OFFICIAL DENVER NUGGETS Season Thread (Ok... Maybe we're not "finished")

Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

^Can you read?

I said that playing in a system with AI and Melo dominating the ball would reduce Artest to essentially being a spot up shooter. They have the ball 90 percent of the game. Meaning he would essentially play a Bruce Bowen role in the sense that he would be a lock down perimeter defender and he would get whatever left over open shots are left. And if we're talking about being an efficient scorer/shooter... that is not what we would get Artest for anyway. Kleiza fits that role better than he could for our team. I personally want Artest because of defense. He has that intangible that could really help us. I'm a fan of Ron Artest... I have been for a long time.

But based on all of the reports I have read (because you know... people tend to base their opinions on articles and information that they read. I wasn't aware he had to be my best friend for me to repeat what the insiders have been saying for weeks now
)... he's not interested in playing that kind of role. He wants to be the star, and according to his agent, "He wants that role and he wants to be paid accurately for that role as well." I mean if it came down to it and a trade came close and Ron came out and said that being the defensive stopper is the role he wants to play and he's cool with AI and Melo being the top options then hell, go for it. He could help the team a lot. But I just don't think we're that far off with what we already have... to need to possibly ruin everything with a crazy judgement.

And plus... you're a little too trigger happy anyway. You're the one who wanted to trade Marcus %%$+$*+ Camby away for Jason Kidd. If you were our GM we would have a starting 5 of Kidd, AI, Melo, K-Mart, and (doesn't matter cause they would get ate UP). But I guess you didn't know Nene was gonna get cancer tho back then right? See... that's why ridiculous judgements can't be made at a whim
Ruin everything with crazy judgement???...Dogg this isn't a championship team our defense is too bad...the way its lookin now...we r heading foranother 1st round exit the west is just too good...So what exactly would be ruining??...its either

1) stick to being bounced out the first round

2) or try to make a move thats going to push into the elite teams

I don't understand why you think Artest will be just a stop up shooter??...LK isn't just a spot up shooter on offense...he isn't like Battier orBowen where 80% of their shots are 3' why do you think Artest would be like that?? Artest could do everything for this team that LK does plus be alockdown defender...You have a legit argument about Artest wanting to leave the Nuggets after the season for his "14 mil contract
"...but its a chance id be willing to take

and say what you want about my Camby trade scenario but to me a lineup of


would've been better than



obviously Nene health changes my thinking on that

Its watever tho....I'm arguing with someone who thinks we "not that far off"... when the last time i checked when are barely making theplayoffs...and yall are trippin if you think the Nuggets are going to magically put it together in the 2nd half and become an elite west team....We better praythat we win the nw division (which i dont think we will) cuz we r looking at another 1st round exit...I guess i'm just not as optimistic as you r...i meani want the nuggets to go far just as much as yall and it may seem like i'm doin a lil hatin...but i just call it how i see it
BlowDaWhistle - At the end of the day homie...we both Nuggets fans
. It's all love. I just am so frustrated byhow fragile this team is. I mean come on B... with a healthy Nene and Chucky Atkins... the Nuggets are a damn problem. But who woulda thought he would getcancer, and all this other crap that keeps happening. At this point, it's just surreal all the problems our squad has encountered.

At the end of the day, I'm down for the Nuggets to make whatever move they have to make to win. But I'm not sold on the fact that getting rid ofKleiza + Najera is a good idea. Let me ask you this tho....

If you had to get rid of one of them tho... would it be Kleiza or JR? I thought I had a sure answer for that but JR's performance this past week hasreminded me that I'm not really sure. He's so much more explosive than Kleiza.
This team desperately needs a perimeter defender and that's no joke. I don't care who they ship out, they have way too many scorers. I can'tbelieve they ain't made a move...
I could have sworn I saw something on ESPN about the Nuggs talking to the Knicks about Randolph.

If so, Denver obviously wants to %*%$ A.I., Melo, the Team, and the fans.
Nuggets Interested In Randolph?
Posted: 2/15/2008 4:00:00 AM
Source: NewYork Post

The success of the Blazers has hurt Zach Randolph's trade value, but there are rumblings the Nuggets and the Knicks have discussed a multi-player tradeinvolving the disgruntled power forward.

Nuggets general manager Mark Warkentien was the former Blazers director of scouting when Portland tabbed Randolph in the NBA Draft. It is believed namesdiscussed in a potential deal included Linas Kleiza, Eduardo Najera, Steven Hunter and J.R. Smith for Randolph and another Knick. The Knicks appear mostinterested in up-and-comer Kleiza.

It is still a longshot Eddy Curry or Randolph get moved, because any deal that would bring back a solid player such as Ron Artest also would include a badcontact Isiah Thomas is not allowed to inherit.

There is no way the nuggets can actually be serious about this???....Randolph??? They can't be that dumb....Randolph is our answer??...He's guna makeus a champsionship team??... He takes up to that next level??...


If I were Iverson or Melo and the nuggets made this move....that would tell me the nugget organization is a joke...and I would demand to get traded asap.....
I can't believe that they might go for randolph.

I also cant believe we live in a world where 32-20 gets you a 8th place spot. Teams with winning records are going to have to sit out this year.
damn i had to double take at the 8th in the west thing ... how you gonna have ai, melo and camby and be 8th? they need a trade
4 days..

Update: found this on another nuggets board.

"Ric Bucher was just on ESPN Radio from the All Star Game in New Orleans. He spent most of his time talking about the Kidd-Dallas talks,but said they're are other deals being discussed.

He said Denver, Sacramento and Indiana discussed a 3-way that would have sent Jermaine O'Neal to Sacramento, Ron Artest to Denver and a combo of LinasKleiza, Eduardo Najera, Kenny Thomas and Quincy Douby to Indiana with draft picks and cash considerations included as well. Bucher said it appears the dealwon't be happening however as Indiana is hesitant on taking on Thomas' salary and Denver doesn't want to trade Kleiza.

Bucher said Denver and Seattle are having some discussions on a deal that would send Seattle Yakhouba Diawara, Von Wafer and a 1st rounder for Delonte West anda 2nd rounder."

Also, rumor is that we are pushing extra hard to get Mike Miller. If the Miller deal doesn't go through, then more likely the West deal will happen.
I sincerely hope the Randolf trade doesn't happen. That's just stupid.. The Mike Miller thing is pretty bad too. He would automatically become out best3 point shooter but it does nothing for increased perimeter defense.

Right now the Artest trade looks the best to me, but I'm skeptical about all these rumors.
24 hours...... I hope the F/O doesn't get gassed off the win last night because the team still hasn't shown they can play consistently like that nightin and night out. After watching A.C. throw another one of his dumb lob passes with under 2 min left, the F/O should be on the phone line making the West traderight now.

I swear I had a dream last night that the Nuggets traded for Mike Miller. I woke up this morning and went straight to
You can be our Nuggets pychic then. Do you have a premonition if/when Nene will be back? If he decides to come back I will be fine with no trade in the next 24hours.. But I'm losing hope on him.

And words can't describe how mad I am that teams like Houston are on a roll. First it was the Blazers winning 11 straight or something, then the Jazzwinning 10 straight, now the Rockets with 9 straight... The hell? Can somebody please give these teams a loss?
Originally Posted by SkyLarkster

You can be our Nuggets pychic then. Do you have a premonition if/when Nene will be back? If he decides to come back I will be fine with no trade in the next 24 hours.. But I'm losing hope on him.

And words can't describe how mad I am that teams like Houston are on a roll. First it was the Blazers winning 11 straight or something, then the Jazz winning 10 straight, now the Rockets with 9 straight... The hell? Can somebody please give these teams a loss?
Yea it'd be nice to get a good 7 or 8 game win streak going....but it seems like we can never win more than 3 in a row...I really wish wewould've gone after Artest but it doesnt look that like thats guna happen...At least Kenyon looks like he's back to his old form...
Hey, deadline isn't here just yet, there's still a slim chance. Get Artest damnit!

This is the best chance for my dude A.I. to get to the Finals again and claim that ring he deserves.
This move is reminiscent of the nuggets pre-melo days where the FO would make dumb decisions.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

BoutMyMoney333 wrote:
We gave up Wafer for Taurean Green

by the way things look, the Nuggets might not even get in the playoffs

The part that hurts the most is that the front office waited until the last minute to pull this one out like they pulled an ace out of their sleeve.This trade holds less significance that Kevin Hart accepting a scholarship to Califonia.
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