OFFICIAL DENVER NUGGETS Season Thread (Ok... Maybe we're not "finished")

Originally Posted by SkyLarkster

Red Alert: Rumors are off the charts right now about a Kleiza/Najera for Ron Artest trade.

Yea, been hearing about that the past week or so. If it was at the beginning of the season I would of liked that trade, but with the way Kleiza has beenballing lately I wouldnt pull the trigger.
I hate the beat a dead horse...but o well...ima beat it...This is mostly on the last game against utah if anyone saw it....first of all...I cant believe Melomissed that game winner...I mean that shot he missed is a shot he makes in his sleep...but he hit some big baskets in the 4th so i'm not trippin boutthat....I'll tell you what I am trippin about...

When Melo fouled out of the game our offense went to crap...Our offense consisted off give it to ai while everyone else stand and watch...and it was obviousthat wasn't going to work cuz everytime he got the ball they were basically doubling any GOOD coach would've called a timeout at some pointto try and set a play cuz they were lost out you think karl did that...NO!!!....I was literally screaming at the tv for Karl to call a timeout andtry and set up a play but his fat a....but....just sat there the whole time....on everything if i was the owner I would've fired him right after thatgame....he's a bum and he's the reason the nuggets don't have a bettter record...part of me doesnt even want the nuggets to advance past the firstround..cuz if they do..then that'll probably mean another year of Karls lazyness...dogg is a bum....get him outta there.....that trainer with the dreadswould probably be a better coach than Karl....

.............k im done lol
When Melo fouled out of the game our offense went to crap...Our offense consisted off give it to ai while everyone else stand and watch...and it was obvious that wasn't going to work cuz everytime he got the ball they were basically doubling any GOOD coach would've called a timeout at some point to try and set a play cuz they were lost out you think karl did that...NO!!!....I was literally screaming at the tv for Karl to call a timeout and try and set up a play but his fat a....but....just sat there the whole time....on everything if i was the owner I would've fired him right after that game....he's a bum and he's the reason the nuggets don't have a bettter record...part of me doesnt even want the nuggets to advance past the first round..cuz if they do..then that'll probably mean another year of Karls lazyness...dogg is a bum....get him outta there.....that trainer with the dreads would probably be a better coach than Karl....
Agreed. My favorite part was how he put JR Smith in for the last shot to potentially tie in overtime when we were down 3. Why was it so funny?Because that was the first time JR had stepped onto the court ALL NIGHT. If JR can hit the 3 you might want to use him BEFORE we are down 3 with a few secondsleft in overtime. Najera had 5 fouls, Melo had 5 fouls, and Carter had 5 fouls, and JR STILL got no burn.
I'm pissed, but I can't help but laugh at the situation. We came backfrom a 15 point deficit at the half and we came back through agressive play. But that's not where it ends... We still need organization on the floor.I'm telling you, we have a talented squad and we are winning in spite of Karl, not because of. Melo was doing more coaching than Karl once he"fouled" out (SMH @ not being able to box out in the NBA).
Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Originally Posted by SkyLarkster

Red Alert: Rumors are off the charts right now about a Kleiza/Najera for Ron Artest trade.

Yea, been hearing about that the past week or so. If it was at the beginning of the season I would of liked that trade, but with the way Kleiza has been balling lately I wouldnt pull the trigger.

�You know what after watching last nights game scratch what I said about not trading Kleiza for Artest. I say do it. Peep this video. We need this on oursquad, especially when we play against teams like the Jazz

@ the 4:03 mark ."NO LAYUPS!!!"
I like that.
Good insight right here


If there's one thing you should know about the suits in Denver's front office it's that they're not afraid to make a deal. They proved as much last season when the organization consummated the biggest deal in the Association to bring Allen Iverson to The Mile High City.
Even though the Nuggets are playing solid basketball this season (29-18) despite a surplus of injuries, don't expect Denver to stand on the sidelines between now and the February 21st trade deadline. And after the Lakers dealt for Pau Gasol late last week, it would seem like other Western Conference clubs such as the Nuggets would feel pressure to make a deal now more than ever.

"Because of the nature of the ownership here and the nature of the leadership here, I don't think anybody can come in and infer we're afraid to make a deal or won't make a deal," explained Denver Vice President of Basketball Operations Mark Warkentien. "Obviously, we'll make a deal.

"That trade question is always an interesting one. It's like, okay, are you here to play poker? Yes, we're sitting at the game and we will play, but it doesn't mean we're going to play this hand or the next hand. But when a hand shows up, rest assured we'll play. We'll shove chips into the middle of the pot. But you've got to wait for your hand according to your chips. I can tell you that we're in the game. As always, it's 365 days a year. We're looking to play a hand in this poker game. We're sitting at the table, we're not watching the game on TV."

Since the Nuggets are "in the poker game," let's take a look at some of the players they could potentially acquire.

1. Ron Artest, Sacramento Kings

Chance He's a Nugget by February 21st: 60%

Why the Nuggets Would Be Interested:

Say what you want about Ron Artest's off the court baggage, but the dude is a beast between the lines. He can defend two through four and has the ability to lockdown elite scorers on his own. As bad as the Nuggets' perimeter defense has been this season, you can bet the team is looking into the possibility of acquiring Artest for that very reason.

The Kings have made it known that Artest is available for the right price. However, that price appears to be Eduardo Najera and Linas Kleiza at the moment. The Nuggets would likely want to include J.R. Smith in the deal instead of Kleiza, but that seems unlikely since the Kings' best player, Kevin Martin, plays the same position as Smith. If the Nuggets want to make a one-for-one swap, Nene's salary would suffice. The Nuggets would like to avoid having to give up Kleiza or Nene, but if they think Artest might catapult them into the Western Conference elite, they very well could pull the trigger, anyway.

2. Mike Miller, Memphis Grizzlies

Chance He's a Nugget by February 21st: 40%

Why the Nuggets Would Be Interested:

The Grizzlies have already decided to blow things up. And after trading Gasol, multiple sources have confirmed Miller is likely the next to go. The Nuggets could offer a Najera/Smith package that would likely be quite attractive for a couple of reasons. First, both Najera and Smith are expiring deals. Second, Smith is a young player with a lot of potential who fits the Grizzlies' migration towards a youth movement, and he will be restricted at season's end meaning Memphis could match any offer he might get.

For the Nuggets, Miller would provide a deadeye outside shooter. Playing alongside Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony would mean more open shots for Miller than he's seen at any point in his career. However, Miller's an average defender at best, which means the Nuggets wouldn't address their issues defensively on the perimeter in any substantial way by dealing for Miller.

3. Sam Cassell, Los Angeles Clippers

Chance He's a Nugget by February 21st: 25%

Why the Nuggets Would Be Interested:

Sam Cassell and George Karl have a very solid relationship dating back to their days together in Milwaukee, and Cassell has mentioned the prospect of finishing his career in Denver on numerous occasions. The problem is that Cassell makes a little over $6-million and is 38 years old. In order to make the salaries work, the Nuggets would likely have to include at least two players in the deal (think Najera/Smith, Najera/Kleiza, etc).

Simply put, Denver isn't likely to give up that much for a player who can play only limited minutes and who has struggled with multiple injuries the last couple of seasons. If the Nuggets make any deal, they will do so because they believe it makes them appreciably better. Cassell could do that, but the potential risk seems higher than the reward at this juncture. That said, if the Nuggets can get a third team involved and only have to give up one player or perhaps a pick, than the reward might just outweigh the potential risk.

4. Jason Kidd, New Jersey Nets

Chance He's a Nugget by February 21st: 1%

Why the Nuggets Would Be Interested:

Any NBA team would be interested in a future Hall of Fame point guard like Jason Kidd, and the Nuggets are certainly no exception. However, there is absolutely no deal to be made. None. Zip. Zilch. Okay, so your friendly neighborhood columnist said there's a one-percent chance Kidd ends up in Denver because one should never say never in the NBA. That said, it's hard for a trade to take place when the two teams haven't had a single conversation about a trade for Kidd or anyone else. That's right, everything you've read in the media about Kidd coming to the Nuggets is pure speculation and largely irresponsible journalism. Can't state it anymore directly than that, people.

To watch Travis Heath's entire two-part sit down interview with Mark Warkentien, click the video links on the right side of the page. What deal do you think the Nuggets should make and why? Let your voice be heard in the comment box below...
Why would they even bring up Nene at this point? Until he gets some time on the court, the Nuggets are stuck with him. And he won't be on the court beforethe deadlne. As for Kleiza, if the goal is a championship now or within the next 2 years, you ship him for Artest, no question. We get a great defender withoffensive explosiveness and playoff experience. I could see something like Kleiza/Smith for Artest if salaries match.
Why would they even bring up Nene at this point? Until he gets some time on the court, the Nuggets are stuck with him. And he won't be on the court before the deadlne. As for Kleiza, if the goal is a championship now or within the next 2 years, you ship him for Artest, no question. We get a great defender with offensive explosiveness and playoff experience. I could see something like Kleiza/Smith for Artest if salaries match.
Agreed. I would like to have him or bibby (I'm a fan), but artest especially. I hope it happens. Everyone else is getting a sweet deal, I wantus to have one too. I'm jealous.
As if the Nuggets didn't have a bad enough reputation as is, Artest would cement the stereotype. Not that I mind the trade.

As the season goes on I'm getting progressively angry at...

1. Karl
2. Karl not playing JR. It's unacceptable. If Smith had been playing and getting a ryhthm, he'd be so much more valuable than benching him for 5 gamesthen letting him play for the last 5 seconds of OT. That's insulting I'm surprised he hasn't demanded a trade.
3. Camby's offensive mindset. His "favorite shot" used to be at the top of the key, and he would make that maybe 40% of the time. Now he onlyshoots baseline jumpers, which he makes about 1 or 2 out of 10. Stop shooting jumpers, Marcus. Go dunk on someone. Also, stop ballhandling.
4. Karl not playing Steven Hunter to fill in for Camby. Why did we pick him up then? I was impressed with his production while Camby was out this last time.
5. Melo's slump. See BlowDaWhistle's post.
6. Karl
^ I don't see how Melo is in a slump. He's averaging 26, 7.5 and 3+ assists. The problem right now is how the offense is being run. AI is maybe myfavorite player EVER, and thats my boy right there. But for the Nuggets to be successful, the offense can NOT run through AI every game. He gets the ball adnisolates and then maybe with 7-10 sec left, Melo will get the ball and he'll have those seconds to try and score or make a play for someone else. Thatsimply isn't gonna work. The offense needs to run through Melo on the block and then work outside to AI. AI will get his 25-27 regardless. ButMelo's scoring has to be higher than that 25-26. He should be averaging 30 a game if they was playin right. So many possessions are wasted, and then as aresult, you have Camby launching stupid jumpers that he can't even make. And with no Nene... a post game is even more important.
Okay. I take back what I said about the slump after tonight's game. I love you Melo.

And my good friend went to this game tonight too. Took his dad instead of me!...I wanted to see the career night.
Update on Nene:
Nene update.

Karl said Denver forward Nene, recovering from the removal of a testicular tumor, is still indecisive about playing again this season, while he awaits more test results.

"I'm still hopeful," Karl said. "Basically, I'm playing amateur doctor. I have some information and I'm hoping. I've seen Nene, and I think there's a hope that he wants to get back.

"He's been here a couple times, I've spoken to him. He went through a second opinion on a couple of situations, and I think this week he had a doctor appointment that I haven't gotten a report on yet.

Artest might be still a bad boy, but he brings something to the Kings. I'd like that to happen on Nuggets..
We still should've had that Utah game. The Team is playing solid basketball but as DMV said the offense needs to go through melo.
I heard on the game that the reports are that denver will not trade away kleiza for artest. I hope thats not the case.
I look at the trade like this. Its obvious that A.I., Camby & the rest of the old heads don't have too many years left so thats why they would make thetrade. If they don't make the trade, then it just shows that they are more worried about the future of the Nuggets.
I'd do the trade... I would.. This might be the same reason why Suns make the gamble on Shaq (if you guys really understand what's the gamble is..).

Oh yeah, last night's game, looks like Melo as starter in ASG is not a mistake, eh?
^March will be absolute hell.

--Tonight against the Magic, and Nuggets have a really bad record playing in Orlando. I'd say these next few games are important but the Western Conferenceis an all-out war. We need 50+ wins this season to make the playoffs, every single game is important. I've been pessimistic lately even though our recordis great, teams like Utah, Houston and Golden State (thank God Portland started dropping games)...nobody seems to be losing.

--I hope Karl finally sees JR's Heat performance and gets him way more PT. Steven Hunter needs to play more too.

--Come back Nene. We need you beastin' down low.
We need to get Artest...I dont see any reasons to not trade LK/Najera for Artest...I know LK is a good young player but with Camby & AI we only have about3 years tops to win with this team....and Artest is only 28 so he still has a good 4 or 5 years Artest shoots the same % from 3 that Artest is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league...which is our biggest weakness....I really don't want to get rid of Najeratoo...but its the only way the trade would work with the salary rules...Artest can guard 2-4 so he gives us everything Najera and LK give us..

I don't even wanna hear ne thing about trading for Mike Miller...that makes no sense to me...he's a great shooter but has no D...WE DONT NEEDOFFENSE....we dont....we have a championship caliber offense...what we need is a better defense...Miller doesnt do this for us...Artest does....
Yall don't seem to get it. Ron Artest is NOT INTERESTED in playing the role that some of yall have in your heads that he would be.

He doesn't want to play 3rd fiddle to AI and Melo, and being that they dominate the ball, he would be reduced to a spot up shooter. Ron Artest does notand WILL not play the Bruce Bowen role for the Nuggets. Ron Artest also wants a fat contract. Denver is not going to give him that. Ron Artest will bounceas SOON as the season is over. And it's not like there are crazy odds of us winning the championship with him coming into the fold in the last 2 months ofthe season. And if the season ends and Ron is gone... and we still have no Najera and no Kleiza? We're #*$+@$.

Trade only needs to be done if they can convince the Kings to do a 1player+draft picks deal.
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

Yall don't seem to get it. Ron Artest is NOT INTERESTED in playing the role that some of yall have in your heads that he would be.

He doesn't want to play 3rd fiddle to AI and Melo, and being that they dominate the ball, he would be reduced to a spot up shooter. Ron Artest does not and WILL not play the Bruce Bowen role for the Nuggets. Ron Artest also wants a fat contract. Denver is not going to give him that. Ron Artest will bounce as SOON as the season is over. And it's not like there are crazy odds of us winning the championship with him coming into the fold in the last 2 months of the season. And if the season ends and Ron is gone... and we still have no Najera and no Kleiza? We're #*$+@$.

Trade only needs to be done if they can convince the Kings to do a 1player+draft picks deal.
Oh word??? Your Ron Artest boi or sumthin??...He tell you he wouldn't want to play with AI & Melo?? I know he wants a big pay off of like 14mil..but thats not guna happen...and Najera might bounce ne ways cuz his contract is up...and LK's is about to be up too and he's guna want a bigpayday that we wont be able to afford either way we are guna lose LK and Najera most likely...

and who said ne thing about him being only a spot up shooter like bowen???...All I said was he's a good perimeter defender...LK gets a good amount ofshots off for the Nuggets so ur saying Artest couldn't get that plus a couple more??? Nobody said ne thing about Artest being a spot up shooter
^Can you read?

I said that playing in a system with AI and Melo dominating the ball would reduce Artest to essentially being a spot up shooter. They have the ball 90 percentof the game. Meaning he would essentially play a Bruce Bowen role in the sense that he would be a lock down perimeter defender and he would get whatever leftover open shots are left. And if we're talking about being an efficient scorer/shooter... that is not what we would get Artest for anyway. Kleiza fitsthat role better than he could for our team. I personally want Artest because of defense. He has that intangible that could really help us. I'm a fan ofRon Artest... I have been for a long time.

But based on all of the reports I have read (because you know... people tend to base their opinions on articles and information that they read. I wasn'taware he had to be my best friend for me to repeat what the insiders have been saying for weeks now
)... he's not interested in playing that kind of role. He wants to be thestar, and according to his agent, "He wants that role and he wants to be paid accurately for that role as well." I mean if it came down to it and atrade came close and Ron came out and said that being the defensive stopper is the role he wants to play and he's cool with AI and Melo being the topoptions then hell, go for it. He could help the team a lot. But I just don't think we're that far off with what we already have... to need topossibly ruin everything with a crazy judgement.

And plus... you're a little too trigger happy anyway. You're the one who wanted to trade Marcus %%$+$*+ Camby away for Jason Kidd. If you were our GMwe would have a starting 5 of Kidd, AI, Melo, K-Mart, and (doesn't matter cause they would get ate UP). But I guess you didn't know Nene was gonna getcancer tho back then right? See... that's why ridiculous judgements can't be made at a whim
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