that Kobe was a little afraid to have full competition against LBJ, he claimed to have FLU-LIKE SYMPTOM.

Kobe is an emotional person. (yea, we all know that)
But, dude was REALLY NERVOUS!


FACE IT KOBE, you were nervous.
Don't hide it.

oh yeah, about that 1grand, i can make it more next time. i mean lbj outscored kobe like 99% of the time. kobe already got me some cash

How funny is this girl!!!
I love her so much, she's so funny!!!

JDB1523 wrote:
^Very true and trust me it's very annoying, but I can only speak for myself, belle, and outacontrol when saying we were there before the LBJ-era and we'll be there after, whenever that might be.

born and raised in cleveland you already know whats up, sad thing is belle isn't even a browns fan, wth is that, I can't stand it when people live inCleveland and are cavs fans but don't support any of the other teams, just does not make sense

that is almost bad as being a steelers fan and rooting for the cavs and the tribe.
Originally Posted by jepeh21

Originally Posted by Dr 715

Kobe barely touched him.

Besides, it's an honor to get stomped out by Kobe. Mo should have thrown it off the glass for Lebron though. That's why the Cavs won't go anywhere, selfish.
mo needed to finish the lay up otherwise there wouldn't have been enough time to make an extra pass to lebron and have the shot counted, and how are the cavs selfish?

holdenmichael wrote:

There's no sense responding to some people.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

JDB1523 wrote:
^Very true and trust me it's very annoying, but I can only speak for myself, belle, and outacontrol when saying we were there before the LBJ-era and we'll be there after, whenever that might be.

born and raised in cleveland you already know whats up, sad thing is belle isn't even a browns fan, wth is that, I can't stand it when people live in Cleveland and are cavs fans but don't support any of the other teams, just does not make sense

that is almost bad as being a steelers fan and rooting for the cavs and the tribe.

I think Cavs fans are turning on each other
--Great win by the Lakeshow!!
--I didnt expect them to go 6-0, let alone beat Boston AND Cleveland. I would been happy with a split.
--I'll take it though...

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