Paul Bettany to play The Vision:

After years of being heard but not seen, like all the best servants, Paul Bettany has been given an upgrade from voicing the digital butler JARVIS in the Iron Man/Avenger movies to playing The Vision in Age Of Ultron. For those unfamiliar with the comics or with Wikipedia entries about the comics, The Vision is an android (or, if you need a name for your new wave act, “synthezoid”) who was created by Ultron as a henchman in his war against the Avengers. Eventually, he’s convinced through a series of epic battles and late-night conversations to stop being such a robo-**** and join the team, with the signing bonus of getting to romance the Scarlet Witch.

That Bettany will play The Vision lends credence to the rumors that, in the movie version of the Ultron story, the robotic supervillain will be created by Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark—rather than Hank Pym, who won’t even be introduced until Ant-Man a few months later. And it suggests Ultron and The Vision will likely evolve out of Stark’s AI for JARVIS, with Bettany’s The Vision representing his generous, nice guy side, and James Spader’s Ultron representing the side that’s sick of carrying him like he’s stupid, Tony, this cannot go on forever. As always, we would like to thank Joss Whedon for making it possible to drop Less Than Zero references into news about his comic-book movies.
Some good reads :smokin

Midnight Tiger


OneNation #1 & One Nation - Old Druids


Rotten Apple

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Where can I read some comics online free on my iphone!!!!!???? Pm me please
Superior Spidey 27
She-Hulk 1
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March 1
Avengers 26
Revolutionary War: Death's Head II 1
X-Force 1
Secret Avengers 15
Kick-*** 3 #6
TWD 121

Got around to reading America's Got Powers, Hell Shock, The Secret History of D.B. Cooper, American Freak, and Raise The Dead
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Just started posting on NT again after months of lurkage lol.

My pickup last week

Harley Quinn #1 is the bae's. Trying to get her into my addiction :lol

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Nova 13
A+X 17
Superior Spidey Team-Up 10
New Warriors 1
Avengers World 3
The Punisher 2
DD 36 (finale)
Marvel Knights Hulk 3
Night of the Living Deadpool 3
Thunderbolts 22
Uncanny Avengers 17
F4 1
Secret Avengers 16
Mighty Avengers 7
Superior Spidey 28
Avengers Assemble 24
Indestructible Hulk 19
TWD 122

The First Twenty Pages Of Stjepan Seijic’s Death Vigil – Coming From Top Cow In July

Some more stuff I read:



That was some freaky ****** up **** by Moore.






can anyone tell me what is the chronicle order of the Marvel's UU "Cataclysm"
where should i start and how far is it in? 8o
can anyone tell me what is the chronicle order of the Marvel's UU "Cataclysm"
where should i start and how far is it in? 8o
I think I'm not 100% though it's...

Ultimate Comics Cataclysm #0.1
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1
Ultimate X Men #1
Ultimate X Men #2
Ultimate X Men #3
Ultimates Last Stand #1
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1
Ultimates Last Stand #2
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #2
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3
Ultimate Spider -Man #2
Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Ultimates Last Stand #3
Ultimates Last Stand #4
Cap Marvel 1
Avengers Undercover 1
Secret Avengers 1
RW: Warheads 1
Mighty Avengers 8
Black Widow 4
F4 2
Superior Foes 9
Superior Spidey 29
Moon Knight 1
Loki AOA 2
Punisher 3
New Warriors 2
She-Hulk 2
Night of the Living Deadpool 4 (finale)
Nova 14
Avengers A.I. 10
Invincible 109
TWD 123
X (Darkhorse comics) 1-11






Welp in the new Spiderman it seems they are destroyed all the nice things OTTO has done. If the superior doesnt stay or survive in some way then Marvel will be saving me $4 bucks a week
Superior was always gonna be a limited thing just like the Dark Reign Dark Avengers. They've already announced the Amazing Spidey relaunch

Otto was ALWAYS going back to being Doc Ock. I can understand passing on Spidey from here on out. I know of a lot of ppl that only liked this take and not the jokes and oh I gotta help Aunt May Peter Parker Spidey.

I hope some of his cool things stay around but even if we do we won't know for a bit given Peter is going to have amnesia for a while.
DD 1
Iron Patriot 1
All-New Ghost Rider 1
Superior Foes 10
Superior Spidey 30
Nova 15
Tbolts 23
Avengers World 4
Ms. Marvel 2
Winter Soldier: TBM 2
Superior Team-Up 11
New Avengers 15 & 16
Superior Spidey Annual 2
Silver Surfer 1
Avengers 27
GotG 13
Uncanny Avengers 18
A+X 18 (final issue)
Revolutionary War Omega

Read these joints too














Thought about it andI dont think I can buy another 616 main story spider man book anymore and I've bought them all for the past 6 years. Its like when Damien Died and I stopped caring about batman
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Recommended reading:

Saga (Image)
Sex Criminals (Image)
Alex & Ada (Image)
Stray Bullets: Killers (Image)

The Star Wars (Dark Horse)
Based off Lucas' original screenplay. Completely original, very different from the Star Wars we know.
Thought about it andI dont think I can buy another 616 main story spider man book anymore and I've bought them all for the past 6 years. Its like when Damien Died and I stopped caring about batman
So what you didn't want Superior to end , tired of Peter, and want Ock to stay or are you not looking forward to what Slott has planned for Amazing this year and next? (Learning to Crawl, Spider-Verse, etc.)
So what you didn't want Superior to end , tired of Peter, and want Ock to stay or are you not looking forward to what Slott has planned for Amazing this year and next? (Learning to Crawl, Spider-Verse, etc.)
Honestly Peter taking over wasnt a issue for me cause I knew Peter was gonna come back in some way. Thing is that Ock did alot of good as Spiderman and was acutally trying to redeem himself.

All I wanted was another Spin off book like Scarlet Spider(Pissed it was cancelled) or Venom(also loved this book). If not that but atleast Doc was out there trying to do something. He got Peter a doctorate, a successful business, a medical clinic, a Team of minions, a prison, various labs and a scientist girl who seemed like she could be ride or die like MJ. Was acutally interesting and more. I wanted that to continue in some form or maybe a clone, robot like the vision or whatever.

Also Batman died strongly for me anyway with the New52 before the new 52 I was read

Teen Titans
Red Robin(Loved this)
Batman and Robin(loved this)
Detective comics

Now its just wonder woman
Well I can understand that. It does seem when Doc Ock next shows up it will be as a villain again with no memory of what he did in Superior.

Of course I think and have seen plenty theories out there that there was no mind switch and Doc Ock just imprinted his memories over Peter and he just believed he was Otto when he was really himself all along. Basically like brain washing. So technically Peter did all those things just thinking he was someone else. As for changes and things carrying over, I assume Anna Maria will be saved, he'll still have his doctorate & science lab and gadgets (he'll just have to relearn how to use them), and Parker Industries will go on (possibly with Sajani running things). As for everything else the Green Goblin destroyed it cuz he was a step ahead. Otto failed to save the clinic, his own army and base. He did have good ideas and he did a lot of good but yeah some of it isn't Peter's style so they won't carry on. I think Slott kept what Peter could manage and dumped what he knew Peter wouldn't compromise in using. Only tricky thing left is to see how he and Anna Maria break up. I do agree with you about how things that were changed were changed for the better and seemed like things were going somewhere instead of back to the same old stuff but I'll wait and see where Slott goes with things.

As for other titles, Spider-Man 2099 is relaunching in July and there's gonna be a Spider-Woman book to probably launch with the Spider-Verse event and I know it's not the same but Venom was in Thunderbolts and is gonna be in Guardians of the Galaxy and Scarlet Spider is in New Warriors.
Thought about it andI dont think I can buy another 616 main story spider man book anymore and I've bought them all for the past 6 years. Its like when Damien Died and I stopped caring about batman
Man, come to think of it...I did lose a lot of interest when Damien died. Sheesh.

Any trades that are currently out or releasing soon that I should invest in? I was thinking about getting into the Infinity series, but from what I've been reading, it wasn't that great.

Can't wait to finally read Saga vol. 3 tomorrow.
Superior was always gonna be a limited thing just like the Dark Reign Dark Avengers. They've already announced the Amazing Spidey relaunch

Otto was ALWAYS going back to being Doc Ock. I can understand passing on Spidey from here on out. I know of a lot of ppl that only liked this take and not the jokes and oh I gotta help Aunt May Peter Parker Spidey.

I hope some of his cool things stay around but even if we do we won't know for a bit given Peter is going to have amnesia for a while.

i really want to see what Black Cat does to him when she finds him :rollin
last issue i read was 24
Superior was always gonna be a limited thing just like the Dark Reign Dark Avengers. They've already announced the Amazing Spidey relaunch

Otto was ALWAYS going back to being Doc Ock. I can understand passing on Spidey from here on out. I know of a lot of ppl that only liked this take and not the jokes and oh I gotta help Aunt May Peter Parker Spidey.

I hope some of his cool things stay around but even if we do we won't know for a bit given Peter is going to have amnesia for a while.

i really want to see what Black Cat does to him when she finds him :rollin
last issue i read was 24

Same. Otto has done good things as Pete and stupid things as him as well. Pete is about to be on his LONER status again... like Quesada wanted.
Been trying to track down Batman #1 from the the new 52 for a while... anyone in here might be able to point me in the right direction? (not ebay)
Black Widow 5
She-Hulk 3
New Warriors 3
The Punisher 4
Moon Knight 2
What If?: Age of Ultron 1-5
Inhuman 1
Thunderbolts 24 & 25
Deadpool Vs. Carnage 1&2
Avengers A.I. 11&12
Mighty Avengers 9
Superior Foes of Spidey 11
Secret Avengers 2
All-New Ghost Rider 2
Captain Marvel 2
Daredevil 1.50 & 2
Avengers Undercover 2&3
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon 1
All-New Ultimates 1
Nova 16
Superior Spidey 31 (final issue)
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March 3
Ms. Marvel 3
Ultimate FF 1
Hulk 1
GotG 14
Uncanny Avengers 19
Superior Spidey Team-Up 12
All-New Invaders 4
F4 3
Elektra 1
Iron Patriot 2
New Avengers 17
Avengers 28
Original Sin 0
Kick-*** 3 #7
hey guys i've been overseas so not able to pick up my comics, All-new X men and Uncanny X men, how are those story lines going???
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