Official Depression thread

I've had my issues with depression in the past, but my roommate is really worrying me.

He admitted to being depressed after about two months of living together and ever since then it's been downhill.  When he told me about it I gave him the number of a few doctors from my job and told him to make an appointment.  A few weeks pass and I notice he's getting worse and worse (sleeping all day, drinking, not leaving his room, etc.). It got to the point where he was drinking himself to the point of being sick, calling into work so he could drink all day, and repeating the cycle.  By the third day I basically made him go see a doctor.  I scheduled the appointment and everything.  He went, but they didn't do anything for him other than refer him to a psychologist.  He ended up going to the psychologist once, but he said his insurance didn't cover it so he stopped going.  When I asked him if he tried to find a new psychologist/psychiatrist covered by his insurance he said no.  He stayed at a baseline level of depression for a while, but the week before Thanksgiving it got really bad.  Slipped into the cycle of drinking and calling in sick to work.  I finally got his brother and a few friends involved and we staged a quasi-intervention where we addressed his depression, drinking, missing work, burning bridges, etc.  He seemed receptive to it all and spent a few weeks getting better (started going to the gym, bought some stuff to help spruce up the apartment, was drinking less, etc.) but he's  back to square one again.  He spent the whole weekend drinking by himself and sleeping.  I grilled him about his behavior last night and everything I said was met with a sarcastic "yep."  I asked him if he had followed through with getting an appointment for a psychiatrist/psychologist and he flatly said "nope."  When I asked him if he was going to he said "nope."  

At this point he's hurting himself just to spite me (I give him crap for never cleaning up after himself/other various inconsiderate behaviors).  I just feel like I've hit a wall with him.  I've tried to help him over and over but he just won't help himself. At this point I'm thinking of breaking the lease agreement and moving out.  It sucks.  My apartment is beautiful and it's in an amazing location, but living with him is getting unbearable.  

If any NTers have been in a similar scenario or have any words of wisdom, I'm more than willing to listen.
Focus on what you can control

Leave? And find another room mate

If he wants to change he has to do it himself
with this thread's existence and what people have talked about please know that there's a difference of being depressed and having depression. Be wary of the weight of the words you use
with this thread's existence and what people have talked about please know that there's a difference of being depressed and having depression. Be wary of the weight of the words you use


i've had this chill in my veins since i've been 7th grade
If you're looking for meds then yeah you gotta go to a doctor...but if you dont want meds or dont want to pay the $ try this mane:

Eat extremely healthy - I'm talking fruits, veggies, only whole grains, no cheese, lean meats, no fried food, no fast food...

Drink a ton of water throughout the day


It's shown to reduce depression and anxiety. You dont have to be a monk to start meditating. seriously

Exercise - cardio and lifting both.

In addition to those 3, do some hobby and work on it. You like playing bball? go the gym and ball for a looong time. play 5's, shoot around... Whatever interests you just do that.

Id suggest reading the ultra mind solution its a book on nutrition. You dont have to follow it verbatim but itll give you an idea of how important nutrition is to our mental and physical health. Good luck 
Comparison Ford Comparison Ford I basically was your roommate. I'd keep trying, hopefully he can snap out of it before he gets even deeper in it. Just try to get his *** out of his room for a while or just sit in his room with him and shoot the ****. He knows he's ******* up, eventually he will cave and hear you.

Did something happen to him recently or something?
I need to see a doctor but they are too god damn expensive....

If you'd like to see a psychologist try calling #211 and ask for information on those local to you. I'm not sure about where you live but several mental health services local to me provide service on a sliding scale(the cost is income based). Some will even do it for free if you qualify. As someone mentioned, several ssri's(the most commonly prescribed antidepressants) are inexpensive.
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Been lacking motivation and just been feeling down lately. Not where I wanna be in life. Fam issues, $$ issues + my homeboy recently passing got your boy in the dumps. I'm a pretty positive person...usually an "everything works out guy", but damn...can't catch a break. Need to get back on my sht. 2015 wasn't my year man. Life got real. Roller coaster. Imma bounce back though :pimp:.
I'm almost at 2 years now of not being able to work or work out, or do anything at all really.

NT definitely helps, there's lots of great people here and also plenty of entertainment. The most important thing to me is having a hobby that is rewarding, fun and can be done daily.

I run an online business which not only helps keep me busy every day but earns me a lot of money as well.

Another person I've talked to on NT that's in a similar predicament uses lego as a hobby. Keeps him busy and it's both calming and rewarding when you finish a lego set.

It's little things like that that can significantly improve your state of mind in such situations.
Why can't you workout? Injury?

Also, how did you start your own online biz? I've seeking tips on how to do this for the longest. You can PM me so we don't detract from the thread.
Been lacking motivation and just been feeling down lately. Not where I wanna be in life. Fam issues, $$ issues + my homeboy recently passing got your boy in the dumps. I'm a pretty positive person...usually an "everything works out guy", but damn...can't catch a break. Need to get back on my sht. 2015 wasn't my year man. Life got real. Roller coaster. Imma bounce back though :pimp:.

You gonna be alright with that attitude. Just keep at it :smokin
@Comparison Ford I basically was your roommate. I'd keep trying, hopefully he can snap out of it before he gets even deeper in it. Just try to get his *** out of his room for a while or just sit in his room with him and shoot the ****. He knows he's ******* up, eventually he will cave and hear you.

Did something happen to him recently or something?
Nothing happened to him recently.  He was dating a girl from 2007 to 2012 and she upped and left him for another dude (mostly due to his drinking).

It's been 3 years and he's still not over it.  Alcohol has done nothing good for him.  He's ruined 2 other friendships from being an obnoxious drunk since the breakup.  At this point he has no close friends other than myself, but at this point I'm done with the kid.  He's doing the same thing to me that he did to them.  He gets drunk, gets obnoxious, says stupid/disrespectful things, and alienates himself even further.  I don't even like bringing him out with me anymore.  Every person that meets him thinks he's a **** because he has no clue how to talk to people.  He hasn't even gone on a single date since the breakup.  He's not over her, and he dwells on the fact that he lost friends but he'll never acknowledge anything he might have done to push people away.

I've tried to get this kid help over and over only to get nowhere.  I don't know what else I can do, and at this point in time it's hard for me to care.  We're not speaking and I'm not apologizing or initiating conversation because I did nothing wrong.  He can come to me when he's ready to get his life together.  
Yeah dude needs to stop drinking already. I didn't know he was being a douche to the whole world. Keeping to yourself and being depressed is one thing. Taking your anger out on everyone else is another. I feel you and I'd ditch him too. Sounds like you tried your best man. You can only have so much patience with someone.
Been lacking motivation and just been feeling down lately. Not where I wanna be in life. Fam issues, $$ issues + my homeboy recently passing got your boy in the dumps. I'm a pretty positive person...usually an "everything works out guy", but damn...can't catch a break. Need to get back on my sht. 2015 wasn't my year man. Life got real. Roller coaster. Imma bounce back though :pimp:.

Keep your head up homie

My 2015 has been tough too, but im gona kill it in 2016 :pimp:

I know this way outside the box of modern day society, but for those seeking help and happiness, check the videos out. If you are interested and want more information, DM me.
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I know this way outside the box of modern day society, but for those seeking help and happiness, check the videos out. If you are interested and want more information, DM me.
Psychedelics are cool until you have a bad trip.  I really wouldn't recommend them to anyone that has underlying anxiety issues.  I fall into this category and had a terrible experience. Honestly set me back a few years trying to recoup.  

This is gonna sound stupid, but listening to old clips of Adam Carolla on Loveline helped me the most with situational depression.  His message is simple: you're the only person that can control your situation, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop viewing yourself as a victim, and start actively trying to change your life for the better because no one else is gonna do it for you:

Yeah I wouldn't tell anyone to do psychs. I do them a lot and know how to keep my mind in the right place no matter what I'm going through but it can get draining keeping yourself on track through your trip. Then the next day you just feel wiped out.

Idk it's just one of those things that takes practice. Do them if you want but start very small you have to learn how to navigate that trip.
Yeah I wouldn't tell anyone to do psychs. I do them a lot and know how to keep my mind in the right place no matter what I'm going through but it can get draining keeping yourself on track through your trip. Then the next day you just feel wiped out.

Idk it's just one of those things that takes practice. Do them if you want but start very small you have to learn how to navigate that trip.

My first comedown was awful. I remember being up at 4am and wanting to go tell my parents to take me to the hospital. This was on shrooms bruh..
I agree, set and setting are the most important things when taking a psychedelic. There's a big difference between throwing mushrooms on a pizza at a party and taking mushrooms in nature and doing yoga or meditating.

If done correctly, psychedelics can heal wounds you never thought were there.

And auyahuasca and DMT are different animals entirely.

Maybe it's because I'm not a usual smoker but I've tried DMT TWICE with no trip. I felt a rush coming but that's it.

You may have burnt the crystals. How many times did you hit the bong or pipe?
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