Why would you be tired of them? Just don't buy them :lol

I don't. I only buy one cover....But is it really necessary to have 3-4 of them?
Yes cuz it has been proven ppl want the different covers with different art or themes.

Collecting multiple variants is a game for ppl who got money to burn. So the fact that interiors are the same every time has to be ignored. They're paying $2.99, $3.99, $4.99 and up just for the different covers.
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Cuz Tony was the bad guy in the first one and then his movie dropped and he was **** every where. Guess whose movie is dropping in 3 years (would've been 2 if not for the Spidey deal)?
Teen Titans #1 and Champions #1 were both solid in my opinion, going to go ahead and add both to my list.

Black Panther continues to entertain. Checked out Batman Beyond #1 and it's getting back on track with Terry McGinnis back in the role, but it's still not as good as Batman Beyond 2.0 was.
Read the latest of CW II. Man this series has been surprisingly good. I love CW I, but this has soooo many other factors from inhumans growing larger and focus on Ulysses power and the younger gene heroes. I'm def digging it.

Happy Halloween! LCS looked out big time for me on this last week.
Read the latest of CW II. Man this series has been surprisingly good. I love CW I, but this has soooo many other factors from inhumans growing larger and focus on Ulysses power and the younger gene heroes. I'm def digging it.
Refreshing perspective.
This Moon Knight comic is getting confusing as hell :lol

I'm glad the next issue is about to clear up everything.
Can y'all put me onto some good x men graphic novels. And is there a graphic novel out that I can catch up to what's happening with the mutants dying and this inhumans and all that stuff.
If you mean graphic novels like OGNs, they're not a lot for the X-Men. There's God Loves, Man Kills and X-Men: No More Humans. Both are good.

As far as the X-Men dying out due to terrigen mists. You need to pick up trade paperbacks of Extraordinary X-Men and Uncanny Inhumans.

If you want you can right now pick up Death Of X, a 4 issue event covering what happened in the past dealing with this issue to explain the present. 3 issues already out so you could get caught up quick.

After that there's Inhumans vs. X-Men which is another event about to come out in December but that's monthly floppy issues not a thick comic of multiple issues like a trade or one complete story like a ogn. You'd have to wait a few months for the DoC and IvX trades/omnibus.
Can y'all put me onto some good x men graphic novels. And is there a graphic novel out that I can catch up to what's happening with the mutants dying and this inhumans and all that stuff.

Check out New X-Men by Grant Morrison. There are trade paperbacks for it and a single omnibus that collects the entire run.

Amazon product ASIN 0785132511
There's also Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon, which at only 24 issues can easily by picked up in like 2 trades.

Amazon product ASIN 0785161945
Pretty sure that's the run that came right after Morrison's anyways. I'd say that pretty much anything by Chris Claremont is good to pick up and there are a few omnibus' for his run as well. Specific trades though would be

Amazon product ASIN 0785164219
The Dark Phoenix Saga

Amazon product ASIN 0785164537
Days of Future Past

Amazon product ASIN 0785137246
Wolverine, and multiple others, such as God Loves, Man Kills.
I was mainly looking forward to Cyclops being dead and he went out like the punk *** ***** that he is as expected.

Not to mention the twist was pretty clear by issue 2.

The added BB killing Emma's Scott psychic projection was just icing :smokin
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One thing I'm disappointed about is they couldn't even keep Kuder for all 4 issues.

I mean at least Civil War has great art (granted they just padded for pages by having Sorrentino do some great art for a different setting).
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All you need to know:

- Cyclops dies in issue #1 from the terrigen mists
- Jamie Madrox a.k.a. Multiple Man dies from the mists along with hundreds of his dupes
- Emma Frost uses a psychic projection to fool ppl in to thinking Cyclops is still alive and he broadcasts to the world that the Inhumans purposely released the mists (lie) that kills mutants (he didn't know this) and maybe humans (it doesn't)
- There's an Inhuman team led by Crystal tracking one terrigen cloud to Madrid. Terrorist group (I think Hydra) attacks trying to capture new inhumans, Storm's X-Men show up, no way to stop madness so Crystal uses an Inhuman that can put everyone asleep except Inhumans.
- Emma and Cyclops' X-Men see this thinking the Inhumans are attacking mutants. Emma sends Magneto to delay them while they to get rid of one of the terrigen clouds. Magik takes the inhuman that makes ppl fall asleep and transports him to limbo (he gets released in the end).
- Emmaclops recruits Alchemy who has transmutation powers. Crystal calls Medusa who shows up with Black Bolt and others. They try to stop dude and then deliberate with themselves how to approach Emmaclops and end this peacefully.
- Alchemy turns the cloud in to red harmless mists and dies in the process. Inhumans are pissed. Emmaclops says he still has work to do to get the other cloud and prepared to attack. Medusa gives the word and Black Bolt skills the Cyclops projection in front of all the X-Men and Inhumans in Madrid.
- Cyclops funeral. Havok learns his brother been dead. Emma looks insane, like she's finally snapped from all of this mutant death and losing Scott.
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