Invincible is ending

Well this sucks. 
Would be preferred if it was TWD but not a surprise. Kirkman kinda lost that spark.

Seems like Ottley is ready to move on to other stuff.

Yes it is.

You could read the last issue of Hickman's Secret Wars (#9) to see how things lead in to Spider-Man just so you get an idea of why certain ppl are alive and others not around.

yeah that issue makes more sense now. Finished Ultimate End too, I really liked Cloak and Dagger :lol
I didn't suggest Ultimate End just cuz it was so confusing and going nowhere when I read it as a monthly :lol

I expect Cloak & Dagger to make their come back given their show got an okay. The comic may have a different take on it.
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I don't like Outcast that much either :\

I'm jumping around and just finished Old Man Logan. Neat little series. Hulk and SheHulk :x So Bendis is continuing this? 8o
Also going to start The Massive, if anyone has read that
This isn't really comic related (unless I eventually take it that route) but here's a drawing of a character from a series I've been working on for six years. I really like it.

I'm not the artist but the character was designed by me. It's a series of novels but I would love to go graphic if the artist was willing. His art helps me conceptualize my characters and their personalities.

Character traits wise, imagine Sauron mixed with Nat Turner mixed with Kanye West. I have other art of other characters by other artists but this guy is black and understands ethnic-looking characters so that's my manz creatively wise for the time being.

I'll post more if folks are interested.

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Just looking at the image and not reading a word you wrote... Black Doctor Strange that grew up listening to Prince and Jimi. I'd read.
Keep posting more about it and I'll post more of my opinion.

From that post I like the art and the short description.
Kind of a lengthy synopsis if interested:
Basically my goal is to create a LOTR/ASOIAF-esque fantasy analogue for American history.

Tolkien based his series on themes that are central to Northern European and English identity, and GRRM took the concept of the Wars of the Roses and feuding European nobility and it kind of spiraled out from there. These are two very different series, but they both adhere to strict white/European mores, cultural values, and historical analogues. The Hobbit is chock-full of references to European fantasy poetry/fairy tales of the 1800s. GRRM had to have studied the Middle Ages meticulously in order to craft ASOIAF.

I'm not saying I'm capable of going nearly as deep into things as either of them, but this world that I've tried to create for half a decade is one that strictly communicates the word "America" to the reader.

Two of my protagonists are a pair of siblings descended from the red-skinned native tribes who were subject to extermination, disease, and forced relocation by the white men who crossed the ocean into their continent several centuries prior.

Through violence and death, they come to terms with their cultural identities and reach very different conclusions on how to deal with the majority-white hegemony that exists on my fictional continent. These conclusions take them on internal and external journeys that force  them to either confront, abate, propagate, or fan the flames of racial and cultural conflict. Examples: a viciously segregated South, a dynasty of mixed-race nobles in the west who some view as traitors, etc.

Another protagonist is a young black woman who has experienced the harshness of inner-city life and I haven't developed her too well yet so I don't know what else to type lol

The character with the afro you see depicted a few posts above is "historical" in the sense that he is long dead in the present time of the story--as stated he is equal parts

Sauron: Sorcerer. Self-professed Dark Lord (or "Darkie Lord" as some call him)  with extremely potent powers. Liar.

Nat Turner: Vicious and violent enemy of the black slave trade. Murderer of whites.

Kanye West: Talented, egotistical, arrogant, loves his mother. Wears gold chains.

The current setting is a continent in which this person has been defeated 130 years after a failed bid to conquer the world--ruled by an immortal, beautiful Queen who descends from a dynasty of whites who claim to be the "Chosen Ones", descended from the first white strangers to cross the ocean into the New World, and closely related to the noble house that historically facilitated the slave trade due to their discovery of the numerous black populations of the islands in the South (This secondary noble house rules the segregated south with an iron fist and an oligarchical sharecropping system that isn't very different from the old slave days).  I don't see my Queen as particularly ""evil". But she is a HELL of an antagonist, and my favorite character.

That's just a little bit, I mean I could easily post pages on pages of info, inspirations, intended themes, etc. In this story's current incarnation (9th draft)  I'm only about 30 pages in, and my max has been about 260 pages before I decided to start over. It's cool if folks ain't feeling it or if I don't do a very good job of selling it.

Also forgot to credit the artist
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Very cool concept. I know it's been floated out there before but I like your take.
Here's another one of my characters, a main protagonist.

Conceptually I imagine him as sort of a personification of Native American anger. In this fictional universe, him and other characters like him are able to feed off of a history of oppression, borderline genocide, and forced relocation in a metaphysical, spiritual sort of way. He's also half-black, which is why his hair is nappy.

I will have fun documenting this young man's evolution from timid beta simp to Khal Drogo meets Sitting Bull meets Tecumseh meets Mr. Marcus

Again, this artist is bananas. My vision clicks with his aesthetic sense fantastically--all I do is describe the character briefly and he hashes him out damn near 100% true to my vision.
How far along are you?
I've been writing this on and off for 6 years, there are 9 drafts currently sitting in my Dropbox, my longest draft is probably around 225 pages in length, and on the current draft (draft 9) I'm only like 30 pages in

But on Saturday I sat in Barnes and Noble for 6 hours and completely hashed out the plot outline and chapter breakdown, beginning to end, (39 chapters as of now) so my gameplan is to write directly from the outline--since everything is already made up. Hopefully I can be done by the end of autumn.

I intend this to be no more than 400 pages, maybe a little less.
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The plot thickens. 8o

Today Marvel reveals what "MU" is. There's been more teasers with three other artists who have drawn X-Men or Wolverine comics before. My guess is MU stands for Mutant Uprising. I'm calling it now. The X-Men are about to flourish once again.

They're either going to double down on the mutant genocide or let them overcome it.

Mutants Uprise or Mutants Undone. 8o
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