OFFICIAL DENVER NUGGETS Season Thread (Ok... Maybe we're not "finished")

George Karl bashing JR's performance last night was the last straw. They need to fire his #*%## %$#.

And Jmoneybaggz is dead on... that's what I been sayin for forever. AI needs to play point and the offense needs to be run through Melo. Put either JR orKleiza in at SG and just stop wasting all of our %*@%@*% time. This team is too damn good to play this way
THe fact that this squad just lost to the Bucks is too much. GK needs to get fired ASAP.
How did they blow a 23 point lead to the Bucks.
This is a disgrace.

This !#%% is enough. This is not a friendship. This is about the championship. I'm hearing Klieza being the owner's son has something to do with himnot being shipped out. !$%?
Y'all cats don't got longdistance calling? The team just watches the perimeter player's of other teams light them up. This is about to be the first post on my blog...I'm sickof this BS! Sick of it...

Thanks arog...
GK sabotaged that deal. Management was willing to let LK go but GK told them he didn't want to deal with Artest. I don't know what he has on managmentbut Jeff B was fired when the team didn't perform any worse than this team has.
Originally Posted by aepps20

GK sabotaged that deal. Management was willing to let LK go but GK told them he didn't want to deal with Artest. I don't know what he has on managment but Jeff B was fired when the team didn't perform any worse than this team has.

The hell type of weed is Karl smoking? Artest is acompetitor. You don't have to like him to deal with him..You think Phil was overjoyed to deal with Rodman? I doubt it, but he won 3 rings with the mu$%$%!Pull it...
First two games after trade deadline...

Gordon drops 37
Redd drops 42

And karl said we don't need artest

Thats 2 games we lost to below .500 teams in a row...and we got Detroit up next.... AND utah won 2night so now we are 2 losses behind them...

It wouldn't even surprise me at all if we beat Detroit and then went on the road get beat by the sonics...we r so bad on the road its pathetic...
Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

Originally Posted by aepps20

GK sabotaged that deal. Management was willing to let LK go but GK told them he didn't want to deal with Artest. I don't know what he has on managment but Jeff B was fired when the team didn't perform any worse than this team has.

The hell type of weed is Karl smoking? Artest is a competitor. You don't have to like him to deal with him..You think Phil was overjoyed to deal with Rodman? I doubt it, but he won 3 rings with the mu$%$%! Pull it...
No bull (no pun intended). George Karl is ******ed. As far as Jeff B getting the axe, all I can say is "sig check".
Let me pose a question: is there any possibility of Karl being replaced before the playoffs? How realistic is this?
ey JMoney....your first response on this page isn't totally edited bro.....after the stone face....
bumpin this thread, it took me a long time to find it.

today Denver plays Detroit at Denver. the way Detroit just dookieslapped the Suns, its lookin really bleak for the Nuggets right now.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

bumpin this thread, it took me a long time to find it.

today Denver plays Detroit at Denver. the way Detroit just dookieslapped the Suns, its lookin really bleak for the Nuggets right now.
If the game was on the road i would give them NO CHANCE...but since its at home...i'm 50/50 cuz this team is totally different at home than on theroad..
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Nuggets thugs ain't making the playoff appreciation . yea im a lakers fan

we have way too many racist people on nt

ne ways......

Did anyone see the Pistons game??...I know we lost but there is one play in the 4th that sticks out in my mind..that happens way too much...Camby got a greatpass and blew another layup...I swear as much of a beast he is on d...he has to be one of the softest bigs on offense in the league...all he wants to do istake jumpers and for some reason he REFUSES TO DUNK!!!!!....he's basically 7 foot and he misses layups all the time becuz he tries to lay it off the glassinstead of taking it up strong and dunking it....Does he not see want Kenyon does...You better believe Kenyon is not laying ne thing of the glass...he'sdunking it every chance he gets....

I've never been fan of a team that frustrates me more than this team does...I mean at least when I watch my Raiders I can handle their losses betterbecuz I know theyre just bad...
...but this team should be 2 or 3rd inthe west right now and they arent...<sigh>
this team should be 2 or 3rd in the west right now and they arent..
word, the only western conference team i ever rooted for was the lakers, but when Iverson came to Denver i started goin for them cuz dudes from myarea. man are they a disappointment.
This is the quote I will always remember when AI got traded to Denver:

"We've got a really good basketball coach," Warkentien said. "We've got a really good basketball staff. I was in Seattle when George had Gary Payton and Shawn Kemp. I don't see it ending up a lot differently. I saw George coach Gary Payton and Sam Cassell in Milwaukee. This is not a block George hasn't been around. He's been around this block, he's done laps around this block."
George seems a little gassed this time around. I have a scary feeling that he'll be our coach next year.

As for last night, I just feel bad for Adrian Dantley having to coach a team with no system in place. We shouldn't be where we are in the standings. We hada very generous schedule to start the year. I Just can't believe we are collapsing like this. I actually hope we get the chance to get bounced outof the first round this year.
These next games against the Clips and Seattle are MUST WINS.......yall wanna know why cuz after that look at our next 5 games

Sun, Mar 2 @ Houston
Wed, Mar 5 Phoenix
Fri, Mar 7 San Antonio
Sat, Mar 8 @ Utah
Mon, Mar 10 @ San Antonio

The way we have been playing I could easily see us lose all 5 of those.....We have to at least get 2 of those...Hopefully we can blow out Seattle and the Clipsand build some momentum going into this 5 game stretch...

When is Atkins supposed to come back?? I swear he's only played like 7 games this whole year....
Nuggets: Pick Up Team or Playoff Team?


By: Mike Moreau Last Updated: 2/26/08 9:47 AM ET | 4107 times read

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Go to any park or playground in any major city in America - from D.C. to Memphis to L.A. - and you will see pickup games with a style and rhythm of basketball unique to the outdoor run.

Or, you can watch the Denver Nuggets.

This team is super-talented and entertaining. However, their resemblance to a team getting a run on the blacktop might let them hold the court for a few hours or get regular season wins, but it won't lead to any success in the NBA playoffs.

In the tough Western Conference, it may even keep them out altogether.

These characteristics of the Nuggets pickup mentality were on full display in their home loss to the Detroit Pistons Monday night, and anyone who has ever hooped at the park could have easily recognized the signs:

Too Much One-on-One Play

No one can argue the individual offensive abilities of Carmelo Anthony and Allen Iverson. But, their monopolizing of the ball and forays to the basket against one, two or three defenders hurt their team's offensive development - and it will kill them in the playoffs.

The Nuggets have good perimeter three-point shooters in J.R. Smith, Linas Kleiza and Eduardo Najera, but they often find themselves standing all alone watching Iverson and Anthony take on the whole team. Stop the tape at any time at the end of an Iverson or Anthony move, and you will see them surrounded by defenders while shooters are standing all alone.

You see it at the park all the time.

Dependence On "Bail Out" Calls

The Nuggets depend entirely too much on calls by the officials at the end of plays. From Allen Iverson sticking out his legs and hitting the deck or flailing his arms on a drive to Carmelo yelling " OHHHHH!" every time he goes to the basket, Denver relies on the officials to bail them out of many bad or forced shots.

A lot of these calls they get are weak at best; the kind of calls that at the park lead to arguments ("That's a bull---- call") and altercations.

One typical reaction for the pickup defender getting chumped on calls is the universal "take the ball and heave it over the fence" - which has been perfected in cities across the country.

Every playground in America has a guy who bails himself out with weak calls when he misses shots. The Nuggets have a team full of them. These guys would be a nightmare at the park - every game would end in an argument, a fight, or the ball bouncing through the intersection down the block.

If they don't get the call, there is a momentary delay in getting back defensively - even players standing and glaring or arguing the no call. This leads to poor transition defense and last night led to some easy baskets for the Pistons, who don't exactly race down the floor 100 mph.

Anthony, Iverson and Kenyon Martin were all guilty of this last night, and Detroit time and time again got easy scores on the break.

In a pickup game, this happens all the time.

In an NBA game, it is inexcusable. And it leads to an early exit in the playoffs - or a failure to qualify.

Poor Overall Defensive Effort

Defense is first and foremost about effort and hard work. Forget blocked shots and steals - those are the "Sportscenter" moments of defense - which take brief, momentary effort. Good athletes can get these in their sleep. These plays are usually the result of "early" or "late" defense - going for a steal on the first or second pass, or reacting late and getting a blocked shot at the rim.

Stand outside the fence of any pickup game with good athletes, and you will see plenty of these.

Good, consistent team defense requires constant effort and communication on every play - which means running the floor, picking up men early and helping teammates.

Pickup 5-on-5 tends to become a lot of 3-on-2, 4-on-3, and 5-on-4. Every team seems to have a guy or two who just doesn't seem to have much interest in getting back. Either that guy is out of shape, doesn't care, or well…maybe a little bit of something else. These are the same guys who all of a sudden "come alive" on the offensive end.

When arguably the most athletic starting five in the NBA - which means on the planet - is consistently beaten down the floor by speedsters like Rasheed Wallace and Antonio McDyess, your team is in trouble.

Inability To Defend Key Situations

Check out the local five-man outdoor run or game at the rec, and there's also not a whole lot of team defensive rotation or communication on key possession or in certain offensive situations.

There is always increased effort on "game point" or "point game" (depending on your city of origin), but usually the execution isn't there from the local pick up squad.

Ditto for the NBA's Denver Nuggets last night.

In Detroit's halfcourt sets, the Nuggets got picked, rubbed off and lost on possession after possession.

Whether is was Wallace or McDyess catching at the elbow and reading cutters and screeners, or on screen/rolls for Chauncey Billups, Detroit got whatever they wanted. Only a poor shooting night kept them from winning by double digits.

In defending screens on and off the ball, sometimes Denver switched, sometimes they sort of switched, sometimes they thought they were switching but both defenders went with the same guy, and sometimes they just didn't do anything.

Switching defensively takes the least effort, and Denver does that a lot on screening situations. Guess what most guys do at the park in those same situations?

But, it creates horrible mismatches in the NBA good offensive teams just destroy.

On double-teams and rotations, Denver usually had three or four guys who did, and one or two guys who didn't - leading to easy jump shots and lay-ups for Detroit all night.

This was especially true at the end of the game when team defense wins and loses games.

With under three minutes to play and the Pistons up 88-85, Chauncey Billups and Antonio McDyess worked a ballscreen on the left side. J.R. Smith and Marcus Camby failed to communicate, both stayed in no man's land - not really guarding either guy - and Billups rifled a pass to McDyess for the baseline jumper to put the Pistons up five.

On the next possession, Billups came off a high ballscreen, the Nuggets let him turn the corner and Camby switched onto him. Billups ate him up with a snap-back three putting Detroit up seven.

Switch your center onto an All-Star point guard and that's usually what you get. Good defensive teams hedge, force and recover. Bad defensive teams switch and hope.

Denver has as much talent as anyone in the NBA. They could be one of the top teams in the league at both ends of the floor. They could beat any team in the league in a seven-game series.

They would never lose at the park.

That kind of talent will get them lots of wins in the regular season, but as long as they play more like a pickup team and less like a playoff team, they will be much more feared at playgrounds across America than in arenas around the NBA.
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Gordon drops 37.
Redd drops 42.

Hmm. I wonder if the problem is JR Smith. Nope. It must be George Karl.

Rodman was out there, but he wasn't crazy. Ron Artest is a complete nutjob. He's probably a manic depressive. One day he's awesome. The nextday he wants to fight his own family. Artest wasn't going to solve any problems in Denver. Stop pretending as if it would.
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